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#ifndef UIEVENT_H
#define UIEVENT_H
#include <framework/platform/platformevent.h>
#include "declarations.h"
class UIEvent
UIEvent() : m_accepted(true) { }
void setAccepted(bool accepted) { m_accepted = accepted; }
void accept() { m_accepted = true; }
void ignore() { m_accepted = false; }
bool isAccepted() { return m_accepted; }
bool m_accepted;
class UIMouseEvent : public UIEvent
UIMouseEvent(const Point& pos, MouseButton button)
: m_pos(pos), m_button(button), m_wheelDirection(MouseNoWheel) { }
UIMouseEvent(const Point& pos, MouseWheelDirection wheelDirection)
: m_pos(pos), m_button(MouseNoButton), m_wheelDirection(wheelDirection) { }
UIMouseEvent(const Point& pos, Point moved)
: m_pos(pos), m_moved(moved), m_button(MouseNoButton), m_wheelDirection(MouseNoWheel) { }
Point pos() const { return m_pos; }
Point oldPos() const { return m_pos - m_moved; }
Point moved() const { return m_moved; }
int x() const { return m_pos.x; }
int y() const { return m_pos.y; }
MouseButton button() const { return m_button; }
MouseWheelDirection wheelDirection() const { return m_wheelDirection; }
Point m_pos;
Point m_moved;
MouseButton m_button;
MouseWheelDirection m_wheelDirection;
class UIKeyEvent : public UIEvent
UIKeyEvent(uchar keyCode, char keyChar, int keyboardModifiers)
: m_keyCode(keyCode), m_keyChar(keyChar), m_keyboardModifiers(keyboardModifiers) { }
uchar keyCode() const { return m_keyCode; }
char keyChar() const { return m_keyChar; }
int keyboardModifiers() const { return m_keyboardModifiers; }
uchar m_keyCode;
char m_keyChar;
int m_keyboardModifiers;
class UIFocusEvent : public UIEvent
UIFocusEvent(FocusReason reason, bool gotFocus)
: m_reason(reason), m_gotFocus(gotFocus) { }
bool gotFocus() const { return m_gotFocus; }
bool lostFocus() const { return !m_gotFocus; }
bool reason() const { return m_reason; }
FocusReason m_reason;
bool m_gotFocus;
class UIHoverEvent : public UIEvent
UIHoverEvent(bool hovered) : m_hovered(hovered) { }
bool hovered() const { return m_hovered; }
bool mouseEnter() const { return m_hovered; }
bool mouseLeave() const { return !m_hovered; }
bool m_hovered;
class UIGeometryUpdateEvent : public UIEvent
UIGeometryUpdateEvent(const Rect& oldRect, const Rect& rect)
: m_oldRect(oldRect), m_rect(rect) { }
Point pos() const { return m_rect.topLeft(); }
Size size() const { return m_rect.size(); }
Rect rect() const { return m_rect; }
Point oldPos() const { return m_oldRect.topLeft(); }
Size oldSize() const { return m_oldRect.size(); }
Rect oldRect() const { return m_oldRect; }
Point moved() const { return m_rect.topLeft() - m_oldRect.topLeft(); }
Size resized() const { return m_rect.size() - m_oldRect.size(); }
bool hasMoved() const { return m_rect.topLeft() != m_oldRect.topLeft(); }
bool hasResized() const { return m_rect.size() != m_oldRect.size(); }
Rect m_oldRect;
Rect m_rect;