Fix: Multiline npc messages

- Multiline npc messages with curly braces will now display correctly
- Curly braces are no longer shown in screen
- Removed some tabs  in spellsystem :S My bad ..

TODO: Hightlight text in screen area not only in console?
Samuel 12 years ago
parent c0a3b083f6
commit 95e46dbbaf

@ -272,8 +272,8 @@ function addText(text, speaktype, tabName, creatureName)
-- Contains letter width for font "verdana-11px-antialised" as console is based on it
local letterWidth = {
[32] = 4, [33] = 3, [34] = 6, [35] = 8, [36] = 7, [37] = 13, [38] = 9, [39] = 3, [40] = 5, [41] = 5, [42] = 6, [43] = 8, [44] = 4, [45] = 5, [46] = 3, [47] = 8,
local letterWidth = { -- New line (10) and Space (32) have width 1 because they are printed and not replaced with spacer
[10] = 1, [32] = 1, [33] = 3, [34] = 6, [35] = 8, [36] = 7, [37] = 13, [38] = 9, [39] = 3, [40] = 5, [41] = 5, [42] = 6, [43] = 8, [44] = 4, [45] = 5, [46] = 3, [47] = 8,
[48] = 7, [49] = 6, [50] = 7, [51] = 7, [52] = 7, [53] = 7, [54] = 7, [55] = 7, [56] = 7, [57] = 7, [58] = 3, [59] = 4, [60] = 8, [61] = 8, [62] = 8, [63] = 6,
[64] = 10, [65] = 9, [66] = 7, [67] = 7, [68] = 8, [69] = 7, [70] = 7, [71] = 8, [72] = 8, [73] = 5, [74] = 5, [75] = 7, [76] = 7, [77] = 9, [78] = 8, [79] = 8,
[80] = 7, [81] = 8, [82] = 8, [83] = 7, [84] = 8, [85] = 8, [86] = 8, [87] = 12, [88] = 8, [89] = 8, [90] = 7, [91] = 5, [92] = 8, [93] = 5, [94] = 9, [95] = 8,
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ function addTabText(text, speaktype, tab, creatureName)
local player = g_game.getLocalPlayer()
if speaktype.npcChat and player:getName() ~= creatureName then -- Check if it is the npc who is talking
if speaktype.npcChat and (player:getName() ~= creatureName or player:getName() == 'Account Manager') then -- Check if it is the npc who is talking
local highlightData = getHighlightedText(text)
if #highlightData == 0 then
@ -341,16 +341,30 @@ function addTabText(text, speaktype, tab, creatureName)
-- Calculate the positions of the highlighted text and fill with string.char(127) [Width: 1]
local drawText = label:getDrawText()
local tmpText = ""
for i = 1, #highlightData / 3 do
local dataBlock = { _start = highlightData[(i-1)*3+1], _end = highlightData[(i-1)*3+2], words = highlightData[(i-1)*3+3] }
local lastBlockEnd = (highlightData[(i-2)*3+2] or 1)
for letter = lastBlockEnd, dataBlock._start-1 do
tmpText = tmpText .. string.rep(string.char(127), letterWidth[string.byte(text:sub(letter, letter))])
local tmpChar = string.byte(drawText:sub(letter, letter))
local fillChar = (tmpChar == 10 or tmpChar == 32) and string.char(tmpChar) or string.char(127)
tmpText = tmpText .. string.rep(fillChar, letterWidth[tmpChar])
tmpText = tmpText .. dataBlock.words
-- Fill the highlight label to the same size as default label
local finalBlockEnd = (highlightData[(#highlightData/3-1)*3+2] or 1)
for letter = finalBlockEnd, drawText:len() do
local tmpChar = string.byte(drawText:sub(letter, letter))
local fillChar = (tmpChar == 10 or tmpChar == 32) and string.char(tmpChar) or string.char(127)
tmpText = tmpText .. string.rep(fillChar, letterWidth[tmpChar])
@ -536,8 +550,20 @@ function onTalk(name, level, mode, message, channelId, creaturePos)
mode == MessageModes.Spell or mode == MessageModes.MonsterSay or mode == MessageModes.MonsterYell or
mode == MessageModes.NpcFrom or mode == MessageModes.BarkLow or mode == MessageModes.BarkLoud) and
creaturePos then
-- Remove curly braces from screen message
local staticMessage = message
if mode == MessageModes.NpcFrom then
local highlightData = getHighlightedText(staticMessage)
if #highlightData > 0 then
for i = 1, #highlightData / 3 do
local dataBlock = { _start = highlightData[(i-1)*3+1], _end = highlightData[(i-1)*3+2], words = highlightData[(i-1)*3+3] }
staticMessage = staticMessage:gsub("{"..dataBlock.words.."}", dataBlock.words)
local staticText = StaticText.create()
staticText:addMessage(name, mode, message)
staticText:addMessage(name, mode, staticMessage)
g_map.addThing(staticText, creaturePos, -1)

@ -38,16 +38,16 @@ function hide()
function updateProgressRect(progressRect, interval, init)
if init then
progressRect:setPercent(progressRect:getPercent() + 4)
if progressRect:getPercent() < 100 then
progressRect.event = scheduleEvent(function() updateProgressRect(progressRect, interval) end, interval)
if init then
progressRect:setPercent(progressRect:getPercent() + 4)
if progressRect:getPercent() < 100 then
progressRect.event = scheduleEvent(function() updateProgressRect(progressRect, interval) end, interval)
function onSpellCooldown(iconId, duration)
@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ function onSpellCooldown(iconId, duration)
icon:setImageSource('/game_cooldown/icons/' .. SpelllistSettings[modules.game_spelllist.getSpelllistProfile()].iconFile)
icon.event = scheduleEvent(function() icon:destroy() end, duration)
icon.event = scheduleEvent(function() icon:destroy() end, duration)
local progressRect = g_ui.createWidget('SpellProgressRect', icon)
updateProgressRect(progressRect, duration/25, true)
local progressRect = g_ui.createWidget('SpellProgressRect', icon)
updateProgressRect(progressRect, duration/25, true)
@ -83,11 +83,11 @@ function onSpellGroupCooldown(groupId, duration)
if icon then
icon.event = scheduleEvent(function() icon:setOn(false) end, duration)
icon.event = scheduleEvent(function() icon:setOn(false) end, duration)
if progressRect then
updateProgressRect(progressRect, duration/25, true)
updateProgressRect(progressRect, duration/25, true)

@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ end
function init()
connect(g_game, { onGameStart = setOptions,
onGameEnd = resetWindow })
onGameEnd = resetWindow })
spelllistWindow = g_ui.displayUI('spelllist.otui', modules.game_interface.getRightPanel())
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ end
function terminate()
disconnect(g_game, { onGameStart = setOptions,
onGameEnd = resetWindow,
onGameEnd = resetWindow,
onSpellGroupCooldown = modules.game_interface.setGroupCooldown,
onSpellCooldown = onSpellCooldown })
@ -221,19 +221,19 @@ function initialiseSpelllist()
local iconId = tonumber(info.icon)
if not iconId and SpellIcons[info.icon] then
if not iconId and SpellIcons[info.icon] then
iconId = SpellIcons[info.icon][1]
if not(iconId) then
perror('Spell icon \'' .. info.icon .. '\' not found.')
tmpLabel:setHeight(SpelllistSettings[SpelllistProfile].iconSize.height + 4)
tmpLabel:setTextOffset(topoint((SpelllistSettings[SpelllistProfile].iconSize.width + 10) .. ' ' .. (SpelllistSettings[SpelllistProfile].iconSize.height - 32)/2 + 3))
tmpLabel:setImageSource('/game_spelllist/icons/' .. SpelllistSettings[SpelllistProfile].iconFile)
tmpLabel:setHeight(SpelllistSettings[SpelllistProfile].iconSize.height + 4)
tmpLabel:setTextOffset(topoint((SpelllistSettings[SpelllistProfile].iconSize.width + 10) .. ' ' .. (SpelllistSettings[SpelllistProfile].iconSize.height - 32)/2 + 3))
tmpLabel:setImageSource('/game_spelllist/icons/' .. SpelllistSettings[SpelllistProfile].iconFile)
tmpLabel:setImageSize(tosize(SpelllistSettings[SpelllistProfile].iconSize.width .. ' ' .. SpelllistSettings[SpelllistProfile].iconSize.height))
tmpLabel:setImageSize(tosize(SpelllistSettings[SpelllistProfile].iconSize.width .. ' ' .. SpelllistSettings[SpelllistProfile].iconSize.height))
tmpLabel.onClick = updateSpellInformation
@ -266,8 +266,6 @@ function updateSpelllist()
local tmpLabel = spellList:getChildById(spell)
local localPlayer = g_game.getLocalPlayer()
if not info.level then print(spell) end
if (not(filters.level) or info.level <= localPlayer:getLevel()) and (not(filters.vocation) or table.find(info.vocations, localPlayer:getVocation())) and (filters.vocationId == FILTER_VOCATION_ANY or table.find(info.vocations, filters.vocationId) or table.find(info.vocations, filters.vocationId+4)) and (filters.groupId == FILTER_GROUP_ANY or[filters.groupId]) and (filters.premium == FILTER_PREMIUM_ANY or (info.premium and filters.premium == FILTER_PREMIUM_YES) or (not(info.premium) and filters.premium == FILTER_PREMIUM_NO)) then
@ -315,7 +313,7 @@ function updateSpellInformation(widget)
level = info.level
mana = info.mana .. ' / ' .. info.soul
premium = (info.premium and 'yes' or 'no')
description = info.description or '-'
description = info.description or '-'

@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ SpelllistSettings = {
['Default'] = {
iconFile = 'icons.png',
iconSize = {width = 32, height = 32},
spellListWidth = 210,
spellWindowWidth = 550,
spellIcons = {[39] = 'Strong Haste', [131] = 'Charge', [91] = 'Poison Bomb', [22] = 'Energy Beam', [142] = 'Envenom', [48] = 'Conjure Poisoned Arrow', [49] = 'Conjure Explosive Arrow', [114] = 'Icicle', [130] = 'Holy Missile', [56] = 'Wrath of Nature', [112] = 'Ice Strike', [87] = 'Death Strike', [10] = 'Light', [24] = 'Hells Core', [75] = 'Ultimate Light', [151] = 'Strong Energy Strike', [42] = 'Food', [117] = 'Thunderstorm', [156] = 'Ultimate Ice Strike', [18] = 'Explosion', [116] = 'Stone Shower', [59] = 'Front Sweep', [11] = 'Great Light', [155] = 'Ultimate Energy Strike', [115] = 'Avalanche', [118] = 'Eternal Winter', [82] = 'Mass Healing', [139] = 'Curser', [54] = 'Paralyze', [15] = 'Fireball', [157] = 'Ultimate Terra Strike', [83] = 'Animate Dead', [9] = 'Summon Creature', [13] = 'Energy Wave', [5] = 'Ultimate Healing Rune', [88] = 'Energy Strike', [86] = 'Magic Wall', [19] = 'Fire Wave', [149] = 'Lightning', [14] = 'Chameleon', [29] = 'Cure Poison', [78] = 'Desintegrate', [105] = 'Fierce Berserk', [108] = 'Conjure Sniper Arrow', [30] = 'Destroy Field', [12] = 'Convince Creature', [4] = 'Intense Healing Rune', [31] = 'Cure Poison Rune', [152] = 'Strong Ice Strike', [21] = 'Sudden Death', [27] = 'Energy Field', [80] = 'Berserk', [55] = 'Energybomb', [28] = 'Fire Wall', [43] = 'Strong Ice Wave', [50] = 'Soulfire', [57] = 'Strong Ethereal Spear', [26] = 'Poison Field', [61] = 'Brutal Strike', [17] = 'Firebomb', [45] = 'Invisibility', [20] = 'Find Person', [146] = 'Cure Electrification', [7] = 'Light Magic Missile', [16] = 'Great Fireball', [92] = 'Enchant Staff', [148] = 'Physical Strike', [132] = 'Protector', [111] = 'Ethereal Spear', [143] = 'Holy Flash', [77] = 'Stalagmite', [33] = 'Energy Wall', [107] = 'Whirlwind Throw', [38] = 'Creature Illusion', [158] = 'Intense Wound Cleansing', [124] = 'Divine Caldera', [84] = 'Heal Friend', [8] = 'Heavy Magic Missile', [25] = 'Fire Field', [125] = 'Divine Healing', [140] = 'Electrify', [95] = 'Conjure Power Bolt', [36] = 'Salvation', [134] = 'Swift Foot', [109] = 'Conjure Piercing Bolt', [79] = 'Conjure Bolt', [141] = 'Inflict Wound', [153] = 'Strong Terra Strike', [1] = 'Light Healing', [51] = 'Conjure Arrow', [123] = 'Wound Cleansing', [129] = 'Enchant Party', [128] = 'Heal Party', [127] = 'Protect Party', [126] = 'Train Party', [23] = 'Great Energy Beam', [2] = 'Intense Healing', [133] = 'Blood Rage', [160] = 'Intense Recovery', [94] = 'Wild Growth', [89] = 'Flame Strike', [147] = 'Cure Curse', [93] = 'Challenge', [90] = 'Cancel Invisibility', [110] = 'Enchant Spear', [6] = 'Haste', [44] = 'Magic Shield', [81] = 'Levitate', [145] = 'Cure Burning', [76] = 'Magic Rope', [3] = 'Ultimate Healing', [159] = 'Recovery', [122] = 'Divine Missile', [120] = 'Terra Wave', [144] = 'Cure Bleeding', [150] = 'Strong Flame Strike', [113] = 'Terra Strike', [62] = 'Annihilation', [121] = 'Ice Wave', [135] = 'Sharpshooter', [138] = 'Ignite', [32] = 'Poison Wall', [119] = 'Rage of the Skies', [154] = 'Ultimate Flame Strike', [106] = 'Groundshaker'},
spellOrder = {'Animate Dead', 'Annihilation', 'Avalanche', 'Berserk', 'Blood Rage', 'Brutal Strike', 'Cancel Invisibility', 'Challenge', 'Chameleon', 'Charge', 'Conjure Arrow', 'Conjure Bolt', 'Conjure Explosive Arrow', 'Conjure Piercing Bolt', 'Conjure Poisoned Arrow', 'Conjure Power Bolt', 'Conjure Sniper Arrow', 'Convince Creature', 'Creature Illusion', 'Cure Bleeding', 'Cure Burning', 'Cure Curse', 'Cure Electrification', 'Cure Poison', 'Cure Poison Rune', 'Curser', 'Death Strike', 'Desintegrate', 'Destroy Field', 'Divine Caldera', 'Divine Healing', 'Divine Missile', 'Electrify', 'Enchant Party', 'Enchant Spear', 'Enchant Staff', 'Energy Beam', 'Energy Field', 'Energy Strike', 'Energy Wall', 'Energy Wave', 'Energybomb', 'Envenom', 'Eternal Winter', 'Ethereal Spear', 'Explosion', 'Fierce Berserk', 'Find Person', 'Fire Field', 'Fire Wall', 'Fire Wave', 'Fireball', 'Firebomb', 'Flame Strike', 'Food', 'Front Sweep', 'Great Energy Beam', 'Great Fireball', 'Great Light', 'Groundshaker', 'Haste', 'Heal Friend', 'Heal Party', 'Heavy Magic Missile', 'Hells Core', 'Holy Flash', 'Holy Missile', 'Ice Strike', 'Ice Wave', 'Icicle', 'Ignite', 'Inflict Wound', 'Intense Healing', 'Intense Healing Rune', 'Intense Recovery', 'Intense Wound Cleansing', 'Invisibility', 'Levitate', 'Light', 'Light Healing', 'Light Magic Missile', 'Lightning', 'Magic Rope', 'Magic Shield', 'Magic Wall', 'Mass Healing', 'Paralyze', 'Physical Strike', 'Poison Bomb', 'Poison Field', 'Poison Wall', 'Protect Party', 'Protector', 'Rage of the Skies', 'Recovery', 'Salvation', 'Sharpshooter', 'Soulfire', 'Stalagmite', 'Stone Shower', 'Strong Energy Strike', 'Strong Ethereal Spear', 'Strong Flame Strike', 'Strong Haste', 'Strong Ice Strike', 'Strong Ice Wave', 'Strong Terra Strike', 'Sudden Death', 'Summon Creature', 'Swift Foot', 'Terra Strike', 'Terra Wave', 'Thunderstorm', 'Train Party', 'Ultimate Energy Strike', 'Ultimate Flame Strike', 'Ultimate Healing', 'Ultimate Healing Rune', 'Ultimate Ice Strike', 'Ultimate Light', 'Ultimate Terra Strike', 'Whirlwind Throw', 'Wild Growth', 'Wound Cleansing', 'Wrath of Nature'}
spellListWidth = 210,
spellWindowWidth = 550,
spellIcons = {[39] = 'Strong Haste', [131] = 'Charge', [91] = 'Poison Bomb', [22] = 'Energy Beam', [142] = 'Envenom', [48] = 'Conjure Poisoned Arrow', [49] = 'Conjure Explosive Arrow', [114] = 'Icicle', [130] = 'Holy Missile', [56] = 'Wrath of Nature', [112] = 'Ice Strike', [87] = 'Death Strike', [10] = 'Light', [24] = 'Hells Core', [75] = 'Ultimate Light', [151] = 'Strong Energy Strike', [42] = 'Food', [117] = 'Thunderstorm', [156] = 'Ultimate Ice Strike', [18] = 'Explosion', [116] = 'Stone Shower', [59] = 'Front Sweep', [11] = 'Great Light', [155] = 'Ultimate Energy Strike', [115] = 'Avalanche', [118] = 'Eternal Winter', [82] = 'Mass Healing', [139] = 'Curser', [54] = 'Paralyze', [15] = 'Fireball', [157] = 'Ultimate Terra Strike', [83] = 'Animate Dead', [9] = 'Summon Creature', [13] = 'Energy Wave', [5] = 'Ultimate Healing Rune', [88] = 'Energy Strike', [86] = 'Magic Wall', [19] = 'Fire Wave', [149] = 'Lightning', [14] = 'Chameleon', [29] = 'Cure Poison', [78] = 'Desintegrate', [105] = 'Fierce Berserk', [108] = 'Conjure Sniper Arrow', [30] = 'Destroy Field', [12] = 'Convince Creature', [4] = 'Intense Healing Rune', [31] = 'Cure Poison Rune', [152] = 'Strong Ice Strike', [21] = 'Sudden Death', [27] = 'Energy Field', [80] = 'Berserk', [55] = 'Energybomb', [28] = 'Fire Wall', [43] = 'Strong Ice Wave', [50] = 'Soulfire', [57] = 'Strong Ethereal Spear', [26] = 'Poison Field', [61] = 'Brutal Strike', [17] = 'Firebomb', [45] = 'Invisibility', [20] = 'Find Person', [146] = 'Cure Electrification', [7] = 'Light Magic Missile', [16] = 'Great Fireball', [92] = 'Enchant Staff', [148] = 'Physical Strike', [132] = 'Protector', [111] = 'Ethereal Spear', [143] = 'Holy Flash', [77] = 'Stalagmite', [33] = 'Energy Wall', [107] = 'Whirlwind Throw', [38] = 'Creature Illusion', [158] = 'Intense Wound Cleansing', [124] = 'Divine Caldera', [84] = 'Heal Friend', [8] = 'Heavy Magic Missile', [25] = 'Fire Field', [125] = 'Divine Healing', [140] = 'Electrify', [95] = 'Conjure Power Bolt', [36] = 'Salvation', [134] = 'Swift Foot', [109] = 'Conjure Piercing Bolt', [79] = 'Conjure Bolt', [141] = 'Inflict Wound', [153] = 'Strong Terra Strike', [1] = 'Light Healing', [51] = 'Conjure Arrow', [123] = 'Wound Cleansing', [129] = 'Enchant Party', [128] = 'Heal Party', [127] = 'Protect Party', [126] = 'Train Party', [23] = 'Great Energy Beam', [2] = 'Intense Healing', [133] = 'Blood Rage', [160] = 'Intense Recovery', [94] = 'Wild Growth', [89] = 'Flame Strike', [147] = 'Cure Curse', [93] = 'Challenge', [90] = 'Cancel Invisibility', [110] = 'Enchant Spear', [6] = 'Haste', [44] = 'Magic Shield', [81] = 'Levitate', [145] = 'Cure Burning', [76] = 'Magic Rope', [3] = 'Ultimate Healing', [159] = 'Recovery', [122] = 'Divine Missile', [120] = 'Terra Wave', [144] = 'Cure Bleeding', [150] = 'Strong Flame Strike', [113] = 'Terra Strike', [62] = 'Annihilation', [121] = 'Ice Wave', [135] = 'Sharpshooter', [138] = 'Ignite', [32] = 'Poison Wall', [119] = 'Rage of the Skies', [154] = 'Ultimate Flame Strike', [106] = 'Groundshaker'},
spellOrder = {'Animate Dead', 'Annihilation', 'Avalanche', 'Berserk', 'Blood Rage', 'Brutal Strike', 'Cancel Invisibility', 'Challenge', 'Chameleon', 'Charge', 'Conjure Arrow', 'Conjure Bolt', 'Conjure Explosive Arrow', 'Conjure Piercing Bolt', 'Conjure Poisoned Arrow', 'Conjure Power Bolt', 'Conjure Sniper Arrow', 'Convince Creature', 'Creature Illusion', 'Cure Bleeding', 'Cure Burning', 'Cure Curse', 'Cure Electrification', 'Cure Poison', 'Cure Poison Rune', 'Curser', 'Death Strike', 'Desintegrate', 'Destroy Field', 'Divine Caldera', 'Divine Healing', 'Divine Missile', 'Electrify', 'Enchant Party', 'Enchant Spear', 'Enchant Staff', 'Energy Beam', 'Energy Field', 'Energy Strike', 'Energy Wall', 'Energy Wave', 'Energybomb', 'Envenom', 'Eternal Winter', 'Ethereal Spear', 'Explosion', 'Fierce Berserk', 'Find Person', 'Fire Field', 'Fire Wall', 'Fire Wave', 'Fireball', 'Firebomb', 'Flame Strike', 'Food', 'Front Sweep', 'Great Energy Beam', 'Great Fireball', 'Great Light', 'Groundshaker', 'Haste', 'Heal Friend', 'Heal Party', 'Heavy Magic Missile', 'Hells Core', 'Holy Flash', 'Holy Missile', 'Ice Strike', 'Ice Wave', 'Icicle', 'Ignite', 'Inflict Wound', 'Intense Healing', 'Intense Healing Rune', 'Intense Recovery', 'Intense Wound Cleansing', 'Invisibility', 'Levitate', 'Light', 'Light Healing', 'Light Magic Missile', 'Lightning', 'Magic Rope', 'Magic Shield', 'Magic Wall', 'Mass Healing', 'Paralyze', 'Physical Strike', 'Poison Bomb', 'Poison Field', 'Poison Wall', 'Protect Party', 'Protector', 'Rage of the Skies', 'Recovery', 'Salvation', 'Sharpshooter', 'Soulfire', 'Stalagmite', 'Stone Shower', 'Strong Energy Strike', 'Strong Ethereal Spear', 'Strong Flame Strike', 'Strong Haste', 'Strong Ice Strike', 'Strong Ice Wave', 'Strong Terra Strike', 'Sudden Death', 'Summon Creature', 'Swift Foot', 'Terra Strike', 'Terra Wave', 'Thunderstorm', 'Train Party', 'Ultimate Energy Strike', 'Ultimate Flame Strike', 'Ultimate Healing', 'Ultimate Healing Rune', 'Ultimate Ice Strike', 'Ultimate Light', 'Ultimate Terra Strike', 'Whirlwind Throw', 'Wild Growth', 'Wound Cleansing', 'Wrath of Nature'}
['Sample'] = {
iconFile = 'sample.png',
iconSize = {width = 64, height = 64},
spellIcons = {[1] = 'Wind Walk', [2] = 'Fire Breath', [3] = 'Moonglaives', [5] = 'Firefly', [4] = 'Critical Strike'},
spellIcons = {[1] = 'Wind Walk', [2] = 'Fire Breath', [3] = 'Moonglaives', [5] = 'Firefly', [4] = 'Critical Strike'},
spellOrder = {'Critical Strike', 'Firefly', 'Fire Breath', 'Moonglaives', 'Wind Walk'}
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ SpellInfo = {
-- ['const_name'] = {client_id, TFS_id}
-- ['const_name'] = {client_id, TFS_id}
-- Conversion from TFS icon id to the id used by client (icons.png order)
SpellIcons = {
['intenserecovery'] = {16, 160},
