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#include <global.h>
#include <ui/uielement.h>
class UIContainer : public UIElement
UIContainer(UI::ElementType type = UI::Container) :
UIElement(type) { }
virtual ~UIContainer() { }
virtual void destroy();
virtual void onLoad();
virtual void render();
virtual void onInputEvent(const InputEvent& event);
/// Add an element, this must never be called from events loops
void addChild(const UIElementPtr& child);
/// Remove an element, this must never be called from events loops
void removeChild(const UIElementPtr& child);
/// Check if has child
bool hasChild(const UIElementPtr& child);
/// Find an element in this container by id
UIElementPtr getChildById(const std::string& id);
/// Find an element in this container and in its children by id
UIElementPtr recursiveGetChildById(const std::string& id);
/// Find an element by position
UIElementPtr getChildByPos(const Point& pos);
/// Find an element in this container and in its children by position
UIElementPtr recursiveGetChildByPos(const Point& pos);
/// Get children
const std::list<UIElementPtr>& getChildren() const { return m_children; }
/// Pushs a child to the top
void pushChildToTop(const UIElementPtr& child);
int getChildCount() const { return m_children.size(); }
/// Disable all children except the specified element
bool lockElement(const UIElementPtr& element);
/// Renable all children
bool unlockElement(const UIElementPtr& element);
/// Focus next element
void focusNextElement();
/// Focus element
void setFocusedElement(const UIElementPtr& focusedElement);
/// Get focused element
UIElementPtr getFocusedElement() const { return m_focusedElement; }
virtual UI::ElementType getElementType() const { return UI::Container; }
UIContainerPtr asUIContainer() { return boost::static_pointer_cast<UIContainer>(shared_from_this()); }
virtual const char *getScriptObjectType() const { return "UIContainer"; }
/// Get root container (the container that contains everything)
static UIContainerPtr& getRoot();
std::list<UIElementPtr> m_children;
std::list<UIElementPtr> m_lockedElements;
UIElementPtr m_focusedElement;