* Fix to market constraints.
* Fixed bug with skill percent not rounding.
* Dereference textEdit variable properly.
* Fix to the outfit window regarding mounts.
* Added enableResize to UIMiniWindow.
* Some minor edits.
* Added new arrow buttons.
* Fixed the vertical separator.
* Added new game_playermount module to handle player mounting.
* Moved the battle icons to /images.
* Outfit window accommodates for mounts, loads addons more efficiently and keeps addons set on update, added new Outfit.randomize function that allows you to randomize your outfit colors, and set up a new layout.
* Renamed game_textbooks to game_textwindow.
* Fixed text window from opening multiple times, and is destroyed correctly.
* Added new game_playerdeath module (moved death message and window here).
* Hotkey window will hide on game end.
* Logout/Exit/Stackable Items/Questlog/Hotkeys windows will now close on game end.