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#include "texturemanager.h"
#include "animatedtexture.h"
#include <core/resourcemanager.h>
#include <thirdparty/apngloader.h>
TextureManager g_textures;
TexturePtr TextureManager::getTexture(const std::string& textureFile)
TexturePtr texture;
// check if the texture is already loaded
auto it = m_textures.find(textureFile);
if(it != m_textures.end()) {
texture = it->second.lock();
// texture not found, load it
if(!texture) {
try {
// currently only png textures are supported
if(!boost::ends_with(textureFile, ".png"))
throw std::logic_error("texture file format no supported");
// load texture file data
std::stringstream fin;
g_resources.loadFile(textureFile, fin);
texture = loadPNG(fin);
} catch(std::exception& e) {
logError("ERROR: unable to load texture '",textureFile,"': ", e.what());
return texture;
TexturePtr TextureManager::loadPNG(std::stringstream& file)
TexturePtr texture;
apng_data apng;
if(load_apng(file, &apng) == 0) {
if(apng.num_frames > 1) { // animated texture
uchar *framesdata = apng.pdata + (apng.first_frame * apng.width * apng.height * apng.bpp);
texture = TexturePtr(new AnimatedTexture(apng.width, apng.height, apng.bpp, apng.num_frames, framesdata, (int*)apng.frames_delay));
} else
texture = TexturePtr(new Texture(apng.width, apng.height, apng.bpp, apng.pdata));
return texture;