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#include "luavalue.h"
#include "luastate.h"
namespace luabinder
// transform const T& -> T
template<typename T>
struct remove_const_ref {
typedef typename std::remove_const<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>::type type;
// pack an value into tuple recursively
template<int N>
struct pack_values_into_tuple {
template<typename Tuple>
static void call(Tuple& tuple, LuaState* lua) {
typedef typename std::tuple_element<N-1, Tuple>::type ValueType;
std::get<N-1>(tuple) = safe_luavalue_cast<ValueType>(lua->popValue());
pack_values_into_tuple<N-1>::call(tuple, lua);
struct pack_values_into_tuple<0> {
template<typename Tuple>
static void call(Tuple &tuple, LuaState* lua) { }
// call function
template<typename Ret, typename F, typename... Args>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_void<Ret>::value, int>::type
call_fun_and_push_result(const F& f, LuaState* lua, Args... args) {
Ret ret = f(args...);
return 1;
// call function with no return
template<typename Ret, typename F, typename... Args>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_void<Ret>::value, int>::type
call_fun_and_push_result(const F& f, LuaState* lua, Args... args) {
return 0;
// expand function arguments for calling
template<int N, typename Ret>
struct expand_fun_arguments {
template<typename Tuple, typename F, typename... Args>
static int call(const Tuple& tuple, const F& f, LuaState* lua, Args... args) {
return expand_fun_arguments<N-1,Ret>::call(tuple, f, lua, std::cref(std::get<N-1>(tuple)), args...);
template<typename Ret>
struct expand_fun_arguments<0,Ret> {
template<typename Tuple, typename F, typename... Args>
static int call(const Tuple& tuple, const F& f, LuaState* lua, Args... args) {
return call_fun_and_push_result<Ret>(f, lua, args...);
// bind different types of functions
template<typename Ret, typename F, typename Tuple>
LuaCppFunction bind_fun_specializer(const F& f) {
enum { N = std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value };
return [=](LuaState* lua) {
if(lua->stackSize() != N)
throw LuaBadNumberOfArgumentsException(N, lua->stackSize());
Tuple tuple;
pack_values_into_tuple<N>::call(tuple, lua);
return expand_fun_arguments<N,Ret>::call(tuple, f, lua);
// bind a std::function
template<typename Ret, typename... Args>
LuaCppFunction bind_fun(const std::function<Ret(Args...)>& f) {
typedef typename std::tuple<typename remove_const_ref<Args>::type...> Tuple;
return bind_fun_specializer<typename remove_const_ref<Ret>::type,
// bind a custumized function
LuaCppFunction bind_fun(const std::function<int(LuaState*)>& f) {
return f;
// convert to std::function then bind
template<typename Ret, typename... Args>
LuaCppFunction bind_fun(Ret (*f)(Args...)) {
return bind_fun(std::function<Ret(Args...)>(f));
// a tuple_element that works with the next algorithm
template<std::size_t __i, typename _Tp>
struct tuple_element;
template<std::size_t __i, typename _Head, typename... _Tail>
struct tuple_element<__i, std::tuple<_Head, _Tail...> >
: tuple_element<__i - 1, std::tuple<_Tail...> > { };
template<typename _Head, typename... _Tail>
struct tuple_element<0, std::tuple<_Head, _Tail...> > { typedef _Head type; };
template<typename _Head>
struct tuple_element<-1,std::tuple<_Head>> { typedef void type; };
template<std::size_t __i>
struct tuple_element<__i,std::tuple<>> { typedef void type; };
// rebind functions already binded by std::bind that have placeholders
template<typename Enable, int N, typename ArgsTuple, typename HoldersTuple, typename... Args>
struct get_holded_tuple;
template<int N, typename ArgsTuple, typename HoldersTuple, typename... Args>
struct get_holded_tuple<typename std::enable_if<(N > 0 && std::is_placeholder<typename tuple_element<N-1, HoldersTuple>::type>::value > 0), void>::type, N, ArgsTuple, HoldersTuple, Args...> {
typedef typename std::tuple_element<N-1, HoldersTuple>::type holder_type;
typedef typename tuple_element<std::is_placeholder<holder_type>::value-1, ArgsTuple>::type _arg_type;
typedef typename remove_const_ref<_arg_type>::type arg_type;
typedef typename get_holded_tuple<void, N-1, ArgsTuple, HoldersTuple, arg_type, Args...>::type type;
template<int N, typename ArgsTuple, typename HoldersTuple, typename... Args>
struct get_holded_tuple<typename std::enable_if<(N > 0 && std::is_placeholder<typename tuple_element<N-1, HoldersTuple>::type>::value == 0), void>::type, N, ArgsTuple, HoldersTuple, Args...> {
typedef typename get_holded_tuple<void, N-1, ArgsTuple, HoldersTuple, Args...>::type type;
template<typename ArgsTuple, typename HoldersTuple, typename... Args>
struct get_holded_tuple<void, 0, ArgsTuple, HoldersTuple, Args...> {
typedef typename std::tuple<Args...> type;
template<typename Ret, typename... Args, typename... Holders>
LuaCppFunction bind_fun(const std::_Bind<Ret (*(Holders...))(Args...)>& f) {
typedef typename std::tuple<Args...> ArgsTuple;
typedef typename std::tuple<Holders...> HoldersTuple;
typedef typename get_holded_tuple<void, sizeof...(Holders), ArgsTuple, HoldersTuple>::type Tuple;
return bind_fun_specializer<typename remove_const_ref<Ret>::type,
template<typename Obj, typename Ret, typename... Args, typename... Holders>
LuaCppFunction bind_fun(const std::_Bind<std::_Mem_fn<Ret (Obj::*)(Args...)>(Obj*, Holders...)>& f) {
typedef typename std::tuple<Args...> ArgsTuple;
typedef typename std::tuple<Holders...> HoldersTuple;
typedef typename get_holded_tuple<void, sizeof...(Holders), ArgsTuple, HoldersTuple>::type Tuple;
return bind_fun_specializer<typename remove_const_ref<Ret>::type,
// custumized functions already binded by std::bind doesn't need to be bind again
template<typename Obj>
LuaCppFunction bind_fun(const std::_Bind<std::_Mem_fn<int (Obj::*)(LuaState*)>(Obj*, std::_Placeholder<1>)>& f) {
return f;
LuaCppFunction bind_fun(const std::_Bind<int (*(std::_Placeholder<1>))(LuaState*)>& f) {
return f;
// bind member function
template<typename Ret, typename Obj, typename... Args>
LuaCppFunction bind_mem_fun(Ret (Obj::*f)(Args...)) {
auto mf = std::mem_fn(f);
typedef typename std::tuple<Obj*, typename remove_const_ref<Args>::type...> Tuple;
return bind_fun_specializer<typename remove_const_ref<Ret>::type,
template<typename Ret, typename Obj, typename... Args>
LuaCppFunction bind_mem_fun(Ret (Obj::*f)(Args...) const) {
auto mf = std::mem_fn(f);
typedef typename std::tuple<Obj*, typename remove_const_ref<Args>::type...> Tuple;
return bind_fun_specializer<typename remove_const_ref<Ret>::type,
// bind custumized member function
template<typename Obj>
LuaCppFunction bind_mem_fun(int (Obj::*f)(LuaState*)) {
auto mf = std::mem_fn(f);
return [=](LuaState* lua) {
auto obj = safe_luavalue_cast<Obj*>(lua->popValue());
return mf(obj, lua);
#endif // LUABINDER_H