* Will now load the dat values for creature lights (ed if you know a more conventional way for this please let me know).
* No need to draw light for the outfit the creature draw will handle it.
Note: not sure if the from8bit method should limit at 256 or not, but tibia dat contains colors 216+.
OTC now supports showing and answering modal dialogs.
addDialog(modaldialog, dialogId, cid, callback)
-find out what the "popup" value does.. (Maybe someone knows)
* Mount options will no longer display in unsupported protocols.
* Fixed a bug with opening outfit window while its already open.
* Fixed base speed stat when using unsupported protocol.
Lots of chagnes to add multi protocol flexibility, not really
completed yet, still have to rework text messages opcodes and other stuff,
so this still a working in progress feature
* Rework dat reader, the dat reader can now
* dinamically detect dat version
* Split game into gamelib and game_interface
* Lots of other minor changes