Fix: Multiline npc messages

- Multiline npc messages with curly braces will now display correctly
- Curly braces are no longer shown in screen
- Removed some tabs  in spellsystem :S My bad ..

TODO: Hightlight text in screen area not only in console?
Samuel 12 years ago
parent c0a3b083f6
commit 95e46dbbaf

@ -272,8 +272,8 @@ function addText(text, speaktype, tabName, creatureName)
-- Contains letter width for font "verdana-11px-antialised" as console is based on it
local letterWidth = {
[32] = 4, [33] = 3, [34] = 6, [35] = 8, [36] = 7, [37] = 13, [38] = 9, [39] = 3, [40] = 5, [41] = 5, [42] = 6, [43] = 8, [44] = 4, [45] = 5, [46] = 3, [47] = 8,
local letterWidth = { -- New line (10) and Space (32) have width 1 because they are printed and not replaced with spacer
[10] = 1, [32] = 1, [33] = 3, [34] = 6, [35] = 8, [36] = 7, [37] = 13, [38] = 9, [39] = 3, [40] = 5, [41] = 5, [42] = 6, [43] = 8, [44] = 4, [45] = 5, [46] = 3, [47] = 8,
[48] = 7, [49] = 6, [50] = 7, [51] = 7, [52] = 7, [53] = 7, [54] = 7, [55] = 7, [56] = 7, [57] = 7, [58] = 3, [59] = 4, [60] = 8, [61] = 8, [62] = 8, [63] = 6,
[64] = 10, [65] = 9, [66] = 7, [67] = 7, [68] = 8, [69] = 7, [70] = 7, [71] = 8, [72] = 8, [73] = 5, [74] = 5, [75] = 7, [76] = 7, [77] = 9, [78] = 8, [79] = 8,
[80] = 7, [81] = 8, [82] = 8, [83] = 7, [84] = 8, [85] = 8, [86] = 8, [87] = 12, [88] = 8, [89] = 8, [90] = 7, [91] = 5, [92] = 8, [93] = 5, [94] = 9, [95] = 8,
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ function addTabText(text, speaktype, tab, creatureName)
local player = g_game.getLocalPlayer()
if speaktype.npcChat and player:getName() ~= creatureName then -- Check if it is the npc who is talking
if speaktype.npcChat and (player:getName() ~= creatureName or player:getName() == 'Account Manager') then -- Check if it is the npc who is talking
local highlightData = getHighlightedText(text)
if #highlightData == 0 then
@ -341,16 +341,30 @@ function addTabText(text, speaktype, tab, creatureName)
-- Calculate the positions of the highlighted text and fill with string.char(127) [Width: 1]
local drawText = label:getDrawText()
local tmpText = ""
for i = 1, #highlightData / 3 do
local dataBlock = { _start = highlightData[(i-1)*3+1], _end = highlightData[(i-1)*3+2], words = highlightData[(i-1)*3+3] }
local lastBlockEnd = (highlightData[(i-2)*3+2] or 1)
for letter = lastBlockEnd, dataBlock._start-1 do
tmpText = tmpText .. string.rep(string.char(127), letterWidth[string.byte(text:sub(letter, letter))])
local tmpChar = string.byte(drawText:sub(letter, letter))
local fillChar = (tmpChar == 10 or tmpChar == 32) and string.char(tmpChar) or string.char(127)
tmpText = tmpText .. string.rep(fillChar, letterWidth[tmpChar])
tmpText = tmpText .. dataBlock.words
-- Fill the highlight label to the same size as default label
local finalBlockEnd = (highlightData[(#highlightData/3-1)*3+2] or 1)
for letter = finalBlockEnd, drawText:len() do
local tmpChar = string.byte(drawText:sub(letter, letter))
local fillChar = (tmpChar == 10 or tmpChar == 32) and string.char(tmpChar) or string.char(127)
tmpText = tmpText .. string.rep(fillChar, letterWidth[tmpChar])
@ -536,8 +550,20 @@ function onTalk(name, level, mode, message, channelId, creaturePos)
mode == MessageModes.Spell or mode == MessageModes.MonsterSay or mode == MessageModes.MonsterYell or
mode == MessageModes.NpcFrom or mode == MessageModes.BarkLow or mode == MessageModes.BarkLoud) and
creaturePos then
-- Remove curly braces from screen message
local staticMessage = message
if mode == MessageModes.NpcFrom then
local highlightData = getHighlightedText(staticMessage)
if #highlightData > 0 then
for i = 1, #highlightData / 3 do
local dataBlock = { _start = highlightData[(i-1)*3+1], _end = highlightData[(i-1)*3+2], words = highlightData[(i-1)*3+3] }
staticMessage = staticMessage:gsub("{"..dataBlock.words.."}", dataBlock.words)
local staticText = StaticText.create()
staticText:addMessage(name, mode, message)
staticText:addMessage(name, mode, staticMessage)
g_map.addThing(staticText, creaturePos, -1)

@ -266,8 +266,6 @@ function updateSpelllist()
local tmpLabel = spellList:getChildById(spell)
local localPlayer = g_game.getLocalPlayer()
if not info.level then print(spell) end
if (not(filters.level) or info.level <= localPlayer:getLevel()) and (not(filters.vocation) or table.find(info.vocations, localPlayer:getVocation())) and (filters.vocationId == FILTER_VOCATION_ANY or table.find(info.vocations, filters.vocationId) or table.find(info.vocations, filters.vocationId+4)) and (filters.groupId == FILTER_GROUP_ANY or[filters.groupId]) and (filters.premium == FILTER_PREMIUM_ANY or (info.premium and filters.premium == FILTER_PREMIUM_YES) or (not(info.premium) and filters.premium == FILTER_PREMIUM_NO)) then
