Fix translations, there were all broken

Eduardo Bart 11 years ago
parent 1674575dc0
commit 992acd8873

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
locale = {
name = "ger",
name = "de",
charset = "cp1252",
languageName = "Deutsch",
@ -26,43 +26,45 @@ locale = {
["4c) False Report to Gamemaster"] = false,
["Accept"] = "Annehmen",
["Account name"] = "Benutzername",
["Account Status:\nFree Account"] = "Account Status",
["Account Status:\nPremium Account (%s) days left"] = "Estado de la cuenta:\nCuenta premium (%s) d<>as restantes",
["Account Status:"] = false,
["Action:"] = false,
["Add"] = "Hinzufügen",
["Add new VIP"] = "Neuen Freund hinzufügen",
["Add"] = "Hinzufügen",
["Add new VIP"] = "Neuen Freund hinzufügen",
["Addon 1"] = "Addon 1",
["Addon 2"] = "Addon 2",
["Addon 3"] = "Addon 3",
["Add to VIP list"] = "Zur VIP Liste hinzufügen",
["Adjust volume"] = "Lautstärke regeln",
["Add to VIP list"] = "Zur VIP Liste hinzufügen",
["Adjust volume"] = "Lautstärke regeln",
["Alas! Brave adventurer, you have met a sad fate.\nBut do not despair, for the gods will bring you back\ninto this world in exchange for a small sacrifice\n\nSimply click on Ok to resume your journeys!"] = false,
["All"] = false,
["All modules and scripts were reloaded."] = "Alle Module wurden neu geladen",
["Allow auto chase override"] = false,
["Also known as dash in tibia community, recommended\nfor playing characters with high speed"] = false,
["Ambient light: %s%%"] = false,
["Amount:"] = "Menge:",
["Amount"] = "Menge",
["Anonymous"] = "Anonym",
["Are you sure you want to logout?"] = "Sind Sie sicher das du das Spiel verlassen willst?",
["Attack"] = "Angreifen",
["Author"] = "Autor",
["Autoload"] = "Automatisch", -- not sure about context here
["Autoload priority"] = "Ladepriorität",
["Autoload"] = "Automatisch",
["Autoload priority"] = "Ladepriorität",
["Auto login"] = "Automatisch einloggen",
["Auto login selected character on next charlist load"] = "Automatisches einloggen des ausgewählten Charakters",
["Auto login selected character on next charlist load"] = "Automatisches einloggen des ausgewählten Charakters",
["Axe Fighting"] = "Axtkampf",
["Balance:"] = "Guthaben:",
["Banishment"] = false,
["Banishment + Final Warning"] = false,
["Battle"] = "Kampf",
["Browse"] = false,
["Bug report sent."] = "Bugreport würde versendet.",
["Button Assign"] = "Button Assign", -- context?
["Bug report sent."] = "Bugreport würde versendet.",
["Button Assign"] = "Button Assign",
["Buy"] = "Kaufen",
["Buy Now"] = "Jetzt kaufen",
["Buy Offers"] = "Angebot",
["Buy with backpack"] = "Im Backpack kaufen",
["Cancel"] = "Abbrechen",
["Cannot login while already in game."] = "Sie können sich nicht einloggen während Sie im Spiel sind.",
["Cannot login while already in game."] = "Sie können sich nicht einloggen während Sie im Spiel sind.",
["Cap"] = false,
["Capacity"] = "Belastbarkeit",
["Center"] = false,
@ -70,83 +72,111 @@ locale = {
["Character List"] = "Charakter Liste",
["Classic control"] = "Klassische Steuerung",
["Clear current message window"] = "Chatverlauf leeren",
["Clear Messages"] = false,
["Clear object"] = "Objekt leeren",
["Client needs update."] = "Der Client muss geupdated werden.",
["Close"] = "Schließen",
["Close this channel"] = "Diesen Channel schließen",
["Close"] = "Schließen",
["Close this channel"] = "Diesen Channel schließen",
["Club Fighting"] = "Keulenkampf",
["Combat Controls"] = "Kampfsteuerungen",
["Comment:"] = "Kommentar:",
["Connecting to game server..."] = "Verbindung zum Spielserver wird aufgebaut...",
["Connecting to login server..."] = "Verbindung zum Loginserver wird aufgebaut...",
["Console"] = false,
["Cooldowns"] = false,
["Copy message"] = "Nachricht kopieren",
["Copy name"] = "Namen kopieren",
["Copy Name"] = "Namen kopieren",
["Create Map Mark"] = false,
["Create mark"] = false,
["Create New Offer"] = "Neues Angebot erstellen",
["Create Offer"] = "Angebot erstellen",
["Current hotkeys:"] = "Aktuelle Hotkeys",
["Current hotkey to add: %s"] = "Hotkeys zum hinzufügen: %s",
["Current hotkey to add: %s"] = "Hotkeys zum hinzufügen: %s",
["Current Offers"] = "Aktuelle Angebote",
["Default"] = "Standart",
["Delete mark"] = false,
["Description:"] = false,
["Description"] = "Beschreibung",
["Destructive Behaviour"] = false,
["Detail"] = "Details",
["Details"] = false,
["Disable Shared Experience"] = "Expteilung deaktivieren",
["Dismount"] = false,
["Display connection speed to the server (milliseconds)"] = false,
["Distance Fighting"] = "Fernkampf",
["Don't stretch/shrink Game Window"] = false,
["Edit hotkey text:"] = "Hotkeytext bearbeiten:",
["Edit List"] = "Liste bearbeiten",
["Edit Text"] = "Text bearbeiten",
["Enable music"] = "Musik einschalten",
["Enable Shared Experience"] = "Expteilung aktivieren",
["Enable smart walking"] = false,
["Enable vertical synchronization"] = "'Vertical Synchronization' aktivieren",
["Enable walk booster"] = false,
["Enter Game"] = "Dem Spiel beitreten",
["Enter one name per line."] = "Gib einen Namen pro Zeile ein.",
["Enter with your account again to update your client."] = false,
["Error"] = "Error",
["Error"] = "Error",
["Excessive Unjustified Player Killing"] = false,
["Exclude from private chat"] = "Aus dem Privatgespräch ausschließen",
["Exclude from private chat"] = "Aus dem Privatgespräch ausschließen",
["Exit"] = false,
["Experience"] = "Erfahrung",
["Filter list to match your level"] = false,
["Filter list to match your vocation"] = false,
["Find:"] = false,
["Fishing"] = "Fischen",
["Fist Fighting"] = "Faustkampf",
["Follow"] = "Verfolgen",
["Force Exit"] = false,
["For Your Information"] = false,
["Free Account"] = false,
["Fullscreen"] = "Vollbild",
["Game"] = false,
["Game framerate limit: %s"] = false,
["General"] = "General",
["Graphics"] = "Grafik",
["Graphics card driver not detected"] = false,
["Graphics Engine:"] = "Grafikengine:",
["Head"] = "Kopf",
["Healing"] = false,
["Health Info"] = false,
["Health Information"] = false,
["Hide monsters"] = "Monster ausblenden",
["Hide non-skull players"] = "Spieler ohne Skull ausblenden",
["Hide Npcs"] = "NPCs ausblenden",
["Hide Offline"] = false,
["Hide party members"] = "Partymitglieder ausblenden",
["Hide players"] = "Spieler ausblenden",
["Hide spells for higher exp. levels"] = false,
["Hide spells for other vocations"] = false,
["Hit Points"] = "Lebenspunkte",
["Hold right mouse button to navigate\nScroll mouse middle button to zoom"] = false,
["Hold left mouse button to navigate\nScroll mouse middle button to zoom\nRight mouse button to create map marks"] = false,
["Hotkeys"] = false,
["If you shut down the program, your character might stay in the game.\nClick on 'Logout' to ensure that you character leaves the game properly.\nClick on 'Exit' if you want to exit the program without logging out your character."] = "Wenn du das Programm schließt kann es sein, dass dein Charakter im Spiel verweilt.nKlicke 'Logout' um sicherzustellen, dass dein Charakter das Spiel wirklich verlässt.\nKlicke 'Exit' wenn du das Programm beenden willst on deinen Charakter auszuloggen.",
["If you shut down the program, your character might stay in the game.\nClick on 'Logout' to ensure that you character leaves the game properly.\nClick on 'Exit' if you want to exit the program without logging out your character."] = "Wenn du das Programm schließt kann es sein, dass dein Charakter im Spiel verweilt.nKlicke 'Logout' um sicherzustellen, dass dein Charakter das Spiel wirklich verlässt.\nKlicke 'Exit' wenn du das Programm beenden willst on deinen Charakter auszuloggen.",
["Ignore"] = false,
["Ignore capacity"] = "Belastbarkeit ignorieren",
["Ignored players:"] = false,
["Ignore equipped"] = "Equipment ignorieren",
["Ignore List"] = false,
["Ignore players"] = false,
["Ignore Private Messages"] = false,
["Ignore Yelling"] = false,
["Interface framerate limit: %s"] = false,
["Inventory"] = "Inventar",
["Invite to Party"] = "Zur Party einladen",
["Invite to private chat"] = "Zum Privatchat einladen",
["IP Address Banishment"] = false,
["Item Offers"] = false,
["It is empty.\n"] = false,
["It is empty."] = false,
["Join %s's Party"] = "%ss Party beitreten",
["Leave Party"] = "Party verlassen",
["Level"] = "Stufe",
["Lifetime Premium Account"] = false,
["Limits FPS to 60"] = "FPS auf 60 begrenzen",
["List of items that you're able to buy"] = "Liste der Items die du kaufen kannst",
["List of items that you're able to sell"] = "Liste der Items die du verkaufen kannst",
["Load"] = "Laden",
["Location"] = false,
["Logging out..."] = "Ausloggen...",
["Login"] = "Einloggen",
["Login Error"] = false,
@ -165,16 +195,17 @@ locale = {
["Minimap"] = "Minimap",
["Module Manager"] = "Module verwalten",
["Module name"] = "Modulname",
["Mount"] = false,
["Move Stackable Item"] = false,
["Move up"] = false,
["My Offers"] = "Mein Angebot",
["Name:"] = "Name:",
["Name"] = false,
["Name Report"] = false,
["Name Report + Banishment"] = false,
["Name Report + Banishment + Final Warning"] = false,
["No"] = false,
["No item selected."] = "Keine Items ausgewählt",
["No graphics card detected, everything will be drawn using the CPU,\nthus the performance will be really bad.\nPlease update your graphics driver to have a better performance."] = false,
["No item selected."] = "Keine Items ausgewählt",
["No Mount"] = "Kein Reittier",
["No Outfit"] = "Kein Outfit",
["No statement has been selected."] = false,
@ -183,84 +214,98 @@ locale = {
["Offer History"] = "Angebotsverlauf",
["Offers"] = "Angebote",
["Offer Type:"] = "Angebotstyp:",
["Offline Training"] = false,
["Ok"] = false,
["Okay"] = false,
["on %s.\n"] = false,
["Open"] = "Öffnen",
["Open a private message channel:"] = "Privatchannel öffnen:",
["Open charlist automatically when starting otclient"] = "Charakterliste beim Start automatisch öffnen",
["Open in new window"] = "Im neuen Fenster öffnen",
["Open new channel"] = "Neuen Channel öffnen",
["Open"] = "Öffnen",
["Open a private message channel:"] = "Privatchannel öffnen:",
["Open charlist automatically when starting client"] = false,
["Open in new window"] = "Im neuen Fenster öffnen",
["Open new channel"] = "Neuen Channel öffnen",
["Options"] = "Optionen",
["Particles Manager"] = false,
["Pass Leadership to %s"] = "%s zum Anführer ernennen",
["Overview"] = false,
["Pass Leadership to %s"] = "%s zum Anführer ernennen",
["Password"] = "Passwort",
["Pause"] = false,
["Piece Price:"] = "Stückpreis",
["Piece Price:"] = "Stückpreis",
["Please enter a character name:"] = "Bitte gib einen Charakternamen an:",
["Please, press the key you wish to add onto your hotkeys manager"] = "Bitte die gewünschte Taste drücken",
["Please, press the key you wish to add onto your hotkeys manager"] = "Bitte die gewünschte Taste drücken",
["Please Select"] = false,
["Please use this dialog to only report bugs. Do not report rule violations here!"] = false,
["Please wait"] = "Warte bitte",
["Port"] = "Port",
["Preview"] = "Vorschau",
["Position:"] = false,
["Position: %i %i %i"] = false,
["Premium Account (%s) days left"] = false,
["Price:"] = "Preis",
["Primary"] = "Primär",
["Primary"] = "Primär",
["Protocol"] = "Protokoll",
["Quantity:"] = "Anzahl:",
["Quest Log"] = false,
["Randomize"] = false,
["Randomize characters outfit"] = "Zufälliges Outfit",
["Randomize characters outfit"] = "Zufälliges Outfit",
["Reason:"] = "Grund:",
["Refresh"] = "Aktualisieren",
["Refresh Offers"] = false,
["Regeneration Time"] = false,
["Reject"] = "Ablehnen",
["Reload"] = "Neu laden",
["Reload All"] = "Alle neu laden",
["Remember account and password when starts otclient"] = "Benutzernamen und Passwort speichern",
["Remember account and password when starts client"] = false,
["Remember password"] = "Passwort speichern",
["Remove"] = "Entfernen",
["Remove %s"] = "%s entfernen",
["Report Bug"] = false,
["Revoke %s's Invitation"] = "%ss Einladung zurückziehen",
["Reserved for more functionality later."] = false,
["Reset Market"] = false,
["Revoke %s's Invitation"] = "%ss Einladung zurückziehen",
["Rotate"] = "Rotieren",
["Rule Violation"] = false,
["Save"] = false,
["Save Messages"] = false,
["Search:"] = "Suchen:",
["Search"] = "Suchen",
["Secondary"] = "Sekundär",
["Select object"] = "Objekt auswählen",
["Select Outfit"] = "Outfit auswählen",
["Search all items"] = false,
["Secondary"] = "Sekundär",
["Select object"] = "Objekt auswählen",
["Select Outfit"] = "Outfit auswählen",
["Select your language"] = false,
["Sell"] = "Verkaufen",
["Sell Now"] = "Jetzt verkaufen",
["Sell Offers"] = "Verkaufsangebote",
["Send"] = "Versenden",
["Send automatically"] = "Automatisch versenden",
["Send Message"] = false,
["Server"] = "Server",
["Server Log"] = false,
["Set Outfit"] = "Outfit ändern",
["Set Outfit"] = "Outfit ändern",
["Shielding"] = "Verteidigung",
["Show all items"] = "Alle Items anzeigen",
["Show connection ping"] = false,
["Show Depot Only"] = false,
["Show event messages in console"] = "Event Nachrichten in der Konsole anzeigen",
["Show frame rate"] = "FPS Rate anzeigen",
["Show info messages in console"] = "Informations Nachrichten in der Konsole anzeigen",
["Show left panel"] = false,
["Show levels in console"] = "Level in der Konsole anzeigen",
["Show Offline"] = false,
["Show private messages in console"] = "Privatnachrichten in der Konsole anzeigen",
["Show private messages on screen"] = "Privatenachrichten auf dem Bildschirm anzeigen",
["Show Server Messages"] = false,
["Show status messages in console"] = "Status Nachrichten in der Konsole anzeigen",
["Show Text"] = "Text anzeigen",
["Show timestamps in console"] = "Zeit in der Konsole anzeigen",
["Show your depot items only"] = "Nur Depotitems anzeigen",
["Skills"] = "Fähigkeiten",
["Skills"] = "Fähigkeiten",
["Soul"] = false,
["Soul Points"] = false,
["Special"] = false,
["Speed"] = false,
["Spell Cooldowns"] = false,
["Spell List"] = false,
["Stamina"] = "Ausdauer",
["Start"] = false,
["Statement:"] = false,
["Statement Report"] = false,
["Statistics"] = "Statistiken",
["Stop Attack"] = "Angriff abbrechen",
["Stop Follow"] = "Verfolgen abbrechen",
["Support"] = false,
["%s: (use object)"] = "%s: (Objekt benutzen)",
["%s: (use object on target)"] = "%s: (Objekt auf Ziel benutzen)",
["%s: (use object on yourself)"] = false,
@ -268,25 +313,29 @@ locale = {
["Sword Fighting"] = "Schwertkampf",
["Terminal"] = "Terminal",
["There is no way."] = "Es gibt keinen Weg dagin.",
["Title"] = false,
["Total Price:"] = "Gesamtpreis:",
["Trade"] = "Handel",
["Trade with ..."] = "Handeln mit ...",
["Trying to reconnect in %s seconds."] = "Versuch neu zu verbinden in %s Sekunden.",
["Unable to load dat file, please place a valid dat in '%s'"] = false,
["Unable to load spr file, please place a valid spr in '%s'"] = false,
["Unable to logout."] = "Es ist nicht möglich auszuloggen.",
["Unable to logout."] = "Es ist nicht möglich auszuloggen.",
["Unignore"] = false,
["Unload"] = false,
["Update needed"] = false,
["Use"] = "Benutzen",
["Use on target"] = "Auf Ziel benutzen",
["Use on yourself"] = false,
["Use with ..."] = "Benutzen mit ...",
["Version"] = "Version",
["VIP list"] = "VIP Liste",
["VIP List"] = "VIP Liste",
["Voc."] = false,
["Vocation"] = false,
["Waiting List"] = "Warteliste",
["Website"] = false,
["Weight:"] = "Gewicht:",
["Will detect when to use diagonal step based on the\nkeys you are pressing"] = false,
["With crosshair"] = false,
["Yes"] = false,
["You are bleeding"] = "Du blutest",
@ -303,8 +352,8 @@ locale = {
["You are hungry"] = "Du bist hungrig",
["You are paralysed"] = "Du bist paralysiert",
["You are poisoned"] = "Du bist vergiftet",
["You are protected by a magic shield"] = "Du wirst von einem magischen Schild beschützt",
["You are strengthened"] = "Du bist gestärkt",
["You are protected by a magic shield"] = "Du wirst von einem magischen Schild beschützt",
["You are strengthened"] = "Du bist gestärkt",
["You are within a protection zone"] = "Du befindest dich in einer Schutzzone",
["You can enter new text."] = "Du kannst einen neuen Text eingeben",
["You have %s percent"] = "Du hast %d Prozent",
@ -312,12 +361,11 @@ locale = {
["You may not logout during a fight"] = "Du kannst nicht mitten im Kampf ausloggen",
["You may not logout or enter a protection zone"] = "Du kannst nicht ausloggen oder eine Schutzzone betreten",
["You must enter a comment."] = "Du musst einen Kommentar eingeben.",
["You must enter an account name and password."] = "Du musst deinen Benutzernamen und dein Passwort eingeben.",
["You must enter a valid server address and port."] = "Du musst eine gültige Serveradresse und einen gültigen Port eingeben",
["You must select a character to login!"] = "Du musst einen Charakter auswählen!",
["You must enter a valid server address and port."] = "Du musst eine gültige Serveradresse und einen gültigen Port eingeben",
["You must select a character to login!"] = "Du musst einen Charakter auswählen!",
["Your Capacity:"] = "Deine Belastbarkeit:",
["You read the following, written by \n%s\n"] = "Du liest das Folgende, geschrieben von \n%s\n",
["You read the following, written on %s.\n"] = "Du liest das Folgende, geschrieben von %s.\n",
["You read the following, written on \n%s.\n"] = false,
["Your Money:"] = "Dein Geld:",

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
locale = {
name = "es",
charset = "cp1252",
languageName = "Espa<EFBFBD>ol",
languageName = "Español",
translation = {
["1a) Offensive Name"] = false,
@ -27,29 +27,31 @@ locale = {
["4c) False Report to Gamemaster"] = false,
["Accept"] = false,
["Account name"] = "Nombre de la cuenta",
["Account Status:\nFree Account"] = "Estado de la cuenta:\nGratis",
["Account Status:\nPremium Account (%s) days left"] = "Estado de la cuenta:\nCuenta premium (%s) d<>as restantes",
["Account Status:"] = false,
["Action:"] = false,
["Add"] = "A<EFBFBD>adir",
["Add new VIP"] = "A<EFBFBD>adir nuevo VIP",
["Add"] = "Añadir",
["Add new VIP"] = "Añadir nuevo VIP",
["Addon 1"] = "Addon 1",
["Addon 2"] = "Addon 2",
["Addon 3"] = "Addon 3",
["Add to VIP list"] = "A<EFBFBD>adir a lista VIP",
["Adjust volume"] = "Ajustar vol<EFBFBD>men",
["Add to VIP list"] = "Añadir a lista VIP",
["Adjust volume"] = "Ajustar volúmen",
["Alas! Brave adventurer, you have met a sad fate.\nBut do not despair, for the gods will bring you back\ninto this world in exchange for a small sacrifice\n\nSimply click on Ok to resume your journeys!"] = false,
["All modules and scripts were reloaded."] = "Todos los m<>dulos y scripts han sido reiniciados",
["All"] = false,
["All modules and scripts were reloaded."] = "Todos los módulos y scripts han sido reiniciados",
["Allow auto chase override"] = false,
["Also known as dash in tibia community, recommended\nfor playing characters with high speed"] = false,
["Ambient light: %s%%"] = false,
["Amount:"] = "Cantidad:",
["Amount"] = false,
["Anonymous"] = false,
["Are you sure you want to logout?"] = false,
["Attack"] = "Atacar",
["Author"] = "Autor",
["Autoload"] = "Cargar autom<EFBFBD>ticamente",
["Autoload"] = "Cargar automáticamente",
["Autoload priority"] = "Prioridad de carga",
["Auto login"] = "Entrar autom<EFBFBD>ticamente",
["Auto login selected character on next charlist load"] = "Entrar autom<EFBFBD>ticamente con un personage cuando se vuelva a abrir la lista de personajes",
["Auto login"] = "Entrar automáticamente",
["Auto login selected character on next charlist load"] = "Entrar automáticamente con un personage cuando se vuelva a abrir la lista de personajes",
["Axe Fighting"] = "Combate con Hacha",
["Balance:"] = false,
["Banishment"] = false,
@ -57,7 +59,7 @@ locale = {
["Battle"] = "Batalla",
["Browse"] = false,
["Bug report sent."] = false,
["Button Assign"] = "Seleccionar Bot<EFBFBD>n",
["Button Assign"] = "Seleccionar Botón",
["Buy"] = "Comprar",
["Buy Now"] = false,
["Buy Offers"] = false,
@ -69,8 +71,9 @@ locale = {
["Center"] = false,
["Channels"] = "Canales",
["Character List"] = "Lista de personajes",
["Classic control"] = "Control cl<EFBFBD>sico",
["Classic control"] = "Control clásico",
["Clear current message window"] = false,
["Clear Messages"] = false,
["Clear object"] = "Limpiar objeto",
["Client needs update."] = false,
["Close"] = "Cerrar",
@ -79,30 +82,42 @@ locale = {
["Combat Controls"] = "Controles de combate",
["Comment:"] = false,
["Connecting to game server..."] = "Conectando al servidor de juego...",
["Connecting to login server..."] = "Conectando al servidor de autentificaci<63>n...",
["Connecting to login server..."] = "Conectando al servidor de autentificación...",
["Console"] = false,
["Cooldowns"] = false,
["Copy message"] = false,
["Copy name"] = false,
["Copy Name"] = "Copiar Nombre",
["Create Map Mark"] = false,
["Create mark"] = false,
["Create New Offer"] = false,
["Create Offer"] = false,
["Current hotkeys:"] = "Atajos actuales",
["Current hotkey to add: %s"] = "Atajo actual para a<EFBFBD>adir: %s",
["Current hotkey to add: %s"] = "Atajo actual para añadir: %s",
["Current Offers"] = false,
["Default"] = "Principal",
["Description"] = "Descripci<EFBFBD>n",
["Delete mark"] = false,
["Description:"] = false,
["Description"] = "Descripción",
["Destructive Behaviour"] = false,
["Detail"] = "Detalle",
["Details"] = false,
["Disable Shared Experience"] = "Desactivar experiencia compartida",
["Dismount"] = false,
["Display connection speed to the server (milliseconds)"] = false,
["Distance Fighting"] = "Combate a Distancia",
["Don't stretch/shrink Game Window"] = false,
["Edit hotkey text:"] = "Editar texto del atajo",
["Edit List"] = false,
["Edit Text"] = "Editar Texto",
["Enable music"] = false,
["Enable Shared Experience"] = "Activar experiencia compartida",
["Enable vertical synchronization"] = "Activar sincronizaci<63>n vertical",
["Enable smart walking"] = false,
["Enable vertical synchronization"] = "Activar sincronización vertical",
["Enable walk booster"] = false,
["Enter Game"] = "Entrar al juego",
["Enter one name per line."] = false,
["Enter with your account again to update your client."] = false,
["Error"] = "Error",
["Error"] = "Error",
["Excessive Unjustified Player Killing"] = false,
@ -111,70 +126,86 @@ locale = {
["Experience"] = "Experiencia",
["Filter list to match your level"] = false,
["Filter list to match your vocation"] = false,
["Find:"] = false,
["Fishing"] = "Pesca",
["Fist Fighting"] = "Combate con Pu<EFBFBD>os",
["Fist Fighting"] = "Combate con Puños",
["Follow"] = "Seguir",
["Force Exit"] = false,
["For Your Information"] = false,
["Free Account"] = false,
["Fullscreen"] = "Pantalla Completa",
["Game"] = false,
["Game framerate limit: %s"] = false,
["General"] = "General",
["Graphics"] = "Gr<EFBFBD>ficos",
["Graphics"] = "Gráficos",
["Graphics card driver not detected"] = false,
["Graphics Engine:"] = false,
["Head"] = "Cabeza",
["Healing"] = false,
["Health Info"] = false,
["Health Information"] = false,
["Hide monsters"] = "Esconder monstruos",
["Hide non-skull players"] = "Esconder jugadores sin calavera",
["Hide Npcs"] = "Esconder NPCs",
["Hide Offline"] = false,
["Hide party members"] = "Esconder miembros del grupo",
["Hide players"] = "Esconder jugadores",
["Hide spells for higher exp. levels"] = false,
["Hide spells for other vocations"] = false,
["Hit Points"] = "Puntos de Vida",
["Hold right mouse button to navigate\nScroll mouse middle button to zoom"] = false,
["Hold left mouse button to navigate\nScroll mouse middle button to zoom\nRight mouse button to create map marks"] = false,
["Hotkeys"] = "Atajos",
["If you shut down the program, your character might stay in the game.\nClick on 'Logout' to ensure that you character leaves the game properly.\nClick on 'Exit' if you want to exit the program without logging out your character."] = false,
["Ignore"] = false,
["Ignore capacity"] = "Ignorar capacidad",
["Ignored players:"] = false,
["Ignore equipped"] = "Ignorar equipado",
["Ignore List"] = false,
["Ignore players"] = false,
["Ignore Private Messages"] = false,
["Ignore Yelling"] = false,
["Interface framerate limit: %s"] = false,
["Inventory"] = "Inventario",
["Invite to Party"] = "Invitar al grupo",
["Invite to private chat"] = "Invitar al canal privado",
["IP Address Banishment"] = false,
["Item Offers"] = false,
["It is empty.\n"] = false,
["It is empty."] = false,
["Join %s's Party"] = false,
["Leave Party"] = "Salir del grupo",
["Level"] = "Nivel",
["Lifetime Premium Account"] = false,
["Limits FPS to 60"] = "Limita los FPS a 60",
["List of items that you're able to buy"] = "Lista de objetos que usted puede comprar",
["List of items that you're able to sell"] = "Lista de objetos que usted puede vender",
["Load"] = "Cargar",
["Location"] = false,
["Logging out..."] = false,
["Login"] = "Entrar",
["Login Error"] = "Error de Autentificaci<EFBFBD>n",
["Login Error"] = "Error de Autentificaci<EFBFBD>n",
["Login Error"] = "Error de Autentificación",
["Login Error"] = "Error de Autentificación",
["Logout"] = false,
["Look"] = "Ver",
["Magic Level"] = "Nivel M<EFBFBD>gico",
["Magic Level"] = "Nivel Mágico",
["Make sure that your client uses\nthe correct game protocol version"] = "Compruebe que tu cliente use\nuse el mismo protocolo que el servidor de juego",
["Mana"] = "Mana",
["Manage hotkeys:"] = "Configurar atajos:",
["Market"] = false,
["Market Offers"] = false,
["Message of the day"] = "Mensaje del d<EFBFBD>a",
["Message of the day"] = "Mensaje del día",
["Message to "] = false,
["Message to %s"] = "Mandar mensaje a %s",
["Minimap"] = "Minimapa",
["Module Manager"] = "Administrador de M<>dulos",
["Module name"] = "Nombre del m<>dulo",
["Module Manager"] = "Administrador de Módulos",
["Module name"] = "Nombre del módulo",
["Mount"] = false,
["Move Stackable Item"] = "Mover objeto contable",
["Move up"] = "Mover arriba",
["My Offers"] = false,
["Name:"] = "Nombre:",
["Name"] = false,
["Name Report"] = false,
["Name Report + Banishment"] = false,
["Name Report + Banishment + Final Warning"] = false,
["No"] = false,
["No graphics card detected, everything will be drawn using the CPU,\nthus the performance will be really bad.\nPlease update your graphics driver to have a better performance."] = false,
["No item selected."] = false,
["No Mount"] = false,
["No Outfit"] = false,
@ -184,70 +215,80 @@ locale = {
["Offer History"] = false,
["Offers"] = false,
["Offer Type:"] = false,
["Offline Training"] = false,
["Ok"] = "Ok",
["Okay"] = false,
["on %s.\n"] = false,
["Open"] = "Abrir",
["Open a private message channel:"] = "Abrir un canal privado:",
["Open charlist automatically when starting otclient"] = "Abrir lista de personajes",
["Open charlist automatically when starting client"] = false,
["Open in new window"] = "Abrir en una nueva ventana",
["Open new channel"] = "Abrir novo canal",
["Options"] = "Opciones",
["Particles Manager"] = false,
["Overview"] = false,
["Pass Leadership to %s"] = "Pasar el liderazgo a %s",
["Password"] = "Contrase<EFBFBD>a",
["Pause"] = false,
["Password"] = "Contraseña",
["Piece Price:"] = false,
["Please enter a character name:"] = "Por favor, introduce el nombre de un personaje:",
["Please, press the key you wish to add onto your hotkeys manager"] = "Por favor, presione la tecla que desee para\na<EFBFBD>adir a tu administrador de atajos",
["Please, press the key you wish to add onto your hotkeys manager"] = "Por favor, presione la tecla que desee para\nañadir a tu administrador de atajos",
["Please Select"] = false,
["Please use this dialog to only report bugs. Do not report rule violations here!"] = false,
["Please wait"] = "Por favor, espere",
["Port"] = "Puerto",
["Preview"] = false,
["Position:"] = false,
["Position: %i %i %i"] = false,
["Premium Account (%s) days left"] = false,
["Price:"] = "Precio",
["Primary"] = "Primario",
["Protocol"] = false,
["Quantity:"] = "Cantidad:",
["Quest Log"] = false,
["Randomize"] = false,
["Randomize characters outfit"] = false,
["Reason:"] = false,
["Refresh"] = "Actualizar",
["Refresh Offers"] = false,
["Regeneration Time"] = false,
["Reject"] = false,
["Reload"] = false,
["Reload All"] = "Recargar Todos",
["Remember account and password when starts otclient"] = "Recordar cuenta y contrase<73>a cuando inicie otclient",
["Remember password"] = "Recordar contrase<EFBFBD>a",
["Remember account and password when starts client"] = false,
["Remember password"] = "Recordar contraseña",
["Remove"] = "Quitar",
["Remove %s"] = "Quitar %s",
["Report Bug"] = false,
["Reserved for more functionality later."] = false,
["Reset Market"] = false,
["Revoke %s's Invitation"] = false,
["Rotate"] = "Girar",
["Rule Violation"] = false,
["Save"] = false,
["Save Messages"] = false,
["Search:"] = "Buscar:",
["Search"] = false,
["Search all items"] = false,
["Secondary"] = "Secundario",
["Select object"] = "Seleccionar objeto",
["Select Outfit"] = "Selecionar Traje",
["Select your language"] = false,
["Sell"] = "Vender",
["Sell Now"] = false,
["Sell Offers"] = false,
["Send"] = false,
["Send automatically"] = "Enviar autom<6F>ticamente",
["Send automatically"] = "Enviar automáticamente",
["Send Message"] = false,
["Server"] = "Servidor",
["Server Log"] = "Registro del servidor",
["Set Outfit"] = "Escoger Traje",
["Shielding"] = "Defensa",
["Show all items"] = "Mostrar todos los objetos",
["Show connection ping"] = false,
["Show Depot Only"] = false,
["Show event messages in console"] = "Mostrar los mensajes de eventos en la consola",
["Show frame rate"] = "Mostrar FPS",
["Show info messages in console"] = "Mostrar los mensajes informativos en la consola",
["Show left panel"] = false,
["Show levels in console"] = "Mostrar los niveles en la consola",
["Show Offline"] = false,
["Show private messages in console"] = "Mostrar los mensajes privados en la consola",
["Show private messages on screen"] = false,
["Show Server Messages"] = false,
["Show status messages in console"] = "Mostrar los mensajes de estado en la consola",
["Show Text"] = false,
["Show timestamps in console"] = "Mostrar la hora en la consola",
@ -255,13 +296,17 @@ locale = {
["Skills"] = "Habilidades",
["Soul"] = false,
["Soul Points"] = "Puntos del Alma",
["Special"] = false,
["Speed"] = false,
["Spell Cooldowns"] = false,
["Spell List"] = false,
["Stamina"] = "Vigor",
["Start"] = false,
["Statement:"] = false,
["Statement Report"] = false,
["Statistics"] = false,
["Stop Attack"] = "Detener el Ataque",
["Stop Follow"] = "Detener el Seguimiento",
["Support"] = false,
["%s: (use object)"] = "%s: (usar objeto)",
["%s: (use object on target)"] = "%s: (usar objeto en objetivo)",
["%s: (use object on yourself)"] = "%s: (usar objeto en ti mismo)",
@ -269,6 +314,7 @@ locale = {
["Sword Fighting"] = "Combate con Espada",
["Terminal"] = "Terminal",
["There is no way."] = "No hay ruta.",
["Title"] = false,
["Total Price:"] = false,
["Trade"] = "Comercial",
["Trade with ..."] = "Comercial con ...",
@ -276,49 +322,51 @@ locale = {
["Unable to load dat file, please place a valid dat in '%s'"] = false,
["Unable to load spr file, please place a valid spr in '%s'"] = false,
["Unable to logout."] = "No es posible salir.",
["Unignore"] = false,
["Unload"] = "Descarga",
["Update needed"] = false,
["Use"] = "Usar",
["Use on target"] = "Usar en objetivo",
["Use on yourself"] = "Usar en ti mismo",
["Use with ..."] = "Usar en ...",
["Version"] = "Versi<EFBFBD>n",
["VIP list"] = "Lista VIP",
["Version"] = "Versión",
["VIP List"] = "Lista VIP",
["Voc."] = false,
["Vocation"] = false,
["Waiting List"] = false,
["Website"] = "Sitio Web",
["Weight:"] = "Peso",
["Will detect when to use diagonal step based on the\nkeys you are pressing"] = false,
["With crosshair"] = "Con mirilla",
["Yes"] = false,
["You are bleeding"] = false,
["You are burning"] = "Est<EFBFBD>s quemando",
["You are cursed"] = "Est<EFBFBD>s maldito",
["You are dazzled"] = "Est<EFBFBD>s deslumbrado",
["You are burning"] = "Estás quemando",
["You are cursed"] = "Estás maldito",
["You are dazzled"] = "Estás deslumbrado",
["You are dead."] = "Has muerto.",
["You are dead"] = false,
["You are drowing"] = "Te est<EFBFBD>s ahogando",
["You are drowing"] = "Te estás ahogando",
["You are drunk"] = false,
["You are electrified"] = "Est<EFBFBD>s electrocutado",
["You are freezing"] = "Est<EFBFBD>s congelado",
["You are electrified"] = "Estás electrocutado",
["You are freezing"] = "Estás congelado",
["You are hasted"] = "Vas con prisa",
["You are hungry"] = false,
["You are paralysed"] = "Est<EFBFBD>s paralizado",
["You are poisoned"] = "Est<EFBFBD>s envenenado",
["You are protected by a magic shield"] = "Est<EFBFBD>s protegido por un escudo m<>gico",
["You are strengthened"] = "Est<EFBFBD>s reforzado",
["You are within a protection zone"] = "Est<EFBFBD>s en una zona de protecci<63>n",
["You are paralysed"] = "Estás paralizado",
["You are poisoned"] = "Estás envenenado",
["You are protected by a magic shield"] = "Estás protegido por un escudo mágico",
["You are strengthened"] = "Estás reforzado",
["You are within a protection zone"] = "Estás en una zona de protección",
["You can enter new text."] = false,
["You have %s percent"] = "Tienes %s por ciento",
["You have %s percent to go"] = "Te falta %s por ciento para avanzar",
["You may not logout during a fight"] = "No puedes salir mientras est<EFBFBD>s en un combate",
["You may not logout or enter a protection zone"] = "No puedes salir o entrar en una zona de protecci<EFBFBD>n",
["You may not logout during a fight"] = "No puedes salir mientras estás en un combate",
["You may not logout or enter a protection zone"] = "No puedes salir o entrar en una zona de protección",
["You must enter a comment."] = false,
["You must enter an account name and password."] = false,
["You must enter a valid server address and port."] = false,
["You must select a character to login!"] = "Debes seleccionar un personaje para entrar!",
["Your Capacity:"] = false,
["You read the following, written by \n%s\n"] = false,
["You read the following, written on %s.\n"] = false,
["You read the following, written on \n%s.\n"] = false,
["Your Money:"] = false,

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
locale = {
name = "pl",
charset = "cp1250",
languageName = "Polski",
translation = {
@ -29,299 +28,347 @@ locale = {
["4b) Pretending to Have Influence on Rule Enforcement"] = false,
["4c) False Report to Gamemaster"] = false,
["Accept"] = false,
["Account name"] = "Nombre de la cuenta",
["Account Status:\nFree Account"] = "Estado de la cuenta:\nGratis",
["Account Status:\nPremium Account (%s) days left"] = "Estado de la cuenta:\nCuenta premium (%s) días restantes",
["Account name"] = "Numer konta",
["Account Status:"] = false,
["Action:"] = false,
["Add"] = "Añadir",
["Add new VIP"] = "Añadir nuevo VIP",
["Add"] = "Dodaj",
["Add new VIP"] = "Nowy VIP",
["Addon 1"] = "Addon 1",
["Addon 2"] = "Addon 2",
["Addon 3"] = "Addon 3",
["Add to VIP list"] = "Añadir a lista VIP",
["Adjust volume"] = "Ajustar volúmen",
["Add to VIP list"] = "Dodaj do VIPow",
["Adjust volume"] = "Zmien glosnosc",
["Alas! Brave adventurer, you have met a sad fate.\nBut do not despair, for the gods will bring you back\ninto this world in exchange for a small sacrifice\n\nSimply click on Ok to resume your journeys!"] = false,
["All modules and scripts were reloaded."] = "Todos los módulos y scripts han sido reiniciados",
["All"] = false,
["All modules and scripts were reloaded."] = "Wszystkie moduly ",
["Allow auto chase override"] = false,
["Amount:"] = "Cantidad:",
["Also known as dash in tibia community, recommended\nfor playing characters with high speed"] = false,
["Ambient light: %s%%"] = false,
["Amount:"] = "Ilosc:",
["Amount"] = false,
["Anonymous"] = false,
["Are you sure you want to logout?"] = false,
["Attack"] = "Atacar",
["Attack"] = "Atak",
["Author"] = "Autor",
["Autoload"] = "Cargar automáticamente",
["Autoload priority"] = "Prioridad de carga",
["Auto login"] = "Entrar automáticamente",
["Auto login selected character on next charlist load"] = "Entrar automáticamente con un personage cuando se vuelva a abrir la lista de personajes",
["Axe Fighting"] = "Combate con Hacha",
["Autoload"] = "Autoladowanie",
["Autoload priority"] = "Priorytet autoladowania",
["Auto login"] = "Loguj automatycznie",
["Auto login selected character on next charlist load"] = "Automatycznie zaloguj wybrana postac podczas kolejnego ladowaia listy postaci",
["Axe Fighting"] = "Walka toporem",
["Balance:"] = false,
["Banishment"] = false,
["Banishment + Final Warning"] = false,
["Battle"] = "Batalla",
["Battle"] = "Bitwa",
["Browse"] = false,
["Bug report sent."] = false,
["Button Assign"] = "Seleccionar Botón",
["Buy"] = "Comprar",
["Button Assign"] = "Przypisanie Klawisza",
["Buy"] = "Kup",
["Buy Now"] = false,
["Buy Offers"] = false,
["Buy with backpack"] = "Comprar con mochila",
["Cancel"] = "Cancelar",
["Buy with backpack"] = "Kupuj z plecakami",
["Cancel"] = "Anuluj",
["Cannot login while already in game."] = false,
["Cap"] = false,
["Capacity"] = "Capacidad",
["Center"] = false,
["Channels"] = "Canales",
["Character List"] = "Lista de personajes",
["Classic control"] = "Control clásico",
["Channels"] = "Kanaly",
["Character List"] = "Lista postaci",
["Classic control"] = "Klasyczne sterowaie",
["Clear current message window"] = false,
["Clear object"] = "Limpiar objeto",
["Clear Messages"] = false,
["Clear object"] = "Wyczysc obiekt",
["Client needs update."] = false,
["Close"] = "Cerrar",
["Close this channel"] = "Cerrar este canal",
["Club Fighting"] = "Combate con Maza",
["Combat Controls"] = "Controles de combate",
["Close"] = "Zamknij",
["Close this channel"] = "Zamknij kanal",
["Club Fighting"] = "Walka obuchem",
["Combat Controls"] = "Kontrola walki",
["Comment:"] = false,
["Connecting to game server..."] = "Conectando al servidor de juego...",
["Connecting to login server..."] = "Conectando al servidor de autentificación...",
["Connecting to game server..."] = "Laczenie z serwerem gry...",
["Connecting to login server..."] = "Laczenie z serwerem logowania...",
["Console"] = false,
["Cooldowns"] = false,
["Copy message"] = false,
["Copy name"] = false,
["Copy Name"] = "Copiar Nombre",
["Copy Name"] = "Kopiuj Nick",
["Create Map Mark"] = false,
["Create mark"] = false,
["Create New Offer"] = false,
["Create Offer"] = false,
["Current hotkeys:"] = "Atajos actuales",
["Current hotkey to add: %s"] = "Atajo actual para añadir: %s",
["Current hotkeys:"] = "Aktualny hotkey:",
["Current hotkey to add: %s"] = "Aktualny hotkey do dodania: %s",
["Current Offers"] = false,
["Default"] = "Principal",
["Description"] = "Descripción",
["Default"] = "Domyslny",
["Delete mark"] = false,
["Description:"] = false,
["Description"] = "Opis",
["Destructive Behaviour"] = false,
["Detail"] = "Detalle",
["Detail"] = "Szczegoly",
["Details"] = false,
["Disable Shared Experience"] = "Desactivar experiencia compartida",
["Distance Fighting"] = "Combate a Distancia",
["Edit hotkey text:"] = "Editar texto del atajo",
["Disable Shared Experience"] = "Wylacz Dzielenie Doswiadczenia",
["Dismount"] = false,
["Display connection speed to the server (milliseconds)"] = false,
["Distance Fighting"] = "Walka na odleglosc",
["Don't stretch/shrink Game Window"] = false,
["Edit hotkey text:"] = "Edytuj tresc hotkeya:",
["Edit List"] = false,
["Edit Text"] = "Editar Texto",
["Edit Text"] = "Edytuj tekst",
["Enable music"] = false,
["Enable Shared Experience"] = "Activar experiencia compartida",
["Enable vertical synchronization"] = "Activar sincronización vertical",
["Enter Game"] = "Entrar al juego",
["Enable Shared Experience"] = "Wlacz dzielenie doswiadczenia",
["Enable smart walking"] = false,
["Enable vertical synchronization"] = "Wlacz synchronizacje pionowa",
["Enable walk booster"] = false,
["Enter Game"] = "Wejdz do gry",
["Enter one name per line."] = false,
["Error"] = "Error",
["Error"] = "Error",
["Enter with your account again to update your client."] = false,
["Error"] = "Blad",
["Error"] = "Blad",
["Excessive Unjustified Player Killing"] = false,
["Exclude from private chat"] = "Excluir del canal privado",
["Exclude from private chat"] = "Wyrzuc w prywatnej konwersacji",
["Exit"] = false,
["Experience"] = "Experiencia",
["Experience"] = "Doswiadczenie",
["Filter list to match your level"] = false,
["Filter list to match your vocation"] = false,
["Fishing"] = "Pesca",
["Fist Fighting"] = "Combate con Puños",
["Follow"] = "Seguir",
["Fullscreen"] = "Pantalla Completa",
["Find:"] = false,
["Fishing"] = "Wedkarstwo",
["Fist Fighting"] = "Walka wrecz",
["Follow"] = "Podazaj",
["Force Exit"] = false,
["For Your Information"] = false,
["Free Account"] = false,
["Fullscreen"] = "Pelen ekran",
["Game"] = false,
["Game framerate limit: %s"] = false,
["General"] = "General",
["Graphics"] = "Gráficos",
["Graphics"] = "Grafika",
["Graphics card driver not detected"] = false,
["Graphics Engine:"] = false,
["Head"] = "Cabeza",
["Head"] = "Glowa",
["Healing"] = false,
["Health Info"] = false,
["Health Information"] = false,
["Hide monsters"] = "Esconder monstruos",
["Hide non-skull players"] = "Esconder jugadores sin calavera",
["Hide Npcs"] = "Esconder NPCs",
["Hide party members"] = "Esconder miembros del grupo",
["Hide players"] = "Esconder jugadores",
["Hit Points"] = "Puntos de Vida",
["Hold right mouse button to navigate\nScroll mouse middle button to zoom"] = false,
["Hotkeys"] = "Atajos",
["Hide monsters"] = "Ukryj potwory",
["Hide non-skull players"] = "Ukryj graczy bez skulla",
["Hide Npcs"] = "Ukryj NPCe",
["Hide Offline"] = false,
["Hide party members"] = "Ukryj czlonkow zabawy",
["Hide players"] = "Ukryj graczy",
["Hide spells for higher exp. levels"] = false,
["Hide spells for other vocations"] = false,
["Hit Points"] = "Punkty uderzen",
["Hold left mouse button to navigate\nScroll mouse middle button to zoom\nRight mouse button to create map marks"] = false,
["Hotkeys"] = "Hotkeye",
["If you shut down the program, your character might stay in the game.\nClick on 'Logout' to ensure that you character leaves the game properly.\nClick on 'Exit' if you want to exit the program without logging out your character."] = false,
["Ignore capacity"] = "Ignorar capacidad",
["Ignore equipped"] = "Ignorar equipado",
["Ignore"] = false,
["Ignore capacity"] = "Ignoruj pojemnosc",
["Ignored players:"] = false,
["Ignore equipped"] = "Ignoruj ekwipunek",
["Ignore List"] = false,
["Ignore players"] = false,
["Ignore Private Messages"] = false,
["Ignore Yelling"] = false,
["Interface framerate limit: %s"] = false,
["Inventory"] = "Inventario",
["Invite to Party"] = "Invitar al grupo",
["Invite to private chat"] = "Invitar al canal privado",
["Inventory"] = "Inwentarz",
["Invite to Party"] = "Zapros do zabawy",
["Invite to private chat"] = "Zapros do prywatnej konwersacji",
["IP Address Banishment"] = false,
["Item Offers"] = false,
["It is empty.\n"] = false,
["It is empty."] = false,
["Join %s's Party"] = false,
["Leave Party"] = "Salir del grupo",
["Level"] = "Nivel",
["Limits FPS to 60"] = "Limita los FPS a 60",
["List of items that you're able to buy"] = "Lista de objetos que usted puede comprar",
["List of items that you're able to sell"] = "Lista de objetos que usted puede vender",
["Load"] = "Cargar",
["Location"] = false,
["Leave Party"] = "Opusc zabawe",
["Level"] = "Poziom",
["Lifetime Premium Account"] = false,
["Limits FPS to 60"] = "Ogranicz FPS do 60",
["List of items that you're able to buy"] = "Lista przedmiotow, ktore mozesz kupic",
["List of items that you're able to sell"] = "Lista przedmiotow, ktore mozesz sprzedac",
["Load"] = "Wczytaj",
["Logging out..."] = false,
["Login"] = "Entrar",
["Login Error"] = "Error de Autentificación",
["Login Error"] = "Error de Autentificación",
["Login"] = "Zaloguj",
["Login Error"] = "Blad Logowania",
["Login Error"] = "Blad Logowania",
["Logout"] = false,
["Look"] = "Ver",
["Magic Level"] = "Nivel Mágico",
["Make sure that your client uses\nthe correct game protocol version"] = "Compruebe que tu cliente use\nuse el mismo protocolo que el servidor de juego",
["Look"] = "Spojrz",
["Magic Level"] = "Poziom Magiczny",
["Make sure that your client uses\nthe correct game protocol version"] = "Upewnij sie, ze twoj klient\nuzywa wlasciwego protokolu gry.",
["Mana"] = "Mana",
["Manage hotkeys:"] = "Configurar atajos:",
["Manage hotkeys:"] = "Skonfiguruj hotkeye:",
["Market"] = false,
["Market Offers"] = false,
["Message of the day"] = "Mensaje del día",
["Message of the day"] = "Wiadomosc dnia",
["Message to "] = false,
["Message to %s"] = "Mandar mensaje a %s",
["Message to %s"] = "Wiadomosc do %s",
["Minimap"] = "Minimapa",
["Module Manager"] = "Administrador de Módulos",
["Module name"] = "Nombre del módulo",
["Move Stackable Item"] = "Mover objeto contable",
["Move up"] = "Mover arriba",
["Module Manager"] = "Menedzer modulow",
["Module name"] = "Nazwa modulu",
["Mount"] = false,
["Move Stackable Item"] = "Przenies przedmiot",
["Move up"] = "Przenies wyzej",
["My Offers"] = false,
["Name:"] = "Nombre:",
["Name"] = false,
["Name:"] = "Nazwa:",
["Name Report"] = false,
["Name Report + Banishment"] = false,
["Name Report + Banishment + Final Warning"] = false,
["No"] = false,
["No graphics card detected, everything will be drawn using the CPU,\nthus the performance will be really bad.\nPlease update your graphics driver to have a better performance."] = false,
["No item selected."] = false,
["No Mount"] = false,
["No Outfit"] = false,
["No statement has been selected."] = false,
["Notation"] = false,
["NPC Trade"] = "Comercia con NPC",
["NPC Trade"] = "Handel NPC",
["Offer History"] = false,
["Offers"] = false,
["Offer Type:"] = false,
["Offline Training"] = false,
["Ok"] = "Ok",
["Okay"] = false,
["on %s.\n"] = false,
["Open"] = "Abrir",
["Open a private message channel:"] = "Abrir un canal privado:",
["Open charlist automatically when starting otclient"] = "Abrir lista de personajes",
["Open in new window"] = "Abrir en una nueva ventana",
["Open new channel"] = "Abrir novo canal",
["Options"] = "Opciones",
["Particles Manager"] = false,
["Pass Leadership to %s"] = "Pasar el liderazgo a %s",
["Password"] = "Contraseña",
["Pause"] = false,
["Open"] = "Otworz",
["Open a private message channel:"] = "Otworz prywatny kanal:",
["Open charlist automatically when starting client"] = false,
["Open in new window"] = "Otworz w nowym oknie",
["Open new channel"] = "Otworz nowy kanal",
["Options"] = "Opcje",
["Overview"] = false,
["Pass Leadership to %s"] = "Przekaz przywodztwo %s",
["Password"] = "Haslo",
["Piece Price:"] = false,
["Please enter a character name:"] = "Por favor, introduce el nombre de un personaje:",
["Please, press the key you wish to add onto your hotkeys manager"] = "Por favor, presione la tecla que desee para\nañadir a tu administrador de atajos",
["Please enter a character name:"] = "Podaj nazwe postaci:",
["Please, press the key you wish to add onto your hotkeys manager"] = "Nacisnij klawisz, ktory chcesz dodac do menedzera skrotow klawiszowych",
["Please Select"] = false,
["Please use this dialog to only report bugs. Do not report rule violations here!"] = false,
["Please wait"] = "Por favor, espere",
["Port"] = "Puerto",
["Preview"] = false,
["Price:"] = "Precio",
["Primary"] = "Primario",
["Please wait"] = "Prosze czekac",
["Port"] = "Port",
["Position:"] = false,
["Position: %i %i %i"] = false,
["Premium Account (%s) days left"] = false,
["Price:"] = "Cena:",
["Primary"] = "Podstawowy",
["Protocol"] = false,
["Quantity:"] = "Cantidad:",
["Quest Log"] = false,
["Randomize"] = false,
["Randomize characters outfit"] = false,
["Reason:"] = false,
["Refresh"] = "Actualizar",
["Refresh"] = "Odswiez",
["Refresh Offers"] = false,
["Regeneration Time"] = false,
["Reject"] = false,
["Reload"] = false,
["Reload All"] = "Recargar Todos",
["Remember account and password when starts otclient"] = "Recordar cuenta y contraseña cuando inicie otclient",
["Remember password"] = "Recordar contraseña",
["Remove"] = "Quitar",
["Remove %s"] = "Quitar %s",
["Reload All"] = "Przeladuj Wszystko",
["Remember account and password when starts client"] = false,
["Remember password"] = "Zapamietaj haslo",
["Remove"] = "Usun",
["Remove %s"] = "Usun %s",
["Report Bug"] = false,
["Reserved for more functionality later."] = false,
["Reset Market"] = false,
["Revoke %s's Invitation"] = false,
["Rotate"] = "Girar",
["Rotate"] = "Obroc",
["Rule Violation"] = false,
["Search:"] = "Buscar:",
["Search"] = false,
["Secondary"] = "Secundario",
["Select object"] = "Seleccionar objeto",
["Select Outfit"] = "Selecionar Traje",
["Sell"] = "Vender",
["Save"] = false,
["Save Messages"] = false,
["Search:"] = "Szukaj:",
["Search all items"] = false,
["Secondary"] = "Drugorzedny",
["Select object"] = "Wybierz obiekt",
["Select Outfit"] = "Wybierz outfit",
["Select your language"] = false,
["Sell"] = "Sprzedaj",
["Sell Now"] = false,
["Sell Offers"] = false,
["Send"] = false,
["Send automatically"] = "Enviar automáticamente",
["Server"] = "Servidor",
["Server Log"] = "Registro del servidor",
["Set Outfit"] = "Escoger Traje",
["Shielding"] = "Defensa",
["Show all items"] = "Mostrar todos los objetos",
["Send automatically"] = "Wyslij automatycznie",
["Send Message"] = false,
["Server"] = "Serwer",
["Server Log"] = "Log Serwera",
["Set Outfit"] = "Ustaw outfit",
["Shielding"] = "Obrona tarcza",
["Show all items"] = "Pokaz wszystkie przedmioty",
["Show connection ping"] = false,
["Show Depot Only"] = false,
["Show event messages in console"] = "Mostrar los mensajes de eventos en la consola",
["Show frame rate"] = "Mostrar FPS",
["Show info messages in console"] = "Mostrar los mensajes informativos en la consola",
["Show event messages in console"] = "Pokaz wydarzenia w konsoli",
["Show frame rate"] = "Pokaz ilosc FPS",
["Show info messages in console"] = "Pokaz informacje w konsoli",
["Show left panel"] = false,
["Show levels in console"] = "Mostrar los niveles en la consola",
["Show private messages in console"] = "Mostrar los mensajes privados en la consola",
["Show levels in console"] = "Pokaz poziomy w konsoli",
["Show Offline"] = false,
["Show private messages in console"] = "Pokaz prywatne wiadomosci w konsoli",
["Show private messages on screen"] = false,
["Show status messages in console"] = "Mostrar los mensajes de estado en la consola",
["Show Server Messages"] = false,
["Show status messages in console"] = "Pokaz status w konsoli",
["Show Text"] = false,
["Show timestamps in console"] = "Mostrar la hora en la consola",
["Show timestamps in console"] = "Pokaz znaczniki czasu w konsoli",
["Show your depot items only"] = false,
["Skills"] = "Habilidades",
["Skills"] = "Umiejetnosci",
["Soul"] = false,
["Soul Points"] = "Puntos del Alma",
["Stamina"] = "Vigor",
["Start"] = false,
["Soul Points"] = "Punkty Duszy",
["Special"] = false,
["Speed"] = false,
["Spell Cooldowns"] = false,
["Spell List"] = false,
["Stamina"] = "Wytrzymalosc",
["Statement:"] = false,
["Statement Report"] = false,
["Statistics"] = false,
["Stop Attack"] = "Detener el Ataque",
["Stop Follow"] = "Detener el Seguimiento",
["%s: (use object)"] = "%s: (usar objeto)",
["%s: (use object on target)"] = "%s: (usar objeto en objetivo)",
["%s: (use object on yourself)"] = "%s: (usar objeto en ti mismo)",
["%s: (use object with crosshair)"] = "%s: (usar objeto con mirilla)",
["Sword Fighting"] = "Combate con Espada",
["Stop Attack"] = "Zatrzymaj atak",
["Stop Follow"] = "Zatrzymaj podazanie",
["Support"] = false,
["%s: (use object)"] = "%s: (uzyj obiekt)",
["%s: (use object on target)"] = "%s: (uzyj obiektu na celu)",
["%s: (use object on yourself)"] = "%s: (uzyj obiektu na sobie)",
["%s: (use object with crosshair)"] = "%s: (uzyj obiektu z celownikiem)",
["Sword Fighting"] = "Atak mieczem",
["Terminal"] = "Terminal",
["There is no way."] = "No hay ruta.",
["There is no way."] = "Nie ma drogi.",
["Title"] = false,
["Total Price:"] = false,
["Trade"] = "Comercial",
["Trade with ..."] = "Comercial con ...",
["Trade"] = "Handel",
["Trade with ..."] = "Handluj z ...",
["Trying to reconnect in %s seconds."] = false,
["Unable to load dat file, please place a valid dat in '%s'"] = false,
["Unable to load spr file, please place a valid spr in '%s'"] = false,
["Unable to logout."] = "No es posible salir.",
["Unload"] = "Descarga",
["Use"] = "Usar",
["Use on target"] = "Usar en objetivo",
["Use on yourself"] = "Usar en ti mismo",
["Use with ..."] = "Usar en ...",
["Version"] = "Versión",
["VIP list"] = "Lista VIP",
["Unable to logout."] = "Nie mozna sie wylogowac.",
["Unignore"] = false,
["Unload"] = "Wylacz",
["Update needed"] = false,
["Use"] = "Uzyj",
["Use on target"] = "Uzyj na celu",
["Use on yourself"] = "Uzyj na sobie",
["Use with ..."] = "Uzyj z ...",
["Version"] = "Wersja",
["VIP List"] = "Lista VIP",
["Voc."] = false,
["Vocation"] = false,
["Waiting List"] = false,
["Website"] = "Sitio Web",
["Weight:"] = "Peso",
["With crosshair"] = "Con mirilla",
["Website"] = "Strona:",
["Weight:"] = "Waga:",
["Will detect when to use diagonal step based on the\nkeys you are pressing"] = false,
["With crosshair"] = "Z celownikiem",
["Yes"] = false,
["You are bleeding"] = false,
["You are burning"] = "Estás quemando",
["You are cursed"] = "Estás maldito",
["You are dazzled"] = "Estás deslumbrado",
["You are dead."] = "Has muerto.",
["You are burning"] = "Palisz sie",
["You are cursed"] = "Jestes przeklety",
["You are dazzled"] = "Jestes oslepiony",
["You are dead."] = "Zginales marnie.",
["You are dead"] = false,
["You are drowing"] = "Te estás ahogando",
["You are drowing"] = "Topisz sie",
["You are drunk"] = false,
["You are electrified"] = "Estás electrocutado",
["You are freezing"] = "Estás congelado",
["You are hasted"] = "Vas con prisa",
["You are electrified"] = "Jestes porazony pradem",
["You are freezing"] = "Marzniesz",
["You are hasted"] = "Zapieprzasz",
["You are hungry"] = false,
["You are paralysed"] = "Estás paralizado",
["You are poisoned"] = "Estás envenenado",
["You are protected by a magic shield"] = "Estás protegido por un escudo mágico",
["You are strengthened"] = "Estás reforzado",
["You are within a protection zone"] = "Estás en una zona de protección",
["You are paralysed"] = "Jestes sparalizowany",
["You are poisoned"] = "Jestes zatruty",
["You are protected by a magic shield"] = "Jestes chroniony magiczna tarcza",
["You are strengthened"] = "Jestes wzmocniony",
["You are within a protection zone"] = "Jestes w strefie ochronnej",
["You can enter new text."] = false,
["You have %s percent"] = "Tienes %s por ciento",
["You have %s percent to go"] = "Te falta %s por ciento para avanzar",
["You may not logout during a fight"] = "No puedes salir mientras estás en un combate",
["You may not logout or enter a protection zone"] = "No puedes salir o entrar en una zona de protección",
["You have %s percent"] = "Masz %s procent",
["You have %s percent to go"] = "Brakuje Ci %s procent",
["You may not logout during a fight"] = "Nie mozesz sie wylogowac w trakcie walki",
["You may not logout or enter a protection zone"] = "Nie mozesz sie wylogowac ani wejsc do strefy ochronnej",
["You must enter a comment."] = false,
["You must enter an account name and password."] = false,
["You must enter a valid server address and port."] = false,
["You must select a character to login!"] = "Debes seleccionar un personaje para entrar!",
["You must select a character to login!"] = "Musisz wybrac postac aby sie zalogowac!",
["Your Capacity:"] = false,
["You read the following, written by \n%s\n"] = false,
["You read the following, written on %s.\n"] = false,
["You read the following, written on \n%s.\n"] = false,
["Your Money:"] = false,

@ -1,35 +1,33 @@
locale = {
name = "pt",
charset = "cp1252",
languageName = "Portugu<EFBFBD>s",
languageName = "Português",
-- As tradu<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>es devem vir sempre em ordem alfab<61>tica.
-- As traduções devem vir sempre em ordem alfabética.
translation = {
["1a) Offensive Name"] = "1a) Nome ofensivo",
["1b) Invalid Name Format"] = "1b) Nome com formato inv<EFBFBD>lido",
["1c) Unsuitable Name"] = "1c) Nome n<EFBFBD>o adequado",
["1d) Name Inciting Rule Violation"] = "1d) Nome estimulando viola<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o de regra",
["2a) Offensive Statement"] = "2a) Afirma<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o ofensiva",
["1b) Invalid Name Format"] = "1b) Nome com formato inválido",
["1c) Unsuitable Name"] = "1c) Nome não adequado",
["1d) Name Inciting Rule Violation"] = "1d) Nome estimulando violação de regra",
["2a) Offensive Statement"] = "2a) Afirmação ofensiva",
["2b) Spamming"] = "2b) Spamming",
["2c) Illegal Advertising"] = "2c) An<EFBFBD>ncio ilegal",
["2d) Off-Topic Public Statement"] = "2d) Afirma<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o p<>blica fora de contexto",
["2e) Non-English Public Statement"] = "2e) Afirma<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o p<>blica em lingua n<>o inglesa",
["2f) Inciting Rule Violation"] = "2f) Estimulando viola<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o de regra",
["2c) Illegal Advertising"] = "2c) Anúncio ilegal",
["2d) Off-Topic Public Statement"] = "2d) Afirmação pública fora de contexto",
["2e) Non-English Public Statement"] = "2e) Afirmação pública em lingua não inglesa",
["2f) Inciting Rule Violation"] = "2f) Estimulando violação de regra",
["3a) Bug Abuse"] = "3a) Abuso de falhas",
["3b) Game Weakness Abuse"] = "3b) Abuso de falhas no jogo",
["3c) Using Unofficial Software to Play"] = "3c) Uso de programas ilegais para jogar",
["3d) Hacking"] = "3d) Hacking",
["3e) Multi-Clienting"] = "3e) Uso de mais de um cliente para jogar",
["3f) Account Trading or Sharing"] = "3f) Troca de contas ou compartilhamento",
["4a) Threatening Gamemaster"] = "4a) Amea<65>ar Gamemaster",
["4b) Pretending to Have Influence on Rule Enforcement"] = "4b) Fingir ter influencia sobre a execu<63><75>o de regras",
["4c) False Report to Gamemaster"] = "4c) Relat<61>rio falso para Gamemaster",
["Abilities"] = "Abilidades",
["4a) Threatening Gamemaster"] = "4a) Ameaçar Gamemaster",
["4b) Pretending to Have Influence on Rule Enforcement"] = "4b) Fingir ter influencia sobre a execução de regras",
["4c) False Report to Gamemaster"] = "4c) Relatório falso para Gamemaster",
["Accept"] = "Aceitar",
["Account name"] = "Nome da conta",
["Account Status:\nFree Account"] = "Estado da conta:\nGr<EFBFBD>tis",
["Account Status:\nPremium Account (%s) days left"] = "Estado da conta:\nConta premium (%s) dias faltando",
["Action:"] = "A<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o:",
["Account Status:"] = false,
["Action:"] = "Ação:",
["Add"] = "Adicionar",
["Add new VIP"] = "Adicionar nova VIP",
["Addon 1"] = "Addon 1",
@ -39,13 +37,14 @@ locale = {
["Adjust volume"] = "Ajustar volume",
["Alas! Brave adventurer, you have met a sad fate.\nBut do not despair, for the gods will bring you back\ninto this world in exchange for a small sacrifice\n\nSimply click on Ok to resume your journeys!"] = false,
["All"] = "Todos",
["All modules and scripts were reloaded."] = "Todos m<>dulos e scripts foram recarregados.",
["Allow auto chase override"] = "Permitir sobrescrever o modo de persegui<75><69>o",
["Also known as dash in tibia community, recommended\nfor playing characters with high speed"] = "Tamb<EFBFBD>m conhecido como dash na comunidade tibiana, recomendado\npara jogar com personagem que possuam velocidade alta",
["All modules and scripts were reloaded."] = "Todos módulos e scripts foram recarregados.",
["Allow auto chase override"] = "Permitir sobrescrever o modo de perseguição",
["Also known as dash in tibia community, recommended\nfor playing characters with high speed"] = "Também conhecido como dash na comunidade tibiana, recomendado\npara jogar com personagem que possuam velocidade alta",
["Ambient light: %s%%"] = false,
["Amount:"] = "Quantidade:",
["Amount"] = "Quantidade",
["Anonymous"] = "An<EFBFBD>nimo",
["Are you sure you want to logout?"] = "Voc<EFBFBD> tem certeza que quer sair?",
["Anonymous"] = "Anônimo",
["Are you sure you want to logout?"] = "Você tem certeza que quer sair?",
["Attack"] = "Atacar",
["Author"] = "Autor",
["Autoload"] = "Carregar automaticamente",
@ -59,112 +58,132 @@ locale = {
["Battle"] = "Batalha",
["Browse"] = "Navegar",
["Bug report sent."] = "Reporte de bug enviado.",
["Button Assign"] = "Selecionar bot<EFBFBD>o",
["Button Assign"] = "Selecionar botão",
["Buy"] = "Comprar",
["Buy Now"] = "Comparar agora",
["Buy Offers"] = "Ofertas de compra",
["Buy with backpack"] = "Comprar com mochila",
["Cancel"] = "Cancelar",
["Cannot login while already in game."] = "N<EFBFBD>o <20> possivel logar enquanto j<> estiver jogando.",
["Cannot login while already in game."] = "Não é possivel logar enquanto já estiver jogando.",
["Cap"] = "Cap",
["Capacity"] = "Capacidade",
["Center"] = "Centro",
["Channels"] = "Canais",
["Character List"] = "Lista de personagens",
["Classic control"] = "Controle cl<EFBFBD>ssico",
["Classic control"] = "Controle clássico",
["Clear current message window"] = "Apagar mensagens",
["Clear Messages"] = false,
["Clear object"] = "Limpar objeto",
["Client needs update."] = "O client do jogo precisa ser atualizado",
["Close"] = "Fechar",
["Close this channel"] = "Fechar esse canal",
["Club Fighting"] = "Combate com Porrete",
["Combat Controls"] = "Controles de combate",
["Comment:"] = "Coment<EFBFBD>rio:",
["Comment:"] = "Comentário:",
["Connecting to game server..."] = "Conectando no servidor do jogo...",
["Connecting to login server..."] = "Conectando no servidor de autentica<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o...",
["Connecting to login server..."] = "Conectando no servidor de autenticação...",
["Console"] = "Console",
["Cooldowns"] = false,
["Copy message"] = "Copiar mensagem",
["Copy name"] = "Copiar nome",
["Copy Name"] = "Copiar Nome",
["Create"] = "Criar",
["Create Map Mark"] = false,
["Create mark"] = false,
["Create New Offer"] = "Criar nova oferta",
["Create Offer"] = "Criar oferta",
["Current hotkeys:"] = "Atalhos atuais",
["Current hotkey to add: %s"] = "Atalho atual para adicionar: %s",
["Current Offers"] = "Ofertas atuais",
["Default"] = "Padr<EFBFBD>o",
["Description"] = "Descri<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o",
["Default"] = "Padrão",
["Delete mark"] = false,
["Description:"] = false,
["Description"] = "Descrição",
["Destructive Behaviour"] = "Comportamento destrutivo",
["Detail"] = "Detalhe",
["Details"] = "Detalhes",
["Disable Shared Experience"] = "Desativar experi<72>ncia compartilhada",
["Display connection speed to the server (milliseconds)"] = "Exibir a velocidade de conex<65>o com o servidor (milisegundos)",
["Distance Fighting"] = "Combate a Dist<73>ncia",
["Disable Shared Experience"] = "Desativar experiência compartilhada",
["Dismount"] = false,
["Display connection speed to the server (milliseconds)"] = "Exibir a velocidade de conexão com o servidor (milisegundos)",
["Distance Fighting"] = "Combate a Distância",
["Don't stretch/shrink Game Window"] = false,
["Edit hotkey text:"] = "Editar texto do atalho",
["Edit List"] = "Editar lista",
["Edit Text"] = "Editar Texto",
["Enable music"] = "Ativar musica",
["Enable Shared Experience"] = "Ativar experiência compartilhada",
["Enable smart walking"] = "Ativar andar inteligente",
["Enable Shared Experience"] = "Ativar experi<72>ncia compartilhada",
["Enable vertical synchronization"] = "Ativar sincroniza<7A><61>o vertical",
["Enable vertical synchronization"] = "Ativar sincronização vertical",
["Enable walk booster"] = "Ativar andar intensificado",
["Enter Game"] = "Entrar no jogo",
["Enter one name per line."] = "Entre somente um nome por linha.",
["Enter with your account again to update your client."] = false,
["Error"] = "Erro",
["Error"] = "Erro",
["Excessive Unjustified Player Killing"] = "Assassinato em excesso, sem justificativa, de jogadores",
["Exclude from private chat"] = "Excluir do canal privado",
["Exit"] = "Sair",
["Experience"] = "Experi<EFBFBD>ncia",
["Experience"] = "Experiência",
["Filter list to match your level"] = "Filtrar a lista para o seu level",
["Filter list to match your vocation"] = "Filtrar a lista para a sua voca<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o",
["Filter list to match your vocation"] = "Filtrar a lista para a sua vocação",
["Find:"] = "Procurar",
["Fishing"] = "Pesca",
["Fist Fighting"] = "Porrada",
["Follow"] = "Seguir",
["Force Exit"] = "For<EFBFBD>ar Saida",
["Force Exit"] = "Forçar Saida",
["For Your Information"] = false,
["Free Account"] = false,
["Fullscreen"] = "Tela cheia",
["Game"] = "Jogo",
["Game framerate limit: %s"] = "Limite da taxa de quadros do jogo: %s",
["General"] = "Geral",
["Graphics"] = "Gr<EFBFBD>ficos",
["Graphics Engine:"] = "Motor Gr<47>fico:",
["Head"] = "Cabe<EFBFBD>a",
["Graphics"] = "Gráficos",
["Graphics card driver not detected"] = false,
["Graphics Engine:"] = "Motor Gráfico:",
["Head"] = "Cabeça",
["Healing"] = false,
["Health Info"] = "Barra de Vida",
["Health Information"] = "Informa<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o de vida",
["Health Information"] = "Informação de vida",
["Hide monsters"] = "Esconder montros",
["Hide non-skull players"] = "Esconder jogadores sem caveira",
["Hide Npcs"] = "Esconder NPCs",
["Hide Offline"] = false,
["Hide party members"] = "Esconder membros do grupo",
["Hide players"] = "Esconder jogadores",
["Hide spells for higher exp. levels"] = false,
["Hide spells for other vocations"] = false,
["Hit Points"] = "Pontos de Vida",
["Hold right mouse button to navigate\nScroll mouse middle button to zoom"] = "Segure o bot<6F>o direito do mouse para navegar\nRole o bot<6F>o central do mouse para mudar o zoom",
["Hold left mouse button to navigate\nScroll mouse middle button to zoom\nRight mouse button to create map marks"] = false,
["Hotkeys"] = "Atalhos",
["If you shut down the program, your character might stay in the game.\nClick on 'Logout' to ensure that you character leaves the game properly.\nClick on 'Exit' if you want to exit the program without logging out your character."] = "Se voc<6F> desligar o programa o seu personagem pode continuar no jogo.\nClique em 'Sair' para assegurar que seu personagem saia do jogo adequadamente.\nClique em 'For<6F>ar Saida' para fechar o programa sem desconectar seu personagem.",
["If you shut down the program, your character might stay in the game.\nClick on 'Logout' to ensure that you character leaves the game properly.\nClick on 'Exit' if you want to exit the program without logging out your character."] = "Se você desligar o programa o seu personagem pode continuar no jogo.\nClique em 'Sair' para assegurar que seu personagem saia do jogo adequadamente.\nClique em 'Forçar Saida' para fechar o programa sem desconectar seu personagem.",
["Ignore"] = false,
["Ignore capacity"] = "Ignorar capacidade",
["Ignored players:"] = false,
["Ignore equipped"] = "Ignorar equipado",
["Ignore List"] = false,
["Ignore players"] = false,
["Ignore Private Messages"] = false,
["Ignore Yelling"] = false,
["Interface framerate limit: %s"] = "Limite da taxa de quadros da interface: %s",
["Inventory"] = "Invent<EFBFBD>rio",
["Inventory"] = "Inventário",
["Invite to Party"] = "Convidar para o grupo",
["Invite to private chat"] = "Convidar para o canal privado",
["IP Address Banishment"] = "Banimento de endere<EFBFBD>o IP",
["IP Address Banishment"] = "Banimento de endereço IP",
["Item Offers"] = "Ofertas de items",
["It is empty.\n"] = "Est<EFBFBD> vazio\n",
["It is empty."] = false,
["Join %s's Party"] = "Entrar na party do %s",
["Leave Party"] = "Sair do grupo",
["Level"] = "N<EFBFBD>vel",
["Level"] = "Nível",
["Lifetime Premium Account"] = false,
["Limits FPS to 60"] = "Limita o FPS para 60",
["List of items that you're able to buy"] = "Lista de itens que voc<EFBFBD> pode comprar",
["List of items that you're able to sell"] = "Lista de itens que voc<EFBFBD> pode vender",
["List of items that you're able to buy"] = "Lista de itens que você pode comprar",
["List of items that you're able to sell"] = "Lista de itens que você pode vender",
["Load"] = "Carregar",
["Location"] = "Local",
["Logging out..."] = "Saindo...",
["Login"] = "Entrar",
["Login Error"] = "Erro de Autentica<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o",
["Login Error"] = "Erro de Autentica<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o",
["Login Error"] = "Erro de Autenticação",
["Login Error"] = "Erro de Autenticação",
["Logout"] = "Sair",
["Look"] = "Olhar",
["Magic Level"] = "N<EFBFBD>vel M<>gico",
["Magic Level"] = "Nível Mágico",
["Make sure that your client uses\nthe correct game protocol version"] = "Tenha certeza que o seu cliente use\no mesmo protocolo do servidor do jogo",
["Mana"] = "Mana",
["Manage hotkeys:"] = "Configurar atalhos:",
@ -174,174 +193,179 @@ locale = {
["Message to "] = "Mensagem para ",
["Message to %s"] = "Mandar mensagem para %s",
["Minimap"] = "Minimapa",
["Module Manager"] = "Gerenciador de M<>dulos",
["Module name"] = "Nome do m<>dulo",
["Move Stackable Item"] = "Mover item cont<6E>vel",
["Module Manager"] = "Gerenciador de Módulos",
["Module name"] = "Nome do módulo",
["Mount"] = false,
["Move Stackable Item"] = "Mover item contável",
["Move up"] = "Mover para cima",
["Moves"] = "Movimentos",
["My Offers"] = "Minhas ofertas",
["Name:"] = "Nome:",
["Name"] = "Nome",
["Name Report"] = "Reportar Nome",
["Name Report + Banishment"] = "Reportar Nome + Banimento",
["Name Report + Banishment + Final Warning"] = "Reportar Nome + Banimento + Aviso Final",
["No"] = "N<EFBFBD>o",
["No"] = "Não",
["No graphics card detected, everything will be drawn using the CPU,\nthus the performance will be really bad.\nPlease update your graphics driver to have a better performance."] = false,
["No item selected."] = "Nenhum item selecionado",
["No Mount"] = "Sem montaria",
["No Outfit"] = "Sem roupa",
["No statement has been selected."] = "Nenhuma afirma<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o foi selecionada.",
["Notation"] = "Nota<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o",
["No statement has been selected."] = "Nenhuma afirmação foi selecionada.",
["Notation"] = "Notação",
["NPC Trade"] = "Troca com NPC",
["Offer History"] = "Hist<EFBFBD>rico de ofertas",
["Offer History"] = "Histórico de ofertas",
["Offers"] = "Ofertas",
["Offer Type:"] = "Tipo de oferta:",
["Offline Training"] = "Treino Offline",
["Ok"] = "Ok",
["Okay"] = "Okay",
["on %s.\n"] = "em %s.\n",
["Open"] = "Abrir",
["Open a private message channel:"] = "Abrir um canal privado:",
["Open charlist automatically when starting otclient"] = "Abrir lista de personagens",
["Open charlist automatically when starting client"] = false,
["Open in new window"] = "Abrir em nova janela",
["Open new channel"] = "Abrir novo canal",
["Options"] = "Op<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>es",
["Overview"] = "Vis<EFBFBD>o geral",
["Particles Manager"] = "Gerenciador de part<72>culas",
["Pass Leadership to %s"] = "Passar lideran<61>a para %s",
["Options"] = "Opções",
["Overview"] = "Visão geral",
["Pass Leadership to %s"] = "Passar liderança para %s",
["Password"] = "Senha",
["Pause"] = "Pausar",
["Piece Price:"] = "Pre<EFBFBD>o por pe<70>a:",
["Piece Price:"] = "Preço por peça:",
["Please enter a character name:"] = "Por favor, entre com o nome do personagem:",
["Please, press the key you wish to add onto your hotkeys manager"] = "Por favor, pressione a tecla que voc<EFBFBD> deseja\nadicionar no gerenciador de atalhos",
["Please, press the key you wish to add onto your hotkeys manager"] = "Por favor, pressione a tecla que você deseja\nadicionar no gerenciador de atalhos",
["Please Select"] = "Por favor, selecione algo",
["Please use this dialog to only report bugs. Do not report rule violations here!"] = "Por favor, use este campo apenas para reportar defeitos. N<EFBFBD>o reporte viola<6C><61>o de regras aqui!",
["Please use this dialog to only report bugs. Do not report rule violations here!"] = "Por favor, use este campo apenas para reportar defeitos. Não reporte violação de regras aqui!",
["Please wait"] = "Por favor, espere",
["Port"] = "Porta",
["Preview"] = "Prever",
["Price:"] = "Pre<EFBFBD>o",
["Primary"] = "Prim<EFBFBD>rio",
["Position:"] = false,
["Position: %i %i %i"] = false,
["Premium Account (%s) days left"] = false,
["Price:"] = "Preço",
["Primary"] = "Primário",
["Protocol"] = "Protocolo",
["Quantity:"] = "Quantidade:",
["Quest Log"] = "Registro de Quest",
["Randomize"] = "Embaralhar",
["Randomize characters outfit"] = "Gerar roupa aleat<EFBFBD>ria",
["Randomize characters outfit"] = "Gerar roupa aleatória",
["Reason:"] = "Motivo:",
["Refresh"] = "Atualizar",
["Refresh Offers"] = "Atualizar Ofertas",
["Regeneration Time"] = "Tempo de Regenera<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o",
["Regeneration Time"] = "Tempo de Regeneração",
["Reject"] = "Rejeitar",
["Reload"] = "Recarregar",
["Reload All"] = "Recarregar Todos",
["Remember account and password when starts otclient"] = "Lembrar conta e senha quando o cliente iniciar",
["Remember account and password when starts client"] = false,
["Remember password"] = "Lembrar senha",
["Remove"] = "Remover",
["Remove %s"] = "Remover %s",
["Report Bug"] = "Reportar defeito",
["Reserved for more functionality later."] = "Reservado para futura maior funcionalidade.",
["Reset Market"] = "Resetar Mercado",
["Revoke %s's Invitation"] = "N<EFBFBD>o aceitar o convite do %s",
["Revoke %s's Invitation"] = "Não aceitar o convite do %s",
["Rotate"] = "Girar",
["Rule Violation"] = "Viola<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o de regra",
["Rule Violation"] = "Violação de regra",
["Save"] = false,
["Save Messages"] = false,
["Search:"] = "Procurar:",
["Search"] = "Procurar",
["Search all items"] = "Procurar todos os items",
["Secondary"] = "Secund<EFBFBD>rio",
["Secondary"] = "Secundário",
["Select object"] = "Selecionar objeto",
["Select Outfit"] = "Selecionar Roupa",
["Select your language"] = false,
["Sell"] = "Vender",
["Sell Now"] = "Vender agora",
["Sell Offers"] = "Ofertas de venda",
["Send"] = "Enviar",
["Send automatically"] = "Enviar automaticamente",
["Send Message"] = false,
["Server"] = "Servidor",
["Server Log"] = "Registro do servidor",
["Set Outfit"] = "Escolher Roupa",
["Shielding"] = "Defesa",
["Show all items"] = "Exibir todos os itens",
["Show connection ping"] = "Mostrar lat<EFBFBD>ncia de conex<65>o",
["Show Depot Only"] = "Mostrar somente o dep<EFBFBD>sito",
["Show connection ping"] = "Mostrar latência de conexão",
["Show Depot Only"] = "Mostrar somente o depósito",
["Show event messages in console"] = "Exibir mensagens de eventos no console",
["Show frame rate"] = "Exibir FPS",
["Show info messages in console"] = "Exibir mensagens informativas no console",
["Show left panel"] = "Mostrar barra lateral esquerda",
["Show levels in console"] = "Exibir n<>veis no console",
["Show levels in console"] = "Exibir níveis no console",
["Show Offline"] = false,
["Show private messages in console"] = "Exibir mensagens privadas no console",
["Show private messages on screen"] = "Exibir mensagens na tela",
["Show Server Messages"] = false,
["Show status messages in console"] = "Exibir mensagens de estado no console",
["Show Text"] = "Mostrar texto",
["Show timestamps in console"] = "Exibir o hor<EFBFBD>rio no console",
["Show your depot items only"] = "Mostrar os itens somentedo dep<EFBFBD>sito",
["Show timestamps in console"] = "Exibir o horário no console",
["Show your depot items only"] = "Mostrar os itens somentedo depósito",
["Skills"] = "Habilidades",
["Soul"] = "Alma",
["Soul Points"] = "Pontos de Alma",
["Special"] = false,
["Speed"] = "Velocidade",
["Spell Cooldowns"] = false,
["Spell List"] = false,
["Stamina"] = "Vigor",
["Start"] = "Come<EFBFBD>ar",
["Statement:"] = "Afirma<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o:",
["Statement:"] = "Afirmação:",
["Statement Report"] = "Afirmar Relato",
["Statistics"] = "Estat<EFBFBD>sticas",
["Statistics"] = "Estatísticas",
["Stop Attack"] = "Parar de Atacar",
["Stop Follow"] = "Parar de Seguir",
["Support"] = false,
["%s: (use object)"] = "%s: (usar objeto)",
["%s: (use object on target)"] = "%s: (usar objeto no alvo)",
["%s: (use object on yourself)"] = "%s: (usar objeto em si)",
["%s: (use object with crosshair)"] = "%s: (usar objeto com mira)",
["Sword Fighting"] = "Combate com Espada",
["Terminal"] = "Terminal",
["There is no way."] = "N<EFBFBD>o h<> rota",
["Total Price:"] = "Pre<EFBFBD>o total:",
["There is no way."] = "Não há rota",
["Title"] = false,
["Total Price:"] = "Preço total:",
["Trade"] = "Trocar",
["Trade with ..."] = "Trocar com ...",
["Trying to reconnect in %s seconds."] = "Tentando reconectar em %s segundos.",
["Type"] = "Tipo",
["Unable to load dat file, please place a valid dat in '%s'"] = "N<EFBFBD>o foi poss<73>vel carregar o arquivo dat, por favor coloque um arquivo v<>lido em %s",
["Unable to load spr file, please place a valid spr in '%s'"] = "N<EFBFBD>o foi poss<73>vel carregar o arquivo spr, por favor coloque um arquivo v<>lido em %s",
["Unable to logout."] = "N<EFBFBD>o <20> possivel sair",
["Unable to load dat file, please place a valid dat in '%s'"] = "Não foi possível carregar o arquivo dat, por favor coloque um arquivo válido em %s",
["Unable to load spr file, please place a valid spr in '%s'"] = "Não foi possível carregar o arquivo spr, por favor coloque um arquivo válido em %s",
["Unable to logout."] = "Não é possivel sair",
["Unignore"] = false,
["Unload"] = "Descarregar",
["Update needed"] = false,
["Use"] = "Usar",
["Use on target"] = "Usar no alvo",
["Use on yourself"] = "Usar em si",
["Use with ..."] = "Usar com ...",
["Version"] = "Vers<EFBFBD>o",
["VIP list"] = "Lista VIP",
["Version"] = "Versão",
["VIP List"] = "Lista VIP",
["Voc."] = "Voc.",
["Vocation"] = false,
["Waiting List"] = "Lista de espera",
["Website"] = "Website",
["Weight:"] = "Peso",
["Will detect when to use diagonal step based on the\nkeys you are pressing"] = "Detectar quando usar o passo diagonal\nbaseado nas teclas pressionadas",
["With crosshair"] = "Com mira",
["World"] = "Mundo",
["Yes"] = "Sim",
["You are bleeding"] = "Voc<EFBFBD> est<73> sangrando",
["You are burning"] = "Voc<EFBFBD> est<73> queimando",
["You are cursed"] = "Voc<EFBFBD> est<73> amaldi<64>oado",
["You are dazzled"] = "Voc<EFBFBD> est<73> deslumbrado",
["You are dead."] = "Voc<EFBFBD> est<73> morto.",
["You are dead"] = "Voc<EFBFBD> est<73> morto",
["You are drowing"] = "Voc<EFBFBD> est<73> se afogando",
["You are drunk"] = "Voc<EFBFBD> est<73> b<>bado",
["You are electrified"] = "Voc<EFBFBD> est<73> eletrificado",
["You are freezing"] = "Voc<EFBFBD> est<73> congelando",
["You are hasted"] = "Voc<EFBFBD> est<73> com pressa",
["You are hungry"] = "Voc<EFBFBD> est<73> faminto",
["You are paralysed"] = "Voc<EFBFBD> est<73> paralizado",
["You are poisoned"] = "Voc<EFBFBD> est<73> envenenado",
["You are protected by a magic shield"] = "Voc<EFBFBD> est<73> protegido com um escudo m<>gico",
["You are strengthened"] = "Voc<EFBFBD> est<73> refor<6F>ado",
["You are within a protection zone"] = "Voc<EFBFBD> est<73> dentro de uma zona de prote<74><65>o",
["You can enter new text."] = "Voc<EFBFBD> pode entrar com um novo texto.",
["You have %s percent"] = "Voc<EFBFBD> tem %s porcento",
["You have %s percent to go"] = "Voc<EFBFBD> tem %s porcento para avan<61>ar",
["You may not logout during a fight"] = "Voc<EFBFBD> n<>o pode sair durante um combate",
["You may not logout or enter a protection zone"] = "Voc<EFBFBD> n<>o pode sair ou entrar em uma zona de prote<74><65>o",
["You must enter a comment."] = "Voc<EFBFBD> precisa entrar com um coment<6E>rio",
["You must enter an account name and password."] = "Voc<EFBFBD> precisa entrar com uma conta e senha.",
["You must enter a valid server address and port."] = "Voc<EFBFBD> precisa colocar um endere<72>o e uma porta do servidor v<>lidos.",
["You must select a character to login!"] = "Voc<EFBFBD> deve selecionar um personagem para entrar!",
["You are bleeding"] = "Você está sangrando",
["You are burning"] = "Você está queimando",
["You are cursed"] = "Você está amaldiçoado",
["You are dazzled"] = "Você está deslumbrado",
["You are dead."] = "Você está morto.",
["You are dead"] = "Você está morto",
["You are drowing"] = "Você está se afogando",
["You are drunk"] = "Você está bêbado",
["You are electrified"] = "Você está eletrificado",
["You are freezing"] = "Você está congelando",
["You are hasted"] = "Você está com pressa",
["You are hungry"] = "Você está faminto",
["You are paralysed"] = "Você está paralizado",
["You are poisoned"] = "Você está envenenado",
["You are protected by a magic shield"] = "Você está protegido com um escudo mágico",
["You are strengthened"] = "Você está reforçado",
["You are within a protection zone"] = "Você está dentro de uma zona de proteção",
["You can enter new text."] = "Você pode entrar com um novo texto.",
["You have %s percent"] = "Você tem %s porcento",
["You have %s percent to go"] = "Você tem %s porcento para avançar",
["You may not logout during a fight"] = "Você não pode sair durante um combate",
["You may not logout or enter a protection zone"] = "Você não pode sair ou entrar em uma zona de proteção",
["You must enter a comment."] = "Você precisa entrar com um comentário",
["You must enter a valid server address and port."] = "Você precisa colocar um endereço e uma porta do servidor válidos.",
["You must select a character to login!"] = "Você deve selecionar um personagem para entrar!",
["Your Capacity:"] = "Sua capacidade:",
["You read the following, written by \n%s\n"] = "Voc<EFBFBD> l<> o seguinte, escrito por \n%s\n",
["You read the following, written on %s.\n"] = "Voc<EFBFBD> l<> o seguinte, escrito em %s\n",
["You read the following, written by \n%s\n"] = "Você lê o seguinte, escrito por \n%s\n",
["You read the following, written on \n%s.\n"] = false,
["Your Money:"] = "Seu dinheiro:",

@ -12,152 +12,182 @@ locale = {
["1d) Name Inciting Rule Violation"] = "1d) Namn anstiftar regelbrott.",
["2a) Offensive Statement"] = "2a) Offensivt Uttryck",
["2b) Spamming"] = "2b) Spammning",
["2c) Illegal Advertising"] = "2c) Olaglig Reklamf<EFBFBD>ring",
["2d) Off-Topic Public Statement"] = "2d) Icke-<EFBFBD>mnef<EFBFBD>rh<EFBFBD>llande publiskt uttryck",
["2c) Illegal Advertising"] = "2c) Olaglig Reklamföring",
["2d) Off-Topic Public Statement"] = "2d) Icke-Ämneförhållande publiskt uttryck",
["2e) Non-English Public Statement"] = "2e) Icke-Engelskt publiskt uttryck",
["2f) Inciting Rule Violation"] = "2f) Antyder regelbrytande",
["3a) Bug Abuse"] = "3a) Missbrukande av bugg",
["3b) Game Weakness Abuse"] = "3b) Spelsvaghetsmissbruk",
["3c) Using Unofficial Software to Play"] = "3c) Anv<EFBFBD>nder Icke-officiel mjukvara f<>r att spela",
["3c) Using Unofficial Software to Play"] = "3c) Använder Icke-officiel mjukvara för att spela",
["3d) Hacking"] = "3d) Hackar",
["3e) Multi-Clienting"] = "3e) Multi-klient",
["3f) Account Trading or Sharing"] = "3f) Kontohandel",
["4a) Threatening Gamemaster"] = "4a) Hotar gamemaster",
["4b) Pretending to Have Influence on Rule Enforcement"] = "4b) L<EFBFBD>tsas ha inflytande p<> Regelsystem",
["4b) Pretending to Have Influence on Rule Enforcement"] = "4b) Låtsas ha inflytande på Regelsystem",
["4c) False Report to Gamemaster"] = "4c) Falsk rapport till gamemaster",
["Accept"] = "Acceptera",
["Account name"] = "Konto namn",
["Account Status:\nFree Account"] = "Kontostatus:\nGratis",
["Account Status:\nPremium Account (%s) days left"] = "Kontostatus:\nPremium Konto",
["Account Status:"] = false,
["Action:"] = "Handling:",
["Add"] = "L<EFBFBD>gg till",
["Add"] = "Lägg till",
["Add new VIP"] = "Ny VIP",
["Addon 1"] = "Till<EFBFBD>gg 1",
["Addon 2"] = "Till<EFBFBD>gg 2",
["Addon 3"] = "Till<EFBFBD>gg 3",
["Add to VIP list"] = "L<EFBFBD>gg till p<> VIP Listan",
["Addon 1"] = "Tillägg 1",
["Addon 2"] = "Tillägg 2",
["Addon 3"] = "Tillägg 3",
["Add to VIP list"] = "Lägg till på VIP Listan",
["Adjust volume"] = "Justera Volym",
["Alas! Brave adventurer, you have met a sad fate.\nBut do not despair, for the gods will bring you back\ninto this world in exchange for a small sacrifice\n\nSimply click on Ok to resume your journeys!"] = false,
["All"] = false,
["All modules and scripts were reloaded."] = "Alla moduler och skript laddades om",
["Allow auto chase override"] = "Till<EFBFBD>t Jaktstyrning",
["Allow auto chase override"] = "Tillåt Jaktstyrning",
["Also known as dash in tibia community, recommended\nfor playing characters with high speed"] = false,
["Ambient light: %s%%"] = false,
["Amount:"] = "Antal:",
["Amount"] = "Antal",
["Anonymous"] = "Anonym",
["Are you sure you want to logout?"] = "<EFBFBD>r du s<>ker att du vill logga ut?",
["Are you sure you want to logout?"] = "Är du säker att du vill logga ut?",
["Attack"] = "Attackera",
["Author"] = "<EFBFBD>vers<EFBFBD>ttare",
["Author"] = "Översättare",
["Autoload"] = "Automatisk Laddning",
["Autoload priority"] = "Laddningsprioritet",
["Auto login"] = "Autoinloggning",
["Auto login selected character on next charlist load"] = "Logga in N<EFBFBD>st laddad karakt<6B>r automatisk n<>sta g<>ng karakt<6B>rlistan laddar",
["Auto login selected character on next charlist load"] = "Logga in Näst laddad karaktär automatisk nästa gång karaktärlistan laddar",
["Axe Fighting"] = "Yx Stridande",
["Balance:"] = "Balans:",
["Banishment"] = "Bannlysning",
["Banishment + Final Warning"] = "Bannlysning + Sista varning",
["Battle"] = "Strid",
["Browse"] = "Bl<EFBFBD>ddra",
["Browse"] = "Bläddra",
["Bug report sent."] = "Buggrapport Skickad.",
["Button Assign"] = "Assignera Knapp",
["Buy"] = "K<EFBFBD>p",
["Buy Now"] = "K<EFBFBD>p Nu",
["Buy Offers"] = "K<EFBFBD>p Offerter",
["Buy with backpack"] = "K<EFBFBD>p med ryggs<67>ck",
["Buy"] = "Köp",
["Buy Now"] = "Köp Nu",
["Buy Offers"] = "Köp Offerter",
["Buy with backpack"] = "Köp med ryggsäck",
["Cancel"] = "Avbryt",
["Cannot login while already in game."] = "Kan ej logga in medan du redan <EFBFBD>r i spelet.",
["Cannot login while already in game."] = "Kan ej logga in medan du redan är i spelet.",
["Cap"] = "Kap",
["Capacity"] = "Kapacitet",
["Center"] = "Centrera",
["Channels"] = "Kanaler",
["Character List"] = "Karakt<EFBFBD>r lista",
["Character List"] = "Karaktär lista",
["Classic control"] = "Klassisk kontroll",
["Clear current message window"] = "Rensa nuvarande meddelanderuta",
["Clear Messages"] = false,
["Clear object"] = "Rensa objekt",
["Client needs update."] = "Klienten beh<EFBFBD>ver uppdateras.",
["Close"] = "St<EFBFBD>ng",
["Close this channel"] = "St<EFBFBD>ng Denna Kanal",
["Client needs update."] = "Klienten behöver uppdateras.",
["Close"] = "Stäng",
["Close this channel"] = "Stäng Denna Kanal",
["Club Fighting"] = "Klubb Stridande",
["Combat Controls"] = "Krigs Kontroller",
["Comment:"] = "Kommentar:",
["Connecting to game server..."] = "Kopplar upp till spelserver...",
["Connecting to login server..."] = "Kopplar upp till autentiseringserver...",
["Console"] = false,
["Cooldowns"] = false,
["Copy message"] = "Kopiera meddelande",
["Copy name"] = "Kopiera namn",
["Copy Name"] = "Kopiera Namn",
["Create Map Mark"] = false,
["Create mark"] = false,
["Create New Offer"] = "Skapa ny offert.",
["Create Offer"] = "Skapa Offert",
["Current hotkeys:"] = "Aktuella snabbtangenter",
["Current hotkey to add: %s"] = "Ny Snabbtangent: %s",
["Current Offers"] = "Nuvarande Offerter",
["Default"] = "Standard",
["Delete mark"] = false,
["Description:"] = false,
["Description"] = "Beskrivning",
["Destructive Behaviour"] = "Destruktivt beteende",
["Detail"] = "Detalj",
["Details"] = "Detaljer",
["Disable Shared Experience"] = "Avaktivera delad erfarenhet",
["Dismount"] = false,
["Display connection speed to the server (milliseconds)"] = false,
["Distance Fighting"] = "Distans Stridande",
["Edit hotkey text:"] = "<EFBFBD>ndra Snabbtangent:",
["Edit List"] = "<EFBFBD>ndra Lista",
["Edit Text"] = "<EFBFBD>ndra text",
["Don't stretch/shrink Game Window"] = false,
["Edit hotkey text:"] = "Ändra Snabbtangent:",
["Edit List"] = "Ändra Lista",
["Edit Text"] = "Ändra text",
["Enable music"] = "Aktivera musik",
["Enable Shared Experience"] = "Aktivera delad erfarenhet",
["Enable smart walking"] = false,
["Enable vertical synchronization"] = "Aktivera vertikal synkronisering",
["Enter Game"] = "G<EFBFBD> in i Spelet",
["Enable walk booster"] = false,
["Enter Game"] = "Gå in i Spelet",
["Enter one name per line."] = "Skriv ett namn per linje.",
["Enter with your account again to update your client."] = false,
["Error"] = "Fel",
["Error"] = "Fel",
["Excessive Unjustified Player Killing"] = "<EFBFBD>verdrivet ober<65>ttigat d<>dande av spelare",
["Exclude from private chat"] = "Exkludera fr<EFBFBD>n privat chat",
["Excessive Unjustified Player Killing"] = "Överdrivet oberättigat dödande av spelare",
["Exclude from private chat"] = "Exkludera från privat chat",
["Exit"] = "Avsluta",
["Experience"] = "Erfarenhet",
["Filter list to match your level"] = "Filtrera efter niv<EFBFBD>",
["Filter list to match your level"] = "Filtrera efter nivå",
["Filter list to match your vocation"] = "Filtrera efter kallelse",
["Find:"] = false,
["Fishing"] = "Fiske",
["Fist Fighting"] = "Hand Stridande",
["Follow"] = "F<EFBFBD>lj",
["Fullscreen"] = "Helsk<EFBFBD>rm",
["Game framerate limit: %s"] = "Spelets FPS gr<67>ns: %s",
["General"] = "Allm<EFBFBD>nt",
["Follow"] = "Följ",
["Force Exit"] = false,
["For Your Information"] = false,
["Free Account"] = false,
["Fullscreen"] = "Helskärm",
["Game"] = false,
["Game framerate limit: %s"] = "Spelets FPS gräns: %s",
["Graphics"] = "Grafik",
["Graphics card driver not detected"] = false,
["Graphics Engine:"] = "Grafikmotor:",
["Head"] = "Huvud",
["Healing"] = false,
["Health Info"] = "Livsinfo",
["Health Information"] = "Livsinformation",
["Hide monsters"] = "G<EFBFBD>m Monster",
["Hide non-skull players"] = "G<EFBFBD>m icke-skullad spelare",
["Hide Npcs"] = "G<EFBFBD>m NPCs",
["Hide party members"] = "G<EFBFBD>m gruppmedlemmar",
["Hide players"] = "G<EFBFBD>m spelare",
["Hit Points"] = "Livspo<EFBFBD>ng",
["Hold right mouse button to navigate\nScroll mouse middle button to zoom"] = "H<EFBFBD>ll in H<>ger musknapp f<>r att navigera\nScrolla mitten musknapp f<>r att zooma",
["Hide monsters"] = "Göm Monster",
["Hide non-skull players"] = "Göm icke-skullad spelare",
["Hide Npcs"] = "Göm NPCs",
["Hide Offline"] = false,
["Hide party members"] = "Göm gruppmedlemmar",
["Hide players"] = "Göm spelare",
["Hide spells for higher exp. levels"] = false,
["Hide spells for other vocations"] = false,
["Hit Points"] = "Livspoäng",
["Hold left mouse button to navigate\nScroll mouse middle button to zoom\nRight mouse button to create map marks"] = false,
["Hotkeys"] = "Snabbtangenter",
["If you shut down the program, your character might stay in the game.\nClick on 'Logout' to ensure that you character leaves the game properly.\nClick on 'Exit' if you want to exit the program without logging out your character."] = "Om du st<73>nger av programmet kan din karakt<6B>r stanna i spelet.\nKlicka p<> 'Logga ut' f<>r att s<>kerst<73>lla att din karakt<6B>r l<>mnar spelet korrekt.\nKlicka p<> 'Avsluta' om du vill avsluta programmet utan att logga ut din karakt<6B>r.",
["If you shut down the program, your character might stay in the game.\nClick on 'Logout' to ensure that you character leaves the game properly.\nClick on 'Exit' if you want to exit the program without logging out your character."] = "Om du stänger av programmet kan din karaktär stanna i spelet.\nKlicka på 'Logga ut' för att säkerställa att din karaktär lämnar spelet korrekt.\nKlicka på 'Avsluta' om du vill avsluta programmet utan att logga ut din karaktär.",
["Ignore"] = false,
["Ignore capacity"] = "Ignorera kapacitet",
["Ignored players:"] = false,
["Ignore equipped"] = "Ignorera utrustning",
["Interface framerate limit: %s"] = "Gr<EFBFBD>nssnitt FPS gr<67>ns: %s",
["Ignore List"] = false,
["Ignore players"] = false,
["Ignore Private Messages"] = false,
["Ignore Yelling"] = false,
["Interface framerate limit: %s"] = "Gränssnitt FPS gräns: %s",
["Inventory"] = "Utrustning",
["Invite to Party"] = "Bjud till grupp",
["Invite to private chat"] = "Bjud in i privat chat",
["IP Address Banishment"] = "Bannlysning av IP",
["Item Offers"] = "Objekt offert",
["It is empty.\n"] = "Den <20>r tom.\n",
["Join %s's Party"] = "G<EFBFBD> med i %s's Grupp",
["Leave Party"] = "L<EFBFBD>mna Grupp",
["Level"] = "Niv<EFBFBD>",
["It is empty."] = false,
["Join %s's Party"] = "Gå med i %s's Grupp",
["Leave Party"] = "Lämna Grupp",
["Level"] = "Nivå",
["Lifetime Premium Account"] = false,
["Limits FPS to 60"] = "Stoppa FPS vid 60",
["List of items that you're able to buy"] = "Lista av saker du kan k<EFBFBD>pa",
["List of items that you're able to sell"] = "Lista av saker du kan s<EFBFBD>lja",
["List of items that you're able to buy"] = "Lista av saker du kan köpa",
["List of items that you're able to sell"] = "Lista av saker du kan sälja",
["Load"] = "Ladda",
["Location"] = "plats",
["Logging out..."] = "Loggar ut...",
["Login"] = "Logga in",
["Login Error"] = "Autentifikations fel",
["Login Error"] = "Autentifikations fel",
["Logout"] = "Logga ut",
["Look"] = "Kolla",
["Magic Level"] = "Magisk Niv<EFBFBD>",
["Make sure that your client uses\nthe correct game protocol version"] = "Var s<EFBFBD>ker p<> att din client\n andv<64>nder r<>tt protokol version",
["Magic Level"] = "Magisk Nivå",
["Make sure that your client uses\nthe correct game protocol version"] = "Var säker på att din client\n andvänder rätt protokol version",
["Mana"] = "Mana",
["Manage hotkeys:"] = "<EFBFBD>ndra snabbtangenten:",
["Manage hotkeys:"] = "Ändra snabbtangenten:",
["Market"] = "Marknad",
["Market Offers"] = "Marknadsofferter",
["Message of the day"] = "Dagens meddelande",
@ -166,159 +196,177 @@ locale = {
["Minimap"] = "Minikarta",
["Module Manager"] = "Modul Manager",
["Module name"] = "Modul namn",
["Move Stackable Item"] = "Flytta stapelbart f<>rem<65>l",
["Mount"] = false,
["Move Stackable Item"] = "Flytta stapelbart föremål",
["Move up"] = "Flytta upp",
["My Offers"] = "Mina offerter",
["Name:"] = "Namn:",
["Name"] = "Namn",
["Name Report"] = "Namn Rapport",
["Name Report + Banishment"] = "Namn rapport + Bannlysning",
["Name Report + Banishment + Final Warning"] = "Namn rapport + Bannlysning + Sista varning",
["No"] = "Nej",
["No graphics card detected, everything will be drawn using the CPU,\nthus the performance will be really bad.\nPlease update your graphics driver to have a better performance."] = false,
["No item selected."] = "Ingen sak vald.",
["No Mount"] = "Ingen Mount",
["No Outfit"] = "Ingen Utstyrsel",
["No statement has been selected."] = "Inget p<EFBFBD>st<EFBFBD>ende <20>r valt.",
["No statement has been selected."] = "Inget påstående är valt.",
["Notation"] = "Notering",
["NPC Trade"] = "Handel NPC",
["Offer History"] = "Offert Historia",
["Offers"] = "Offerter",
["Offer Type:"] = "Offert typ:",
["Offline Training"] = false,
["Ok"] = "Ok",
["Okay"] = "okej",
["on %s.\n"] = "p<EFBFBD> %s.\n",
["Open"] = "<EFBFBD>ppna",
["Open a private message channel:"] = "<EFBFBD>ppna en privat meddelandekanal:",
["Open charlist automatically when starting otclient"] = "<EFBFBD>ppna karakt<6B>rlistan automatisk vid start",
["Open in new window"] = "<EFBFBD>ppna i nytt f<>nster",
["Open new channel"] = "<EFBFBD>ppna ny kanal",
["Options"] = "Inst<EFBFBD>llningar",
["Particles Manager"] = "Partikel manager",
["on %s.\n"] = "på %s.\n",
["Open"] = "Öppna",
["Open a private message channel:"] = "Öppna en privat meddelandekanal:",
["Open charlist automatically when starting client"] = false,
["Open in new window"] = "Öppna i nytt fönster",
["Open new channel"] = "Öppna ny kanal",
["Options"] = "Inställningar",
["Overview"] = false,
["Pass Leadership to %s"] = "Ge ledarskap till %s",
["Password"] = "L<EFBFBD>senord",
["Pause"] = "Pause",
["Password"] = "Lösenord",
["Piece Price:"] = "Per Styck:",
["Please enter a character name:"] = "Skriv in ett karakt<EFBFBD>rsnamn:",
["Please, press the key you wish to add onto your hotkeys manager"] = "Tryck p<EFBFBD> knappen som du\nvill l<>gga till som snabbtangent",
["Please Select"] = "V<EFBFBD>lj",
["Please use this dialog to only report bugs. Do not report rule violations here!"] = "Anv<EFBFBD>nd den h<>r dialogrutan endast f<>r att rapportera buggar. Rapportera inte regelbrott h<>r!",
["Please wait"] = "Var God V<EFBFBD>nta",
["Please enter a character name:"] = "Skriv in ett karaktärsnamn:",
["Please, press the key you wish to add onto your hotkeys manager"] = "Tryck på knappen som du\nvill lägga till som snabbtangent",
["Please Select"] = "Välj",
["Please use this dialog to only report bugs. Do not report rule violations here!"] = "Använd den här dialogrutan endast för att rapportera buggar. Rapportera inte regelbrott här!",
["Please wait"] = "Var God Vänta",
["Port"] = "Port",
["Preview"] = "F<EFBFBD>rhandsvisning",
["Position:"] = false,
["Position: %i %i %i"] = false,
["Premium Account (%s) days left"] = false,
["Price:"] = "Pris",
["Primary"] = "Prim<EFBFBD>r",
["Primary"] = "Primär",
["Protocol"] = "Protokoll",
["Quantity:"] = "Antal:",
["Quest Log"] = "Uppdragslog",
["Randomize"] = "Slumpa",
["Randomize characters outfit"] = "Slumpa karakt<EFBFBD>rs utstyrsel",
["Randomize characters outfit"] = "Slumpa karaktärs utstyrsel",
["Reason:"] = "Anledning:",
["Refresh"] = "Uppdatera",
["Refresh Offers"] = false,
["Regeneration Time"] = false,
["Reject"] = "Avvisa",
["Reload"] = "Ladda om",
["Reload All"] = "Ladda om allt",
["Remember account and password when starts otclient"] = "Kom ih<69>g konto och l<>sen n<>r OTClient startar",
["Remember password"] = "Kom ih<EFBFBD>g l<>senord",
["Remember account and password when starts client"] = false,
["Remember password"] = "Kom ihåg lösenord",
["Remove"] = "Ta bort",
["Remove %s"] = "Ta bort %s",
["Report Bug"] = "Rapportera Bugg",
["Reserved for more functionality later."] = false,
["Reset Market"] = false,
["Revoke %s's Invitation"] = "Annulera %s's Inbjudan",
["Rotate"] = "Rotera",
["Rule Violation"] = "Regel Brott",
["Search:"] = "S<EFBFBD>k:",
["Search"] = "S<EFBFBD>k",
["Secondary"] = "Sekund<EFBFBD>r",
["Select object"] = "V<EFBFBD>lj Objekt",
["Select Outfit"] = "V<EFBFBD>lj Utstyrsel",
["Sell"] = "S<EFBFBD>lj",
["Sell Now"] = "S<EFBFBD>lj Nu",
["Sell Offers"] = "S<EFBFBD>lj Offerter",
["Save"] = false,
["Save Messages"] = false,
["Search:"] = "Sök:",
["Search all items"] = false,
["Secondary"] = "Sekundär",
["Select object"] = "Välj Objekt",
["Select Outfit"] = "Välj Utstyrsel",
["Select your language"] = false,
["Sell"] = "Sälj",
["Sell Now"] = "Sälj Nu",
["Sell Offers"] = "Sälj Offerter",
["Send"] = "Skicka",
["Send automatically"] = "Skicka automatiskt",
["Send Message"] = false,
["Server"] = "Server",
["Server Log"] = "Server Log",
["Set Outfit"] = "Best<EFBFBD>m Utstyrsel",
["Shielding"] = "Sk<EFBFBD>ld",
["Set Outfit"] = "Bestäm Utstyrsel",
["Shielding"] = "Sköld",
["Show all items"] = "Visa alla saker",
["Show Depot Only"] = "Visa bara f<>rr<72>d",
["Show connection ping"] = false,
["Show Depot Only"] = "Visa bara förråd",
["Show event messages in console"] = "Visa event meddelanden i konsol",
["Show frame rate"] = "Visa FPS",
["Show info messages in console"] = "Visa info meddelanden i konsol",
["Show left panel"] = "Visa v<>nster panel",
["Show levels in console"] = "Visa niv<69>er i konsol",
["Show left panel"] = "Visa vänster panel",
["Show levels in console"] = "Visa nivåer i konsol",
["Show Offline"] = false,
["Show private messages in console"] = "Visa privata meddelanden i konsol",
["Show private messages on screen"] = "Visa privata meddelanden p<> sk<73>rmen",
["Show private messages on screen"] = "Visa privata meddelanden på skärmen",
["Show Server Messages"] = false,
["Show status messages in console"] = "Visa statusmeddelanden i konsol",
["Show Text"] = "Visa Text",
["Show timestamps in console"] = "Visa tidst<73>mpel i konsol",
["Show your depot items only"] = "Visa mitt f<>rr<72>d endast",
["Skills"] = "F<EFBFBD>rm<EFBFBD>gor",
["Soul"] = "Sj<EFBFBD>l",
["Soul Points"] = "Sj<EFBFBD>lpo<EFBFBD>ng",
["Stamina"] = "Uth<EFBFBD>llighet",
["Start"] = "Starta",
["Statement:"] = "P<EFBFBD>st<EFBFBD>ende:",
["Statement Report"] = "P<EFBFBD>st<EFBFBD>enderapport",
["Show timestamps in console"] = "Visa tidstämpel i konsol",
["Show your depot items only"] = "Visa mitt förråd endast",
["Skills"] = "Förmågor",
["Soul"] = "Själ",
["Soul Points"] = "Själpoäng",
["Special"] = false,
["Speed"] = false,
["Spell Cooldowns"] = false,
["Spell List"] = false,
["Stamina"] = "Uthållighet",
["Statement:"] = "Påstående:",
["Statement Report"] = "Påståenderapport",
["Statistics"] = "Statistik",
["Stop Attack"] = "Sluta Attackera",
["Stop Follow"] = "Sluta F<>lja",
["%s: (use object)"] = "%s: (Anv<6E>nd objekt)",
["%s: (use object on target)"] = "%s: (Anv<6E>nd objekt p<> m<>l)",
["%s: (use object on yourself)"] = "%s: (Anv<6E>nd objekt p<> mig)",
["%s: (use object with crosshair)"] = "%s: (Anv<6E>nd objekt med sikte)",
["Sword Fighting"] = "Sv<EFBFBD>rd Stridning",
["Stop Follow"] = "Sluta Följa",
["Support"] = false,
["%s: (use object)"] = "%s: (Använd objekt)",
["%s: (use object on target)"] = "%s: (Använd objekt på mål)",
["%s: (use object on yourself)"] = "%s: (Använd objekt på mig)",
["%s: (use object with crosshair)"] = "%s: (Använd objekt med sikte)",
["Sword Fighting"] = "Svärd Stridning",
["Terminal"] = "Terminal",
["There is no way."] = "Det finns ingen v<>g.",
["There is no way."] = "Det finns ingen väg.",
["Title"] = false,
["Total Price:"] = "Totalt Pris:",
["Trade"] = "Handel",
["Trade with ..."] = "Handla med ...",
["Trying to reconnect in %s seconds."] = "F<EFBFBD>rs<EFBFBD>ker koppla upp igen om %s sekunder.",
["Unable to load dat file, please place a valid dat in '%s'"] = "kan ej ladda dat filen, l<EFBFBD>gg en giltig dat fil i '%s'",
["Unable to load spr file, please place a valid spr in '%s'"] = "kan ej ladda spr filen, l<EFBFBD>gg en giltig spr fil i '%s'",
["Trying to reconnect in %s seconds."] = "Försöker koppla upp igen om %s sekunder.",
["Unable to load dat file, please place a valid dat in '%s'"] = "kan ej ladda dat filen, lägg en giltig dat fil i '%s'",
["Unable to load spr file, please place a valid spr in '%s'"] = "kan ej ladda spr filen, lägg en giltig spr fil i '%s'",
["Unable to logout."] = "Kan ej logga ut.",
["Unignore"] = false,
["Unload"] = "Avladda",
["Use"] = "Anv<EFBFBD>nd",
["Use on target"] = "Anv<EFBFBD>nd p<> m<>l",
["Use on yourself"] = "Anv<EFBFBD>nd p<> mig",
["Use with ..."] = "Anv<EFBFBD>nd med ...",
["Update needed"] = false,
["Use"] = "Använd",
["Use on target"] = "Använd på mål",
["Use on yourself"] = "Använd på mig",
["Use with ..."] = "Använd med ...",
["Version"] = "Version",
["VIP list"] = "VIP Lista",
["VIP List"] = "VIP Lista",
["Voc."] = "Kallelse",
["Waiting List"] = "K<EFBFBD>lista",
["Vocation"] = false,
["Waiting List"] = "Kölista",
["Website"] = "Websida",
["Weight:"] = "Vikt:",
["Will detect when to use diagonal step based on the\nkeys you are pressing"] = false,
["With crosshair"] = "Med sikte",
["Yes"] = "Ja",
["You are bleeding"] = "Du Bl<EFBFBD>der",
["You are bleeding"] = "Du Blöder",
["You are burning"] = "Du brinner",
["You are cursed"] = "Du <EFBFBD>r f<>rd<72>md",
["You are dazzled"] = "Du <EFBFBD>r chockad",
["You are dead."] = "Du <EFBFBD>r d<>d.",
["You are dead"] = "Du <EFBFBD>r d<>d",
["You are cursed"] = "Du är fördömd",
["You are dazzled"] = "Du är chockad",
["You are dead."] = "Du är död.",
["You are dead"] = "Du är död",
["You are drowing"] = "Du drunknar",
["You are drunk"] = "Du <EFBFBD>r full.",
["You are electrified"] = "Du <EFBFBD>r elektrifierad",
["You are drunk"] = "Du är full.",
["You are electrified"] = "Du är elektrifierad",
["You are freezing"] = "Du Fryser",
["You are hasted"] = "Du <EFBFBD>r i hast",
["You are hungry"] = "Du <EFBFBD>r hungrig",
["You are paralysed"] = "Du <EFBFBD>r paralyserad",
["You are poisoned"] = "Du <EFBFBD>r f<>rgiftad",
["You are protected by a magic shield"] = "Du <EFBFBD>r skyddad av en magisk sk<73>ld",
["You are strengthened"] = "Du <EFBFBD>r f<>rst<73>rkt",
["You are within a protection zone"] = "Du <EFBFBD>r inom en skyddszon",
["You are hasted"] = "Du är i hast",
["You are hungry"] = "Du är hungrig",
["You are paralysed"] = "Du är paralyserad",
["You are poisoned"] = "Du är förgiftad",
["You are protected by a magic shield"] = "Du är skyddad av en magisk sköld",
["You are strengthened"] = "Du är förstärkt",
["You are within a protection zone"] = "Du är inom en skyddszon",
["You can enter new text."] = "Du kan skriva i ny text.",
["You have %s percent"] = "Du har %s procent",
["You have %s percent to go"] = "Du har %s procent kvar",
["You may not logout during a fight"] = "Du kan ej logga ut i strid",
["You may not logout or enter a protection zone"] = "Du kan ej logga ut eller g<> in i en skyddszon",
["You must enter a comment."] = "Du m<>ste skriva en kommentar",
["You must enter an account name and password."] = "Du m<>ste fylla i ett kontonamn och l<>snord.",
["You must enter a valid server address and port."] = "Du m<>ste fylla i en giltig server adress och port",
["You must select a character to login!"] = "Du m<>ste v<>lja en karakt<6B>r f<>r att logga in!",
["You may not logout or enter a protection zone"] = "Du kan ej logga ut eller gå in i en skyddszon",
["You must enter a comment."] = "Du måste skriva en kommentar",
["You must enter a valid server address and port."] = "Du måste fylla i en giltig server adress och port",
["You must select a character to login!"] = "Du måste välja en karaktär för att logga in!",
["Your Capacity:"] = "Din Kapacitet:",
["You read the following, written by \n%s\n"] = "Du l<EFBFBD>ser f<>ljande, Skrivet av \n%s\n",
["You read the following, written on %s.\n"] = "Du l<>ser f<>ljande, Skrivet den %s.\n",
["You read the following, written by \n%s\n"] = "Du läser följande, Skrivet av \n%s\n",
["You read the following, written on \n%s.\n"] = false,
["Your Money:"] = "Dina Pengar:",

@ -102,12 +102,16 @@ function installLocale(locale)
if ~= defaultLocaleName then
local updatesNeeded = 0
for _i,k in pairs(neededTranslations) do
if locale.translation[k] == nil then
local ktext = string.gsub(k, "\n", "\\n")
pwarning('Translation for locale \'' .. .. '\' not found: \"' .. ktext .. '\"')
updatesNeeded = updatesNeeded + 1
if updatesNeeded > 0 then
pwarning('Locale \'' .. .. '\' is missing ' .. updatesNeeded .. ' translations.')
local installedLocale = installedLocales[]

@ -1,3 +1,365 @@
-- generated by ./tools/
modules.client_locales.neededTranslations = {
neededTranslations = {
"1a) Offensive Name",
"1b) Invalid Name Format",
"1c) Unsuitable Name",
"1d) Name Inciting Rule Violation",
"2a) Offensive Statement",
"2b) Spamming",
"2c) Illegal Advertising",
"2d) Off-Topic Public Statement",
"2e) Non-English Public Statement",
"2f) Inciting Rule Violation",
"3a) Bug Abuse",
"3b) Game Weakness Abuse",
"3c) Using Unofficial Software to Play",
"3d) Hacking",
"3e) Multi-Clienting",
"3f) Account Trading or Sharing",
"4a) Threatening Gamemaster",
"4b) Pretending to Have Influence on Rule Enforcement",
"4c) False Report to Gamemaster",
"Account name",
"Account Status:",
"Add new VIP",
"Addon 1",
"Addon 2",
"Addon 3",
"Add to VIP list",
"Adjust volume",
"Alas! Brave adventurer, you have met a sad fate.\nBut do not despair, for the gods will bring you back\ninto this world in exchange for a small sacrifice\n\nSimply click on Ok to resume your journeys!",
"All modules and scripts were reloaded.",
"Allow auto chase override",
"Also known as dash in tibia community, recommended\nfor playing characters with high speed",
"Ambient light: %s%%",
"Are you sure you want to logout?",
"Autoload priority",
"Auto login",
"Auto login selected character on next charlist load",
"Axe Fighting",
"Banishment + Final Warning",
"Bug report sent.",
"Button Assign",
"Buy Now",
"Buy Offers",
"Buy with backpack",
"Cannot login while already in game.",
"Character List",
"Classic control",
"Clear current message window",
"Clear Messages",
"Clear object",
"Client needs update.",
"Close this channel",
"Club Fighting",
"Combat Controls",
"Connecting to game server...",
"Connecting to login server...",
"Copy message",
"Copy name",
"Copy Name",
"Create Map Mark",
"Create mark",
"Create New Offer",
"Create Offer",
"Current hotkeys:",
"Current hotkey to add: %s",
"Current Offers",
"Delete mark",
"Destructive Behaviour",
"Disable Shared Experience",
"Display connection speed to the server (milliseconds)",
"Distance Fighting",
"Don\'t stretch/shrink Game Window",
"Edit hotkey text:",
"Edit List",
"Edit Text",
"Enable music",
"Enable Shared Experience",
"Enable smart walking",
"Enable vertical synchronization",
"Enable walk booster",
"Enter Game",
"Enter one name per line.",
"Enter with your account again to update your client.",
"Excessive Unjustified Player Killing",
"Exclude from private chat",
"Filter list to match your level",
"Filter list to match your vocation",
"Fist Fighting",
"Force Exit",
"For Your Information",
"Free Account",
"Game framerate limit: %s",
"Graphics card driver not detected",
"Graphics Engine:",
"Health Info",
"Health Information",
"Hide monsters",
"Hide non-skull players",
"Hide Npcs",
"Hide Offline",
"Hide party members",
"Hide players",
"Hide spells for higher exp. levels",
"Hide spells for other vocations",
"Hit Points",
"Hold left mouse button to navigate\nScroll mouse middle button to zoom\nRight mouse button to create map marks",
"If you shut down the program, your character might stay in the game.\nClick on 'Logout' to ensure that you character leaves the game properly.\nClick on 'Exit' if you want to exit the program without logging out your character.",
"Ignore capacity",
"Ignored players:",
"Ignore equipped",
"Ignore List",
"Ignore players",
"Ignore Private Messages",
"Ignore Yelling",
"Interface framerate limit: %s",
"Invite to Party",
"Invite to private chat",
"IP Address Banishment",
"Item Offers",
"It is empty.",
"Join %s\'s Party",
"Leave Party",
"Lifetime Premium Account",
"Limits FPS to 60",
"List of items that you're able to buy",
"List of items that you're able to sell",
"Logging out...",
"Login Error",
"Login Error",
"Magic Level",
"Make sure that your client uses\nthe correct game protocol version",
"Manage hotkeys:",
"Market Offers",
"Message of the day",
"Message to ",
"Message to %s",
"Module Manager",
"Module name",
"Move Stackable Item",
"Move up",
"My Offers",
"Name Report",
"Name Report + Banishment",
"Name Report + Banishment + Final Warning",
"No graphics card detected, everything will be drawn using the CPU,\nthus the performance will be really bad.\nPlease update your graphics driver to have a better performance.",
"No item selected.",
"No Mount",
"No Outfit",
"No statement has been selected.",
"NPC Trade",
"Offer History",
"Offer Type:",
"Offline Training",
"on %s.\n",
"Open a private message channel:",
"Open charlist automatically when starting client",
"Open in new window",
"Open new channel",
"Pass Leadership to %s",
"Piece Price:",
"Please enter a character name:",
"Please, press the key you wish to add onto your hotkeys manager",
"Please Select",
"Please use this dialog to only report bugs. Do not report rule violations here!",
"Please wait",
"Position: %i %i %i",
"Premium Account (%s) days left",
"Quest Log",
"Randomize characters outfit",
"Refresh Offers",
"Regeneration Time",
"Reload All",
"Remember account and password when starts client",
"Remember password",
"Remove %s",
"Report Bug",
"Reserved for more functionality later.",
"Reset Market",
"Revoke %s\'s Invitation",
"Rule Violation",
"Save Messages",
"Search all items",
"Select object",
"Select Outfit",
"Select your language",
"Sell Now",
"Sell Offers",
"Send automatically",
"Send Message",
"Server Log",
"Set Outfit",
"Show all items",
"Show connection ping",
"Show Depot Only",
"Show event messages in console",
"Show frame rate",
"Show info messages in console",
"Show left panel",
"Show levels in console",
"Show Offline",
"Show private messages in console",
"Show private messages on screen",
"Show Server Messages",
"Show status messages in console",
"Show Text",
"Show timestamps in console",
"Show your depot items only",
"Soul Points",
"Spell Cooldowns",
"Spell List",
"Statement Report",
"Stop Attack",
"Stop Follow",
"%s: (use object)",
"%s: (use object on target)",
"%s: (use object on yourself)",
"%s: (use object with crosshair)",
"Sword Fighting",
"There is no way.",
"Total Price:",
"Trade with ...",
"Trying to reconnect in %s seconds.",
"Unable to load dat file, please place a valid dat in '%s'",
"Unable to load spr file, please place a valid spr in '%s'",
"Unable to logout.",
"Update needed",
"Use on target",
"Use on yourself",
"Use with ...",
"VIP List",
"Waiting List",
"Will detect when to use diagonal step based on the\nkeys you are pressing",
"With crosshair",
"You are bleeding",
"You are burning",
"You are cursed",
"You are dazzled",
"You are dead.",
"You are dead",
"You are drowing",
"You are drunk",
"You are electrified",
"You are freezing",
"You are hasted",
"You are hungry",
"You are paralysed",
"You are poisoned",
"You are protected by a magic shield",
"You are strengthened",
"You are within a protection zone",
"You can enter new text.",
"You have %s percent",
"You have %s percent to go",
"You may not logout during a fight",
"You may not logout or enter a protection zone",
"You must enter a comment.",
"You must enter a valid server address and port.",
"You must select a character to login!",
"Your Capacity:",
"You read the following, written by \n%s\n",
"You read the following, written on \n%s.\n",
"Your Money:",

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Panel
id: autoChaseOverride
!text: tr('Allow auto chase override')
id: smartWalk
!text: tr('Enable smart walking')
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Panel
id: enableMusic
!text: tr('Enable music')
id: showPing
!text: tr('Show connection ping')
@ -29,3 +29,11 @@ Panel
id: showLeftPanel
!text: tr('Show left panel')
id: changeLocale
!text: tr('Change language')
@onClick: modules.client_locales.createWindow() prev.bottom
anchors.left: prev.left
margin-top: 5

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Panel
id: dontStretchShrink
!text: tr('Don\'t stretch/shrink Game Window')
!text: tr("Don't stretch or shrink Game Window")
id: backgroundFrameRateLabel

@ -2,8 +2,13 @@
function print(...)
local msg = ""
for i,v in ipairs({...}) do
msg = msg .. tostring(v) .. " "
local args = {...}
local appendSpace = #args > 1
for i,v in ipairs(args) do
msg = msg .. tostring(v)
if appendSpace and i < #args then
msg = msg .. ' '
g_logger.log(LogInfo, msg)

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ function ProtocolLogin:onRecv(msg)
elseif opcode == LoginServerMotd then
elseif opcode == LoginServerUpdateNeeded then
signalcall(self.onError, self, tr("Client needs update. Verify your spr/dat/pic versions."))
signalcall(self.onError, self, tr("Client needs update."))
elseif opcode == LoginServerCharacterList then
elseif opcode == LoginServerExtendedCharacterList then

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
#include "logger.h"
#include "eventdispatcher.h"
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
//#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <framework/core/resourcemanager.h>
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ void Logger::log(Fw::LogLevel level, const std::string& message)
std::string outmsg = logPrefixes[level] + message;
#if !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(WIN32)
// replace paths for improved debug with vim
std::stringstream tmp;
@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ void Logger::log(Fw::LogLevel level, const std::string& message)
outmsg = tmp.str();
std::cout << outmsg << std::endl;

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
echo '-- generated by ./tools/'
echo 'Locales.neededTranslations = {'
cat <(find \( -name "*.lua" -o -name "*.otui" \) -exec grep -oE "tr\\('(\\\\'|[^'])*'" {} \;) \
<(find \( -name "*.lua" -o -name "*.otui" \) -exec grep -oE "tr\\(\"(\\\\\"|[^\"])*\"" {} \;) \
echo 'neededTranslations = {'
cat <(find -L \( -name "*.lua" -o -name "*.otui" \) -exec grep -oE "tr\\('(\\\\'|[^'])*'" {} \;) \
<(find -L \( -name "*.lua" -o -name "*.otui" \) -exec grep -oE "tr\\(\"(\\\\\"|[^\"])*\"" {} \;) \
| sort | uniq | sed "s/^tr(.\(.*\).$/ \"\1\",/"
echo '}'
