Allow styling special CliMultiMenu states

Now a selected and a selected and highlighted option can be styled.
Sebastian Lohff před 4 roky
rodič 19ad4f3e8b
revize 7a09d45ab8

@ -48,10 +48,12 @@ class CliMenuStyle:
Allows to select header, option and selected option color
def __init__(self, option='', highlighted='', text=''):
def __init__(self, option='', highlighted='', text='', selected=None, selected_highlighted=None):
self.option = option
self.highlighted = highlighted
self.text = text
self.selected = selected
self.selected_highlighted = selected_highlighted
class CliSelectionStyle:
@ -351,8 +353,11 @@ class CliMultiMenu(CliMenu):
self._selection_icons = selection_icons if selection_icons is not None else self.default_selection_icons
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def add_option(self, text, item=_EmptyParameter, selected=False):
super().add_option(text, item)
def add_option(self, text, item=_EmptyParameter, selected=False,
style=None, highlighted_style=None, selected_style=None, selected_highlighted_style=None):
super().add_option(text, item, style, highlighted_style=highlighted_style)
self._items[-1].selected_style = selected_style
self._items[-1].selected_highlighted_style = selected_highlighted_style
if selected:
self._multi_selected.append(len(self._items) - 1)
@ -393,6 +398,23 @@ class CliMultiMenu(CliMenu):
return prefix
def _get_style(self, item, lineno, highlighted):
s = self._style
if item.focusable and lineno in self._multi_selected:
if highlighted:
if item.selected_highlighted_style is not None:
return item.selected_highlighted_style
if s.selected_highlighted is not None:
return s.selected_highlighted
if item.selected_style is not None:
return item.selected_style
if s.selected is not None:
return s.selected
# no style specified or no selected state, call parent
return super()._get_style(item, lineno, highlighted)
def _preflight(self):
if self._min_selection_count > self._item_num:

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