
39 lines
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modules managment interface
clean sprites cache periodically
load modules from zip packages
review directories search
left panel with dragging windows
console history
console text selection
console scrolling
a real working border and background property in otui
load state styles in order
grid layout
fix moving windows and tooltips conflicts
todo display otclient icon in window bar
remake otui styles states system
break UILabel lines
find a way to add new widgets without focusing them
rename Game to g_game, etc
implement Console key binding
impl vertical sync, clipboard
modify COnnection::poll()
review and reenable some warnings
make lua/c++ logger more friendly
bind every global lua function in a static class
use metatable for Point,Rect,Color,Size lua classes
set special types for g_configs like lists/point/size
create a class for reading binary files
handle corrupt errors in dat/spr
create image class
use CoordsBuffer in font
cache into framebuffers
implement glbuffer for CoordsBuffer
use indices in CoordsBuffer
create a Timer class