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uniform float opacity; // painter opacity
uniform vec4 color; // painter color
uniform float time; // time in seconds since shader linkage
uniform sampler2D texture; // map texture
varying vec2 textureCoords; // map texture coords
//uniform vec4 awareArea;
void main()
gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture, textureCoords);
vec4 grayScale(vec4 color, float factor)
float gray = dot(color.rgb, vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114));
return vec4(gray*factor + (1-factor)*color.r,
gray*factor + (1-factor)*color.g,
gray*factor + (1-factor)*color.b, 1);
// grayscale fog
void main()
vec4 color = texture2D(texture, textureCoords);
float dist = 0;
// left
if(textureCoords.x < awareArea.x && textureCoords.y < awareArea.y)
dist = distance(textureCoords, awareArea.xy);
else if(textureCoords.x < awareArea.x && textureCoords.y < awareArea.w)
dist = distance(textureCoords, vec2(awareArea.x, textureCoords.y));
else if(textureCoords.x < awareArea.x)
dist = distance(textureCoords, awareArea.xw);
// right
else if(textureCoords.x > awareArea.z && textureCoords.y < awareArea.y)
dist = distance(textureCoords, awareArea.zy);
else if(textureCoords.x > awareArea.z && textureCoords.y < awareArea.w)
dist = distance(textureCoords, vec2(awareArea.z, textureCoords.y));
else if(textureCoords.x > awareArea.z)
dist = distance(textureCoords,;
// top
else if(textureCoords.y < awareArea.y)
dist = distance(textureCoords, vec2(textureCoords.x, awareArea.y));
// bottom
else if(textureCoords.y > awareArea.w)
dist = distance(textureCoords, vec2(textureCoords.x, awareArea.w));
if(dist > 0) {
float range = 0.01;
float factor = min(dist/range, 1.0);
color = grayScale(color, factor);
//color.rgb *= 1 - (factor * 0.5);
gl_FragColor = color;
void main()
vec4 color = texture2D(texture, textureCoords);
if(textureCoords.x < awareArea.x || textureCoords.y < awareArea.y || textureCoords.x > awareArea.z || textureCoords.y > awareArea.w) {
gl_FragColor.r = dot(color, vec4(.393, .769, .189, .0));
gl_FragColor.g = dot(color, vec4(.349, .686, .168, .0));
gl_FragColor.b = dot(color, vec4(.272, .534, .131, .0));
gl_FragColor.a = 1;
} else
gl_FragColor = color;
void main()
vec4 color = texture2D(texture, textureCoords);
vec2 awareRange = ( - awareArea.xy)/2.0;
float dist = distance(textureCoords, awareArea.xy + awareRange);
float start = min(awareRange.x, awareRange.y);
float range = awareRange*0.1;
float endFactor = 0.3;
if(dist >= start) {
color.rgb *= 1 - (min((dist - start)/range, 1.0) * (2.0 - endFactor));
gl_FragColor = color;