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#include <global.h>
#include <core/input.h>
#include <script/scriptobject.h>
#include <ui/uiconstants.h>
#include <ui/uielementskin.h>
#include <ui/uilayout.h>
class UIElementSkin;
class UIContainer;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<UIContainer> UIContainerPtr;
typedef boost::weak_ptr<UIContainer> UIContainerWeakPtr;
class UIElement;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<UIElement> UIElementPtr;
typedef boost::weak_ptr<UIElement> UIElementWeakPtr;
class UIElement : public ScriptObject
UIElement(UI::ElementType type = UI::Element);
virtual ~UIElement();
void destroyLater();
virtual void destroy();
virtual void destroyCheck();
/// Draw element
virtual void render();
// events
virtual void onLoad();
virtual void onInputEvent(const InputEvent& event) { }
virtual void onFocusChange() { }
virtual void onRectUpdate() { }
UIElementPtr backwardsGetElementById(const std::string& id);
void moveTo(Point pos);
void setLayout(const UILayoutPtr& layout) { m_layout = layout; }
UILayoutPtr getLayout() const;
void setSkin(const UIElementSkinPtr& skin);
UIElementSkinPtr getSkin() const { return m_skin; }
void setParent(UIContainerPtr parent);
UIContainerPtr getParent() const { return m_parent.lock(); }
void setId(const std::string& id) { m_id = id; }
const std::string& getId() const { return m_id; }
void setEnabled(bool enabled) { m_enabled = enabled; }
bool isEnabled() const { return m_enabled; }
void setFocused(bool focused);
bool isFocused() const;
void setMouseOver(bool mouseOver) { m_mouseOver = mouseOver; }
bool isMouseOver() const { return m_mouseOver; }
void setVisible(bool visible) { m_visible = visible; }
bool isVisible() const { return m_visible; }
virtual bool isFocusable() const { return false; }
UI::ElementType getElementType() const { return m_type; }
UIElementPtr asUIElement() { return boost::static_pointer_cast<UIElement>(shared_from_this()); }
virtual UIContainerPtr asUIContainer() { return UIContainerPtr(); }
virtual const char *getScriptObjectType() const { return "UIElement"; }
void setSize(const Size& size);
Size getSize() { return m_rect.size(); }
/// Set the layout rect, always absolute position
void setRect(const Rect& rect);
/// Get layout size, it always return the absolute position
Rect getRect() const { return m_rect; }
// margins
void setMargin(int top, int left, int bottom, int right) { m_marginLeft = left; m_marginRight = right; m_marginTop = top; m_marginBottom = bottom; getLayout()->recalculateElementLayout(asUIElement()); }
void setMargin(int horizontal, int vertical) { m_marginLeft = m_marginRight = horizontal; m_marginTop = m_marginBottom = vertical; getLayout()->recalculateElementLayout(asUIElement()); }
void setMargin(int margin) { m_marginLeft = m_marginRight = m_marginTop = m_marginBottom = margin; getLayout()->recalculateElementLayout(asUIElement()); }
void setMarginLeft(int margin) { m_marginLeft = margin; getLayout()->recalculateElementLayout(asUIElement()); }
void setMarginRight(int margin) { m_marginRight = margin; getLayout()->recalculateElementLayout(asUIElement()); }
void setMarginTop(int margin) { m_marginTop = margin; getLayout()->recalculateElementLayout(asUIElement()); }
void setMarginBottom(int margin) { m_marginBottom = margin; getLayout()->recalculateElementLayout(asUIElement()); }
int getMarginLeft() const { return m_marginLeft; }
int getMarginRight() const { return m_marginRight; }
int getMarginTop() const { return m_marginTop; }
int getMarginBottom() const { return m_marginBottom; }
UI::ElementType m_type;
UIContainerWeakPtr m_parent;
UIElementSkinPtr m_skin;
UILayoutPtr m_layout;
std::string m_id;
bool m_visible;
bool m_enabled;
bool m_mouseOver;
Rect m_rect;
int m_marginLeft;
int m_marginRight;
int m_marginTop;
int m_marginBottom;
#endif // UIELEMENT_H