Spell List module

Spell List similar to Flash client

Samuel 12 years ago
parent f0e9cf070e
commit eae002ea71

@ -28,5 +28,6 @@ Module
- game_playerdeath
- game_playermount
- game_market
- game_spelllist
@onLoad: init()
@onUnload: terminate()

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 340 KiB

@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
spelllistWindow = nil
spelllistButton = nil
spellList = nil
nameValueLabel = nil
formulaValueLabel = nil
vocationValueLabel = nil
groupValueLabel = nil
typeValueLabel = nil
cooldownValueLabel = nil
levelValueLabel = nil
manaValueLabel = nil
premiumValueLabel = nil
vocationBoxAny = nil
vocationBoxSorcerer = nil
vocationBoxDruid = nil
vocationBoxPaladin = nil
vocationBoxKnight = nil
groupBoxAny = nil
groupBoxAttack = nil
groupBoxHealing = nil
groupBoxSupport = nil
premiumBoxAny = nil
premiumBoxNo = nil
premiumBoxYes = nil
vocationRadioGroup = nil
groupRadioGroup = nil
premiumRadioGroup = nil
-- consts
-- Filter Settings
local filters = {
level = false,
vocation = false,
local spellDisplayOrder = {'Animate Dead', 'Annihilation', 'Avalanche', 'Berserk', 'Blood Rage', 'Brutal Strike', 'Cancel Invisibility', 'Challenge', 'Chameleon', 'Charge', 'Conjure Arrow', 'Conjure Bolt', 'Conjure Explosive Arrow', 'Conjure Piercing Bolt', 'Conjure Poisoned Arrow', 'Conjure Power Bolt', 'Conjure Sniper Arrow', 'Convince Creature', 'Creature Illusion', 'Cure Bleeding', 'Cure Burning', 'Cure Curse', 'Cure Electrification', 'Cure Poison', 'Cure Poison Rune', 'Curser', 'Death Strike', 'Desintegrate', 'Destroy Field', 'Divine Caldera', 'Divine Healing', 'Divine Missile', 'Electrify', 'Enchant Party', 'Enchant Spear', 'Enchant Staff', 'Energy Beam', 'Energy Field', 'Energy Strike', 'Energy Wall', 'Energy Wave', 'Energybomb', 'Envenom', 'Eternal Winter', 'Ethereal Spear', 'Explosion', 'Fierce Berserk', 'Find Person', 'Fire Field', 'Fire Wall', 'Fire Wave', 'Fireball', 'Firebomb', 'Flame Strike', 'Food', 'Front Sweep', 'Great Energy Beam', 'Great Fireball', 'Great Light', 'Groundshaker', 'Haste', 'Heal Friend', 'Heal Party', 'Heavy Magic Missile', 'Hells Core', 'Holy Flash', 'Holy Missile', 'Ice Strike', 'Ice Wave', 'Icicle', 'Ignite', 'Inflict Wound', 'Intense Healing', 'Intense Healing Rune', 'Intense Recovery', 'Intense Wound Cleansing', 'Invisibility', 'Levitate', 'Light', 'Light Healing', 'Light Magic Missile', 'Lightning', 'Magic Rope', 'Magic Shield', 'Magic Wall', 'Mass Healing', 'Paralyze', 'Physical Strike', 'Poison Bomb', 'Poison Field', 'Poison Wall', 'Protect Party', 'Protector', 'Rage of the Skies', 'Recovery', 'Salvation', 'Sharpshooter', 'Soulfire', 'Stalagmite', 'Stone Shower', 'Strong Energy Strike', 'Strong Ethereal Spear', 'Strong Flame Strike', 'Strong Haste', 'Strong Ice Strike', 'Strong Ice Wave', 'Strong Terra Strike', 'Sudden Death', 'Summon Creature', 'Swift Foot', 'Terra Strike', 'Terra Wave', 'Thunderstorm', 'Train Party', 'Ultimate Energy Strike', 'Ultimate Flame Strike', 'Ultimate Healing', 'Ultimate Healing Rune', 'Ultimate Ice Strike', 'Ultimate Light', 'Ultimate Terra Strike', 'Whirlwind Throw', 'Wild Growth', 'Wound Cleansing', 'Wrath of Nature'}
function getIconImageClip(id)
return (((id-1)%12)*32) .. ' ' .. ((math.ceil(id/12)-1)*32) .. ' 32 32'
function setupOptions()
if g_game.getClientVersion() >= 950 then -- Vocation is only send in newer clients
function init()
connect(g_game, { onGameStart = setupOptions,
onGameEnd = resetWindow })
spelllistWindow = g_ui.displayUI('spelllist.otui', modules.game_interface.getRightPanel())
spelllistButton = TopMenu.addRightGameToggleButton('spelllistButton', tr('Spell List'), 'spelllist.png', toggle)
nameValueLabel = spelllistWindow:getChildById('labelNameValue')
formulaValueLabel = spelllistWindow:getChildById('labelFormulaValue')
vocationValueLabel = spelllistWindow:getChildById('labelVocationValue')
groupValueLabel = spelllistWindow:getChildById('labelGroupValue')
typeValueLabel = spelllistWindow:getChildById('labelTypeValue')
cooldownValueLabel = spelllistWindow:getChildById('labelCooldownValue')
levelValueLabel = spelllistWindow:getChildById('labelLevelValue')
manaValueLabel = spelllistWindow:getChildById('labelManaValue')
premiumValueLabel = spelllistWindow:getChildById('labelPremiumValue')
vocationBoxAny = spelllistWindow:getChildById('vocationBoxAny')
vocationBoxSorcerer = spelllistWindow:getChildById('vocationBoxSorcerer')
vocationBoxDruid = spelllistWindow:getChildById('vocationBoxDruid')
vocationBoxPaladin = spelllistWindow:getChildById('vocationBoxPaladin')
vocationBoxKnight = spelllistWindow:getChildById('vocationBoxKnight')
groupBoxAny = spelllistWindow:getChildById('groupBoxAny')
groupBoxAttack = spelllistWindow:getChildById('groupBoxAttack')
groupBoxHealing = spelllistWindow:getChildById('groupBoxHealing')
groupBoxSupport = spelllistWindow:getChildById('groupBoxSupport')
premiumBoxAny = spelllistWindow:getChildById('premiumBoxAny')
premiumBoxYes = spelllistWindow:getChildById('premiumBoxYes')
premiumBoxNo = spelllistWindow:getChildById('premiumBoxNo')
vocationRadioGroup = UIRadioGroup.create()
groupRadioGroup = UIRadioGroup.create()
premiumRadioGroup = UIRadioGroup.create()
vocationRadioGroup.onSelectionChange = toggleFilter
groupRadioGroup.onSelectionChange = toggleFilter
premiumRadioGroup.onSelectionChange = toggleFilter
spellList = spelllistWindow:getChildById('spellList')
g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Down', function() spellList:focusNextChild(KeyboardFocusReason) end, spelllistWindow)
g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Up', function() spellList:focusPreviousChild(KeyboardFocusReason) end, spelllistWindow)
for index, spell in ipairs(spellDisplayOrder) do
local info = SpellInfo[spell]
local tmpLabel = g_ui.createWidget('SpellListLabel', spellList)
tmpLabel:setText(spell .. '\n\'' .. info.words .. '\'')
if not(SpellIcons[info.icon]) then
perror('Spell icon \'' .. info.icon .. '\' not found.')
tmpLabel.onClick = updateSpellInformation
connect(spellList, { onChildFocusChange = function(self, focusedChild)
if focusedChild == nil then return end
end })
function terminate()
disconnect(g_game, { onGameStart = setupOptions,
onGameEnd = resetWindow })
spelllistButton = nil
spelllistWindow = nil
vocationRadioGroup = nil
groupRadioGroup = nil
premiumRadioGroup = nil
spellList = nil
nameValueLabel = nil
formulaValueLabel = nil
vocationValueLabel = nil
groupValueLabel = nil
typeValueLabel = nil
cooldownValueLabel = nil
levelValueLabel = nil
manaValueLabel = nil
premiumValueLabel = nil
vocationBoxAny = nil
vocationBoxSorcerer = nil
vocationBoxDruid = nil
vocationBoxPaladin = nil
vocationBoxKnight = nil
groupBoxAny = nil
groupBoxAttack = nil
groupBoxHealing = nil
groupBoxSupport = nil
premiumBoxAny = nil
premiumBoxNo = nil
premiumBoxYes = nil
function updateSpelllist()
for index, spell in ipairs(spellDisplayOrder) do
local info = SpellInfo[spell]
local tmpLabel = spellList:getChildById(spell)
local localPlayer = g_game.getLocalPlayer()
if (not(filters.level) or info.level <= localPlayer:getLevel()) and (not(filters.vocation) or table.find(info.vocations, localPlayer:getVocation())) and (filters.vocationId == FILTER_VOCATION_ANY or table.find(info.vocations, filters.vocationId) or table.find(info.vocations, filters.vocationId+4)) and (filters.groupId == FILTER_GROUP_ANY or info.group[filters.groupId]) and (filters.premium == FILTER_PREMIUM_ANY or (info.premium and filters.premium == FILTER_PREMIUM_YES) or (not(info.premium) and filters.premium == FILTER_PREMIUM_NO)) then
function updateSpellInformation(widget)
local spell = widget:getId()
local name = ''
local formula = ''
local vocation = ''
local group = ''
local type = ''
local cooldown = ''
local level = ''
local mana = ''
local premium = ''
if SpellInfo[spell] then
local info = SpellInfo[spell]
name = spell
formula = info.words
for _, vocationId in ipairs(info.vocations) do
if vocationId <= 4 or not(table.find(info.vocations, (vocationId-4))) then
vocation = vocation .. (vocation:len() == 0 and '' or ', ') .. VocationNames[vocationId]
cooldown = (info.exhaustion / 1000) .. 's'
for groupId, groupName in ipairs(SpellGroups) do
if info.group[groupId] then
group = group .. (group:len() == 0 and '' or ' / ') .. groupName
cooldown = cooldown .. ' / ' .. (info.group[groupId] / 1000) .. 's'
type = info.type
level = info.level
mana = info.mana .. ' / ' .. info.soul
premium = (info.premium and 'yes' or 'no')
function toggle()
if spelllistButton:isOn() then
function toggleFilter(widget, selectedWidget)
if widget == vocationRadioGroup then
local boxId = selectedWidget:getId()
if boxId == 'vocationBoxAny' then
filters.vocationId = FILTER_VOCATION_ANY
elseif boxId == 'vocationBoxSorcerer' then
elseif boxId == 'vocationBoxDruid' then
filters.vocationId = FILTER_VOCATION_DRUID
elseif boxId == 'vocationBoxPaladin' then
filters.vocationId = FILTER_VOCATION_PALADIN
elseif boxId == 'vocationBoxKnight' then
filters.vocationId = FILTER_VOCATION_KNIGHT
elseif widget == groupRadioGroup then
local boxId = selectedWidget:getId()
if boxId == 'groupBoxAny' then
filters.groupId = FILTER_GROUP_ANY
elseif boxId == 'groupBoxAttack' then
filters.groupId = FILTER_GROUP_ATTACK
elseif boxId == 'groupBoxHealing' then
filters.groupId = FILTER_GROUP_HEALING
elseif boxId == 'groupBoxSupport' then
filters.groupId = FILTER_GROUP_SUPPORT
elseif widget == premiumRadioGroup then
local boxId = selectedWidget:getId()
if boxId == 'premiumBoxAny' then
filters.premium = FILTER_PREMIUM_ANY
elseif boxId == 'premiumBoxNo' then
filters.premium = FILTER_PREMIUM_NO
elseif boxId == 'premiumBoxYes' then
filters.premium = FILTER_PREMIUM_YES
local id = widget:getId()
if id == 'buttonFilterLevel' then
filters.level = not(filters.level)
elseif id == 'buttonFilterVocation' then
filters.vocation = not(filters.vocation)
function resetWindow()
-- Resetting filters
filters.level = false
filters.vocation = false
local buttonFilterLevel = spelllistWindow:getChildById('buttonFilterLevel')
local buttonFilterVocation = spelllistWindow:getChildById('buttonFilterVocation')

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
name: game_spelllist
description: View available spells
author: Summ, Edubart
website: www.otclient.info
sandboxed: true
scripts: [ spelllist.lua ]
@onLoad: init()
@onUnload: terminate()

@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
SpellListLabel < Label
font: verdana-11px-monochrome
background-color: alpha
text-offset: 42 3
focusable: true
height: 36
image-clip: 0 0 32 32
image-size: 32 32
image-offset: 2 2
image-source: /game_spelllist/icons/icons.png
background-color: #ffffff22
color: #ffffff
SpellInfoLabel < Label
width: 70
font: verdana-11px-monochrome
text-align: right
margin-left: 10
margin-top: 5
SpellInfoValueLabel < Label
text-align: left
width: 190
margin-left: 10
margin-top: 5
id: spelllistWindow
!text: tr('Spell List')
size: 500 400
@onEscape: toggle()
id: spellList
vertical-scrollbar: spellsScrollBar
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.bottom: next.top
margin-bottom: 10
padding: 1
width: 210
focusable: false
id: buttonCancel
!text: tr('Close')
width: 64
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
@onClick: toggle()
id: spellsScrollBar
anchors.top: spellList.top
anchors.bottom: spellList.bottom
anchors.right: spellList.right
step: 50
pixels-scroll: true
id: labelName
anchors.left: spellList.right
anchors.top: spellList.top
text: Name:
id: buttonFilterLevel
!text: tr('Level')
!tooltip: tr('Hide spells for higher exp. levels')
width: 64
anchors.left: spellList.left
anchors.top: spellList.bottom
@onClick: toggleFilter(self)
margin-left: 10
margin-top: 5
color: #FF0000D0
color: green
id: buttonFilterVocation
!text: tr('Vocation')
!tooltip: tr('Hide spells for other vocations')
width: 64
anchors.left: prev.right
anchors.top: spellList.bottom
@onClick: toggleFilter(self)
margin-left: 10
margin-top: 5
color: #FF0000D0
color: green
id: labelFormula
anchors.left: spellList.right
anchors.top: labelName.bottom
text: Formula:
id: labelVocation
anchors.left: spellList.right
anchors.top: labelFormula.bottom
text: Vocation:
id: labelGroup
anchors.left: spellList.right
anchors.top: labelVocation.bottom
text: Group:
id: labelType
anchors.left: spellList.right
anchors.top: labelGroup.bottom
text: Type:
id: labelCooldown
anchors.left: spellList.right
anchors.top: labelType.bottom
text: Cooldown:
id: labelLevel
anchors.left: spellList.right
anchors.top: labelCooldown.bottom
text: Level:
id: labelMana
anchors.left: spellList.right
anchors.top: labelLevel.bottom
text: Mana / Soul:
id: labelPremium
anchors.left: spellList.right
anchors.top: labelMana.bottom
text: Premium:
id: labelNameValue
anchors.left: labelName.right
anchors.top: spellList.top
id: labelFormulaValue
anchors.left: labelFormula.right
anchors.top: labelNameValue.bottom
id: labelVocationValue
anchors.left: labelVocation.right
anchors.top: labelFormulaValue.bottom
id: labelGroupValue
anchors.left: labelGroup.right
anchors.top: labelVocationValue.bottom
id: labelTypeValue
anchors.left: labelType.right
anchors.top: labelGroupValue.bottom
id: labelCooldownValue
anchors.left: labelCooldown.right
anchors.top: labelTypeValue.bottom
id: labelLevelValue
anchors.left: labelLevel.right
anchors.top: labelCooldownValue.bottom
id: labelManaValue
anchors.left: labelMana.right
anchors.top: labelLevelValue.bottom
id: labelPremiumValue
anchors.left: labelPremium.right
anchors.top: labelManaValue.bottom
id: labelVocationFilter
anchors.top: labelPremium.bottom
anchors.left: spellList.right
width: 70
font: verdana-11px-monochrome
text: Vocation
margin-top: 25
margin-left: 20
id: vocationBoxAny
anchors.left: prev.left
anchors.top: prev.bottom
margin-top: 3
margin-left: 3
text: Any
width: 50
id: vocationBoxSorcerer
anchors.left: prev.left
anchors.top: prev.bottom
margin-top: 3
text: Sorcerer
width: 50
id: vocationBoxDruid
anchors.left: prev.left
anchors.top: prev.bottom
margin-top: 3
text: Druid
width: 50
id: vocationBoxPaladin
anchors.left: prev.left
anchors.top: prev.bottom
margin-top: 3
text: Paladin
width: 50
id: vocationBoxKnight
anchors.left: prev.left
anchors.top: prev.bottom
margin-top: 3
text: Knight
width: 50
id: labelGroupFilter
anchors.top: labelPremium.bottom
anchors.left: labelVocationFilter.right
width: 70
font: verdana-11px-monochrome
text: Group
margin-top: 25
margin-left: 20
id: groupBoxAny
anchors.left: prev.left
anchors.top: prev.bottom
margin-top: 3
margin-left: 3
text: Any
width: 50
id: groupBoxAttack
anchors.left: prev.left
anchors.top: prev.bottom
margin-top: 3
text: Attack
width: 50
id: groupBoxHealing
anchors.left: prev.left
anchors.top: prev.bottom
margin-top: 3
text: Healing
width: 50
id: groupBoxSupport
anchors.left: prev.left
anchors.top: prev.bottom
margin-top: 3
text: Support
width: 50
id: labelPremiumFilter
anchors.top: labelPremium.bottom
anchors.left: labelGroupFilter.right
width: 70
font: verdana-11px-monochrome
text: Premium
margin-top: 25
margin-left: 20
id: premiumBoxAny
anchors.left: prev.left
anchors.top: prev.bottom
margin-top: 3
margin-left: 3
text: Any
width: 50
id: premiumBoxNo
anchors.left: prev.left
anchors.top: prev.bottom
margin-top: 3
text: No
width: 50
id: premiumBoxYes
anchors.left: prev.left
anchors.top: prev.bottom
margin-top: 3
text: Yes
width: 50

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 860 B

@ -19,5 +19,6 @@ Module
dofile 'player'
dofile 'market'
dofile 'thing'
dofile 'spells'
dofiles 'ui'

@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
-- ['Spell Name'] = {words = '', exhaustion = spellCooldown, premium = true/false, type = 'Instant'/'Conjure', icon = iconName, mana = manaCost, level = levelRequirement, soul = soulCost, group = {[groupId] = groupCooldown}, vocation = {vocationIds}}
SpellInfo = {
['Death Strike'] = {words = 'exori mort', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'deathstrike', mana = 20, level = 16, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Flame Strike'] = {words = 'exori flam', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'flamestrike', mana = 20, level = 14, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Strong Flame Strike'] = {words = 'exori gran flam', exhaustion = 8000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'strongflamestrike', mana = 60, level = 70, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000, [4] = 8000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Ultimate Flame Strike'] = {words = 'exori max flam', exhaustion = 30000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'ultimateflamestrike', mana = 100, level = 90, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 4000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Energy Strike'] = {words = 'exori vis', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'energystrike', mana = 20, level = 12, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Strong Energy Strike'] = {words = 'exori gran vis', exhaustion = 8000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'strongenergystrike', mana = 60, level = 80, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000, [4] = 8000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Ultimate Energy Strike'] = {words = 'exori max vis', exhaustion = 30000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'ultimateenergystrike', mana = 100, level = 100,soul = 0, group = {[1] = 4000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Whirlwind Throw'] = {words = 'exori hur', exhaustion = 6000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'whirlwindthrow', mana = 40, level = 28, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Fire Wave'] = {words = 'exevo flam hur', exhaustion = 4000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'firewave', mana = 25, level = 18, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Ethereal Spear'] = {words = 'exori con', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'eterealspear', mana = 25, level = 23, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Strong Ethereal Spear'] = {words = 'exori gran con', exhaustion = 8000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'strongetherealspear', mana = 55, level = 90, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Energy Beam'] = {words = 'exevo vis lux', exhaustion = 4000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'energybeam', mana = 40, level = 23, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Great Energy Beam'] = {words = 'exevo gran vis lux', exhaustion = 6000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'greatenergybeam', mana = 110, level = 29, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Groundshaker'] = {words = 'exori mas', exhaustion = 8000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'groundshaker', mana = 160, level = 33, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Berserk'] = {words = 'exori', exhaustion = 4000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'berserk', mana = 115, level = 35, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Annihilation'] = {words = 'exori gran ico', exhaustion = 30000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'annihilation', mana = 300, level = 110,soul = 0, group = {[1] = 4000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Brutal Strike'] = {words = 'exori ico', exhaustion = 6000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'brutalstrike', mana = 30, level = 16, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Front Sweep'] = {words = 'exori min', exhaustion = 6000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'frontsweep', mana = 200, level = 70, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Inflict Wound'] = {words = 'utori kor', exhaustion = 30000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'inflictwound', mana = 30, level = 40, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Ignite'] = {words = 'utori flam', exhaustion = 30000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'ignite', mana = 30, level = 26, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Lightning'] = {words = 'exori amp vis', exhaustion = 8000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'lightning', mana = 60, level = 55, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000, [4] = 8000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Curser'] = {words = 'utori mort', exhaustion = 50000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'curse', mana = 30, level = 75, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Electrify'] = {words = 'utori vis', exhaustion = 30000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'electrify', mana = 30, level = 34, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Energy Wave'] = {words = 'exevo vis hur', exhaustion = 8000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'energywave', mana = 170, level = 38, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Rage of the Skies'] = {words = 'exevo gran mas vis', exhaustion = 40000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'rageoftheskies', mana = 600, level = 55, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 4000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Fierce Berserk'] = {words = 'exori gran', exhaustion = 6000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'fierceberserk', mana = 340, level = 90, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Hells Core'] = {words = 'exevo gran mas flam', exhaustion = 40000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'hellscore', mana = 1100, level = 60, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 4000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Holy Flash'] = {words = 'utori san', exhaustion = 40000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'holyflash', mana = 30, level = 70, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Divine Missile'] = {words = 'exori san', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'divinemissile', mana = 20, level = 40, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Divine Caldera'] = {words = 'exevo mas san', exhaustion = 4000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'divinecaldera', mana = 160, level = 50, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Physical Strike'] = {words = 'exori moe ico', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'physicalstrike', mana = 20, level = 16, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Eternal Winter'] = {words = 'exevo gran mas frigo',exhaustion = 40000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'eternalwinter', mana = 1050, level = 60, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 4000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Ice Strike'] = {words = 'exori frigo', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'icestrike', mana = 20, level = 15, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5, 2, 6}},
['Strong Ice Strike'] = {words = 'exori gran frigo', exhaustion = 8000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'strongicestrike', mana = 60, level = 80, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000, [4] = 8000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Ultimate Ice Strike'] = {words = 'exori max frigo', exhaustion = 30000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'ultimateicestrike', mana = 100, level = 100,soul = 0, group = {[1] = 4000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Ice Wave'] = {words = 'exevo frigo hur', exhaustion = 4000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'icewave', mana = 25, level = 18, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Strong Ice Wave'] = {words = 'exevo gran frigo hur',exhaustion = 8000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'strongicewave', mana = 170, level = 40, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Envenom'] = {words = 'utori pox', exhaustion = 40000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'envenom', mana = 30, level = 50, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Terra Strike'] = {words = 'exori tera', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'terrastrike', mana = 20, level = 13, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5, 2, 6}},
['Strong Terra Strike'] = {words = 'exori gran tera', exhaustion = 8000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'strongterrastrike', mana = 60, level = 70, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000, [4] = 8000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Ultimate Terra Strike'] = {words = 'exori max tera', exhaustion = 30000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'ultimateterrastrike', mana = 100, level = 90, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 4000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Terra Wave'] = {words = 'exevo tera hur', exhaustion = 4000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'terrawave', mana = 210, level = 38, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Wrath of Nature'] = {words = 'exevo gran mas tera', exhaustion = 40000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'wrathofnature', mana = 700, level = 55, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 4000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Light Healing'] = {words = 'exura', exhaustion = 1000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'lighthealing', mana = 20, level = 9, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7}},
['Wound Cleansing'] = {words = 'exura ico', exhaustion = 1000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'woundcleansing', mana = 40, level = 10, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Intense Wound Cleansing'] = {words = 'exura gran ico', exhaustion = 600000,premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'intensewoundcleansing', mana = 200, level = 80, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Cure Bleeding'] = {words = 'exana kor', exhaustion = 6000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'curebleeding', mana = 30, level = 30, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Cure Electrification'] = {words = 'exana vis', exhaustion = 6000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'curseelectrification', mana = 30, level = 22, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Cure Poison'] = {words = 'exana pox', exhaustion = 6000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'curepoison', mana = 30, level = 10, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}},
['Cure Burning'] = {words = 'exana flam', exhaustion = 6000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'cureburning', mana = 30, level = 30, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Cure Curse'] = {words = 'exana mort', exhaustion = 6000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'curecurse', mana = 40, level = 80, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Recovery'] = {words = 'utura', exhaustion = 60000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'recovery', mana = 75, level = 50, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {4, 8, 3, 7}},
['Intense Recovery'] = {words = 'utura gran', exhaustion = 60000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'intenserecovery', mana = 165, level = 100,soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {4, 8, 3, 7}},
['Salvation'] = {words = 'exura gran san', exhaustion = 1000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'salvation', mana = 210, level = 60, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Intense Healing'] = {words = 'exura gran', exhaustion = 1000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'intensehealing', mana = 70, level = 20, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7}},
['Heal Friend'] = {words = 'exura sio', exhaustion = 1000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'healfriend', mana = 140, level = 18, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Ultimate Healing'] = {words = 'exura vita', exhaustion = 1000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'ultimatehealing', mana = 160, level = 30, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Mass Healing'] = {words = 'exura gran mas res', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'masshealing', mana = 150, level = 36, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Divine Healing'] = {words = 'exura san', exhaustion = 1000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'divinehealing', mana = 160, level = 35, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Light'] = {words = 'utevo lux', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'light', mana = 20, level = 8, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}},
['Find Person'] = {words = 'exiva', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'findperson', mana = 20, level = 8, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}},
['Magic Rope'] = {words = 'exani tera', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'magicrope', mana = 20, level = 9, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}},
['Levitate'] = {words = 'exani hur', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'levitate', mana = 50, level = 12, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}},
['Great Light'] = {words = 'utevo gran lux', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'greatlight', mana = 60, level = 13, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}},
['Magic Shield'] = {words = 'utamo vita', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'magicshield', mana = 50, level = 14, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Haste'] = {words = 'utani hur', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'haste', mana = 60, level = 14, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}},
['Charge'] = {words = 'utani tempo hur', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'charge', mana = 100, level = 25, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Swift Foot'] = {words = 'utamo tempo san', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'swiftfoot', mana = 400, level = 55, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 10000, [3] = 2000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Challenge'] = {words = 'exeta res', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'challenge', mana = 30, level = 20, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {8}},
['Strong Haste'] = {words = 'utani gran hur', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'stronghaste', mana = 100, level = 20, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Creature Illusion'] = {words = 'utevo res ina', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'creatureillusion', mana = 100, level = 23, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Ultimate Light'] = {words = 'utevo vis lux', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'ultimatelight', mana = 140, level = 26, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Cancel Invisibility'] = {words = 'exana ina', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'cancelinvisibility', mana = 200, level = 26, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Invisibility'] = {words = 'utana vid', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'invisible', mana = 440, level = 35, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Sharpshooter'] = {words = 'utito tempo san', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'sharpshooter', mana = 450, level = 60, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 10000, [3] = 10000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Protector'] = {words = 'utamo tempo', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'protector', mana = 200, level = 55, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 10000, [3] = 2000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Blood Rage'] = {words = 'utito tempo', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'bloodrage', mana = 290, level = 60, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Train Party'] = {words = 'utito mas sio', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'trainparty', mana = -1, level = 32, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {8}},
['Protect Party'] = {words = 'utamo mas sio', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'protectparty', mana = -1, level = 32, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {7}},
['Heal Party'] = {words = 'utura mas sio', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'healparty', mana = -1, level = 32, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {6}},
['Enchant Party'] = {words = 'utori mas sio', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'enchantparty', mana = -1, level = 32, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {5}},
['Summon Creature'] = {words = 'utevo res', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'summoncreature', mana = -1, level = 25, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Conjure Arrow'] = {words = 'exevo con', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'conjurearrow', mana = 100, level = 13, soul = 1, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Food'] = {words = 'exevo pan', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'food', mana = 120, level = 14, soul = 1, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Conjure Poisoned Arrow'] = {words = 'exevo con pox', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'poisonedarrow', mana = 130, level = 16, soul = 2, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Conjure Bolt'] = {words = 'exevo con mort', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'conjurebolt', mana = 140, level = 17, soul = 2, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Conjure Sniper Arrow'] = {words = 'exevo con hur', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'sniperarrow', mana = 160, level = 24, soul = 3, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Conjure Explosive Arrow'] = {words = 'exevo con flam', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'explosivearrow', mana = 290, level = 25, soul = 3, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Conjure Piercing Bolt'] = {words = 'exevo con grav', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'piercingbolt', mana = 180, level = 33, soul = 3, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Enchant Staff'] = {words = 'exeta vis', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'enchantstaff', mana = 80, level = 41, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {5}},
['Enchant Spear'] = {words = 'exeta con', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'enchantspear', mana = 350, level = 45, soul = 3, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Conjure Power Bolt'] = {words = 'exevo con vis', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'powerbolt', mana = 800, level = 59, soul = 3, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {7}},
['Poison Field'] = {words = 'adevo grav pox', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'poisonfield', mana = 200, level = 14, soul = 1, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Light Magic Missile'] = {words = 'adori min vis', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'lightmagicmissile', mana = 120, level = 15, soul = 1, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Fire Field'] = {words = 'adevo grav flam', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'firefield', mana = 240, level = 15, soul = 1, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Fireball'] = {words = 'adori flam', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'fireball', mana = 460, level = 27, soul = 3, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Energy Field'] = {words = 'adevo grav vis', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'energyfield', mana = 320, level = 18, soul = 2, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Stalagmite'] = {words = 'adori tera', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'stalagmite', mana = 400, level = 24, soul = 2, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5, 2, 6}},
['Great Fireball'] = {words = 'adori mas flam', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'greatfireball', mana = 530, level = 30, soul = 3, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Heavy Magic Missile'] = {words = 'adori vis', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'heavymagicmissile', mana = 350, level = 25, soul = 2, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5, 2, 6}},
['Poison Bomb'] = {words = 'adevo mas pox', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'poisonbomb', mana = 520, level = 25, soul = 2, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Firebomb'] = {words = 'adevo mas flam', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'firebomb', mana = 600, level = 27, soul = 3, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Soulfire'] = {words = 'adevo res flam', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'soulfire', mana = 600, level = 27, soul = 3, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Poison Wall'] = {words = 'adevo mas grav pox', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'poisonwall', mana = 640, level = 29, soul = 3, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Explosion'] = {words = 'adevo mas hur', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'explosion', mana = 570, level = 31, soul = 3, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Fire Wall'] = {words = 'adevo mas grav flam', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'firewall', mana = 780, level = 33, soul = 3, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Energybomb'] = {words = 'adevo mas vis', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'energybomb', mana = 880, level = 37, soul = 5, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Energy Wall'] = {words = 'adevo mas grav vis', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'energywall', mana = 1000, level = 41, soul = 5, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Sudden Death'] = {words = 'adori gran mort', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'suddendeath', mana = 985, level = 45, soul = 5, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Cure Poison Rune'] = {words = 'adana pox', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'antidote', mana = 200, level = 15, soul = 1, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Intense Healing Rune'] = {words = 'adura gran', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'intensehealingrune', mana = 240, level = 15, soul = 2, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Ultimate Healing Rune'] = {words = 'adura vita', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'ultimatehealingrune', mana = 400, level = 24, soul = 3, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Convince Creature'] = {words = 'adeta sio', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'convincecreature', mana = 200, level = 16, soul = 3, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Animate Dead'] = {words = 'adana mort', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'animatedead', mana = 600, level = 27, soul = 5, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Chameleon'] = {words = 'adevo ina', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'chameleon', mana = 600, level = 27, soul = 2, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Destroy Field'] = {words = 'adito grav', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'destroyfield', mana = 120, level = 17, soul = 2, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7}},
['Desintegrate'] = {words = 'adito tera', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'desintegrate', mana = 200, level = 21, soul = 3, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7}},
['Magic Wall'] = {words = 'adevo grav tera', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'magicwall', mana = 750, level = 32, soul = 5, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Wild Growth'] = {words = 'adevo grav vita', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'wildgrowth', mana = 600, level = 27, soul = 5, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Paralyze'] = {words = 'adana ani', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'paralyze', mana = 1400, level = 54, soul = 3, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Icicle'] = {words = 'adori frigo', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'icicle', mana = 460, level = 28, soul = 3, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Avalanche'] = {words = 'adori mas frigo', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'avalanche', mana = 530, level = 30, soul = 3, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Stone Shower'] = {words = 'adori mas tera', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'stoneshower', mana = 430, level = 28, soul = 3, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Thunderstorm'] = {words = 'adori mas vis', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'thunderstorm', mana = 430, level = 28, soul = 3, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Holy Missile'] = {words = 'adori san', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Conjure', icon = 'holymissile', mana = 350, level = 27, soul = 3, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {3, 7}}
-- ['const_name'] = {client_id, TFS_id}
-- Conversion from TFS icon id to the id used by client (icons.png order)
SpellIcons = {
['intenserecovery'] = {16, 160},
['recovery'] = {15, 159},
['intensewoundcleansing'] = {4, 158},
['ultimateterrastrike'] = {37, 157},
['ultimateicestrike'] = {34, 156},
['ultimateenergystrike'] = {31, 155},
['ultimateflamestrike'] = {28, 154},
['strongterrastrike'] = {36, 153},
['strongicestrike'] = {33, 152},
['strongenergystrike'] = {30, 151},
['strongflamestrike'] = {27, 150},
['lightning'] = {51, 149},
['physicalstrike'] = {17, 148},
['curecurse'] = {11, 147},
['curseelectrification'] = {14, 146},
['cureburning'] = {13, 145},
['curebleeding'] = {12, 144},
['holyflash'] = {53, 143},
['envenom'] = {58, 142},
['inflictwound'] = {57, 141},
['electrify'] = {56, 140},
['curse'] = {54, 139},
['ignite'] = {55, 138},
-- [[ 136 / 137 Unknown ]]
['sharpshooter'] = {121, 135},
['swiftfoot'] = {119, 134},
['bloodrage'] = {96, 133},
['protector'] = {122, 132},
['charge'] = {98, 131},
['holymissile'] = {76, 130},
['enchantparty'] = {113, 129},
['healparty'] = {126, 128},
['protectparty'] = {123, 127},
['trainparty'] = {120, 126},
['divinehealing'] = {2, 125},
['divinecaldera'] = {40, 124},
['woundcleansing'] = {3, 123},
['divinemissile'] = {39, 122},
['icewave'] = {45, 121},
['terrawave'] = {47, 120},
['rageoftheskies'] = {52, 119},
['eternalwinter'] = {50, 118},
['thunderstorm'] = {63, 117},
['stoneshower'] = {65, 116},
['avalanche'] = {92, 115},
['icicle'] = {75, 114},
['terrastrike'] = {35, 113},
['icestrike'] = {32, 112},
['eterealspear'] = {18, 111},
['enchantspear'] = {104, 110},
['piercingbolt'] = {110, 109},
['sniperarrow'] = {112, 108},
['whirlwindthrow'] = {19, 107},
['groundshaker'] = {25, 106},
['fierceberserk'] = {22, 105},
-- [[ 96 - 104 Unknown ]]
['powerbolt'] = {108, 95},
['wildgrowth'] = {61, 94},
['challenge'] = {97, 93},
['enchantstaff'] = {103, 92},
['poisonbomb'] = {70, 91},
['cancelinvisibility'] = {95, 90},
['flamestrike'] = {26, 89},
['energystrike'] = {29, 88},
['deathstrike'] = {38, 87},
['magicwall'] = {72, 86},
['healfriend'] = {8, 84},
['animatedead'] = {93, 83},
['masshealing'] = {9, 82},
['levitate'] = {125, 81},
['berserk'] = {21, 80},
['conjurebolt'] = {107, 79},
['desintegrate'] = {88, 78},
['stalagmite'] = {66, 77},
['magicrope'] = {105, 76},
['ultimatelight'] = {115, 75},
-- [[ 71 - 64 TFS House Commands ]]
-- [[ 63 - 70 Unknown ]]
['annihilation'] = {24, 62},
['brutalstrike'] = {23, 61},
-- [[ 60 Unknown ]]
['frontsweep'] = {20, 59},
-- [[ 58 Unknown ]]
['strongetherealspear'] = {59, 57},
['wrathofnature'] = {48, 56},
['energybomb'] = {86, 55},
['paralyze'] = {71, 54},
-- [[ 53 Unknown ]]
-- [[ 52 TFS Retrieve Friend ]]
['conjurearrow'] = {106, 51},
['soulfire'] = {67, 50},
['explosivearrow'] = {109, 49},
['poisonedarrow'] = {111, 48},
-- [[ 46 / 47 Unknown ]]
['invisible'] = {94, 45},
['magicshield'] = {124, 44},
['strongicewave'] = {46, 43},
['food'] = {99, 42},
-- [[ 40 / 41 Unknown ]]
['stronghaste'] = {102, 39},
['creatureillusion'] = {100, 38},
-- [[ 37 TFS Move ]]
['salvation'] = {60, 36},
-- [[ 34 / 35 Unknown ]]
['energywall'] = {84, 33},
['poisonwall'] = {68, 32},
['antidote'] = {10, 31},
['destroyfield'] = {87, 30},
['curepoison'] = {10, 29},
['firewall'] = {80, 28},
['energyfield'] = {85, 27},
['poisonfield'] = {69, 26},
['firefield'] = {81, 25},
['hellscore'] = {49, 24},
['greatenergybeam'] = {42, 23},
['energybeam'] = {41, 22},
['suddendeath'] = {64, 21},
['findperson'] = {114, 20},
['firewave'] = {44, 19},
['explosion'] = {83, 18},
['firebomb'] = {82, 17},
['greatfireball'] = {78, 16},
['fireball'] = {79, 15},
['chameleon'] = {91, 14},
['energywave'] = {43, 13},
['convincecreature'] = {90, 12},
['greatlight'] = {116, 11},
['light'] = {117, 10},
['summoncreature'] = {118, 9},
['heavymagicmissile'] = {77, 8},
['lightmagicmissile'] = {73, 7},
['haste'] = {101, 6},
['ultimatehealingrune'] = {62, 5},
['intensehealingrune'] = {74, 4},
['ultimatehealing'] = {1, 3},
['intensehealing'] = {7, 2},
['lighthealing'] = {6, 1}
VocationNames = {
[1] = 'Sorcerer',
[2] = 'Druid',
[3] = 'Paladin',
[4] = 'Knight',
[5] = 'Master Sorcerer',
[6] = 'Elder Druid',
[7] = 'Royal Paladin',
[8] = 'Elite Knight'
SpellGroups = {
[1] = 'Attack',
[2] = 'Healing',
[3] = 'Support',
[4] = 'Powerstrikes'