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84 lines
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#include "thing.h"
#include "tibiaspr.h"
#include <framework/graphics/graphics.h>
blockSolid = false;
hasHeight = false;
blockPathFind = false;
blockProjectile = false;
alwaysOnTop = false;
alwaysOnTopOrder = 0;
stackable = false;
useable = false;
moveable = true;
pickupable = false;
rotable = false;
readable = false;
lookThrough = false;
speed = 0;
lightLevel = 0;
lightColor = 0;
isVertical = false;
isHorizontal = false;
isHangable = false;
miniMapColor = 0;
hasMiniMapColor = false;
subParam07 = 0;
subParam08 = 0;
sprites = NULL;
width = 0;
height = 0;
blendframes = 0;
xdiv = 0;
ydiv = 0;
zdiv = 0;
animcount = 0;
xOffset = 0;
yOffset = 0;
delete []sprites;
m_type = TYPE_NONE;
void Thing::internalDraw(int x, int y, int blendframes, int xdiv, int ydiv, int zdiv, int anim)
ThingAttributes *thingAttributes = getAttributes();
for(int yi = 0; yi < thingAttributes->height; yi++) {
for(int xi = 0; xi < thingAttributes->width; xi++) {
uint16 sprIndex = xi +
yi * thingAttributes->width +
blendframes * thingAttributes->width * thingAttributes->height +
xdiv * thingAttributes->width * thingAttributes->height * thingAttributes->blendframes +
ydiv * thingAttributes->width * thingAttributes->height * thingAttributes->blendframes * thingAttributes->xdiv +
zdiv * thingAttributes->width * thingAttributes->height * thingAttributes->blendframes * thingAttributes->xdiv * thingAttributes->ydiv +
anim * thingAttributes->width * thingAttributes->height * thingAttributes->blendframes * thingAttributes->xdiv * thingAttributes->ydiv * thingAttributes->zdiv;
uint16 itemId = thingAttributes->sprites[sprIndex];
if(itemId == 0xFFFF)
TexturePtr data = g_tibiaSpr.getSprite(itemId);
int offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0;
if(thingAttributes->hasHeight) {
offsetX = thingAttributes->xOffset;
offsetY = thingAttributes->xOffset; // << look to xoffset
g_graphics.drawTexturedRect(Rect((x - xi*32) - offsetX, (y - yi*32) - offsetY, 32, 32), data, Rect(0, 0, 32, 32));