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#include "map.h"
#include "game.h"
#include <graphics/graphics.h>
void Map::draw(int x, int y)
m_framebuffer = FrameBufferPtr(new FrameBuffer(15*32, 11*32));
Position *playerPos = g_game.getPlayer()->getPosition();
// player is above 7
if(playerPos->z <= 7) {
// player pos it 8-6. check if we can draw upper floors.
/*bool draw = true;
for(int jz = 6; jz >= 0; --jz) {
if(m_tiles[Position(8+(6-jz), 6+(6-jz), jz)]->getStackSize() > 0) {
draw = false;
for(int iz = 7; iz > 0; --iz) {
// +1 in draws cause 64x64 items may affect view.
for(int ix = - 8; ix < + 8; ++ix) {
for(int iy = - 6; iy < + 6; ++iy) {
Position relativePos = Position(playerPos->x + ix, playerPos->y + iy, iz);
//Position drawPos = Position(ix + 8, iy - playerPos->y + 6, iz);
//logDebug("x: ", relativePos.x, " y: ", relativePos.y, " z: ", (int)relativePos.z);
if(m_tiles.find(relativePos) != m_tiles.end())
m_tiles[relativePos]->draw(ix + 8, iy + 6, iz);
m_framebuffer->draw(x, y, g_graphics.getScreenSize().width(), g_graphics.getScreenSize().height());
void Map::addThing(Thing *thing, const Position& pos)
if(m_tiles.find(pos) == m_tiles.end()) {
m_tiles[pos] = TilePtr(new Tile());