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ThingCategoryItem = 0
ThingCategoryCreature = 1
ThingCategoryEffect = 2
ThingCategoryMissile = 3
ThingInvalidCategory = 4
ThingLastCategory = ThingInvalidCategory
ThingAttrGround = 0
ThingAttrGroundBorder = 1
ThingAttrOnBottom = 2
ThingAttrOnTop = 3
ThingAttrContainer = 4
ThingAttrStackable = 5
ThingAttrForceUse = 6
ThingAttrMultiUse = 7
ThingAttrWritable = 8
ThingAttrWritableOnce = 9
ThingAttrFluidContainer = 10
ThingAttrSplash = 11
ThingAttrNotWalkable = 12
ThingAttrNotMoveable = 13
ThingAttrBlockProjectile = 14
ThingAttrNotPathable = 15
ThingAttrPickupable = 16
ThingAttrHangable = 17
ThingAttrHookSouth = 18
ThingAttrHookEast = 19
ThingAttrRotateable = 20
ThingAttrLight = 21
ThingAttrDontHide = 22
ThingAttrTranslucent = 23
ThingAttrDisplacement = 24
ThingAttrElevation = 25
ThingAttrLyingCorpse = 26
ThingAttrAnimateAlways = 27
ThingAttrMinimapColor = 28
ThingAttrLensHelp = 29
ThingAttrFullGround = 30
ThingAttrLook = 31
ThingAttrCloth = 32
ThingAttrMarket = 33
ThingAttrChargeable = 254 -- deprecated
ThingLastAttr = 255
SpriteMaskRed = 1
SpriteMaskGreen = 2
SpriteMaskBlue = 3
SpriteMaskYellow = 4