* Fix auto openning channels with id 0 (guild chats)
* Minor fix in print
* Fix use of items behind creatures with classic control
* Fix teleports of 1sqm
* Will now load the dat values for creature lights (ed if you know a more conventional way for this please let me know).
* No need to draw light for the outfit the creature draw will handle it.
Note: not sure if the from8bit method should limit at 256 or not, but tibia dat contains colors 216+.
* Draw lights beneath holes
* Improve light particle
* Light intensityvaries inversely with the square of the distance
* Local player always have a minimum light in complete darkness
* Creature names are behind lights now
Now otclient have lights! This code was originally made
by @Tarjei400, I have improved it and merged into otclient
master. Many thanks for tarjei for the contribution.
Warning, this still experimental, fixes may come in the next days.