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#ifndef UIANCHOR_H
#define UIANCHOR_H
#include "declarations.h"
class UIAnchor
enum {
UIAnchor(AnchorEdge anchoredEdge, const std::string& hookedWidgetId, AnchorEdge hookedEdge);
AnchorEdge getAnchoredEdge() const { return m_anchoredEdge; }
UIWidgetPtr getHookedWidget() const { return m_hookedWidget.lock(); }
std::string getHookedWidgetId() const { return m_hookedWidgetId; }
int getHookedPoint() const;
void setHookedWidget(const UIWidgetPtr hookedWidget) { m_hookedWidget = hookedWidget; }
AnchorEdge m_anchoredEdge;
UIWidgetWeakPtr m_hookedWidget;
std::string m_hookedWidgetId;
AnchorEdge m_hookedEdge;