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#include "effect.h"
#include "datmanager.h"
#include "map.h"
#include <framework/platform/platform.h>
#include <framework/core/eventdispatcher.h>
Effect::Effect() : Thing(THING_EFFECT)
m_lastTicks = g_platform.getTicks();
m_animation = 0;
m_finished = false;
void Effect::draw(int x, int y)
if(!m_finished && g_platform.getTicks() - m_lastTicks > 75) {
const ThingAttributes& attributes = getAttributes();
if(m_animation == attributes.animcount)
g_dispatcher.addEvent(std::bind(&Map::removeThing, &g_map, asThing()));
m_lastTicks = g_platform.getTicks();
internalDraw(x, y, 0, 0, 0, 0, m_animation);
const ThingAttributes& Effect::getAttributes()
return g_dat.getEffectAttributes(m_id);