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#include "thing.h"
#include "spritemanager.h"
#include <framework/graphics/graphics.h>
Thing::Thing(ThingType type) : m_id(0), m_type(type)
void Thing::internalDraw(int x, int y, int blendframes, int xdiv, int ydiv, int zdiv, int anim, SpriteMask mask)
const ThingAttributes& attributes = getAttributes();
for(int yi = 0; yi < attributes.height; yi++) {
for(int xi = 0; xi < attributes.width; xi++) {
int sprIndex = xi +
yi * attributes.width +
blendframes * attributes.width * attributes.height +
xdiv * attributes.width * attributes.height * attributes.blendframes +
ydiv * attributes.width * attributes.height * attributes.blendframes * attributes.xdiv +
zdiv * attributes.width * attributes.height * attributes.blendframes * attributes.xdiv * attributes.ydiv +
anim * attributes.width * attributes.height * attributes.blendframes * attributes.xdiv * attributes.ydiv * attributes.zdiv;
int spriteId = attributes.sprites[sprIndex];
TexturePtr spriteTex;
if(mask == SpriteMaskNone) {
spriteTex = g_sprites.getSpriteTexture(spriteId);
} else
spriteTex = g_sprites.getSpriteMask(spriteId, mask);
Rect drawRect((x - xi*32) - attributes.xOffset,
(y - yi*32) - attributes.xOffset,
32, 32);
g_graphics.drawTexturedRect(drawRect, spriteTex);