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Inventory = {}
-- private variables
local window = nil
local InventorySlotHead = 1
local InventorySlotNecklace = 2
local InventorySlotBackpack = 3
local InventorySlotArmor = 4
local InventorySlotRight = 5
local InventorySlotLeft = 6
local InventorySlotLegs = 7
local InventorySlotFeet = 8
local InventorySlotRing = 9
local InventorySlotAmmo = 10
-- public functions
function Inventory.create()
window = loadUI("/inventory/inventory.otui", Game.gameRightPanel)
local itemWidget = window:getChildById('feet')
window:setHeight(itemWidget:getPosition().y + itemWidget:getHeight() - window:getPosition().y)
function Inventory.destroy()
window = nil
-- hooked events
function Inventory.onInventoryChange(slot, item)
local slotId
if slot == InventorySlotHead then
slotId = 'head'
elseif slot == InventorySlotNecklace then
slotId = 'necklace'
elseif slot == InventorySlotBackpack then
slotId = 'backpack'
elseif slot == InventorySlotArmor then
slotId = 'armor'
elseif slot == InventorySlotRight then
slotId = 'right'
elseif slot == InventorySlotLeft then
slotId = 'left'
elseif slot == InventorySlotLegs then
slotId = 'legs'
elseif slot == InventorySlotFeet then
slotId = 'feet'
elseif slot == InventorySlotRing then
slotId = 'ring'
elseif slot == InventorySlotAmmo then
slotId = 'ammo'
local itemWidget = window:getChildById(slotId)
function Inventory.onFreeCapacityChange(freeCapacity)
local widget = window:getChildById('capacity')
widget:setText("Cap:\n" .. freeCapacity)
function Inventory.onSoulChange(soul)
local widget = window:getChildById('soul')
widget:setText("Soul:\n" .. soul)
connect(Game, { onLogin = Inventory.create,
onLogout = Inventory.destroy,
onInventoryChange = Inventory.onInventoryChange,
onFreeCapacityChange = Inventory.onFreeCapacityChange,
onSoulChange = Inventory.onSoulChange })