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27 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Sebastian Lohff b44a1f3543 Allow disabled options to be created
1 year ago
Sebastian Lohff 26412d400f Fix off-by-one in initial pos for menus with no header
1 year ago
Sebastian Lohff 33aa41ac6e Return with "no success" when no options are given
1 year ago
Sebastian Lohff 1a309d28c0 Release v0.2.0
4 years ago
Sebastian Lohff 775c50ed6f Add support for cursorless menus
4 years ago
Sebastian Lohff 7a09d45ab8 Allow styling special CliMultiMenu states
4 years ago
Sebastian Lohff 19ad4f3e8b Allow per-item styling for text and options
4 years ago
Sebastian Lohff 030492b353 Rename CliMenuTheme class parameters
4 years ago
Sebastian Lohff 22307bc4ae Always use text as item if no item was specified
4 years ago
Sebastian Lohff 85c3c5c947 Make option prefix/suffix configurable
4 years ago
Sebastian Lohff 68e6ecbe4f Make CliMenuHeader and CliMenuOption private
4 years ago
Sebastian Lohff 24dab5f69b Specify minimum selected item count for CliMutliMenu
4 years ago
Sebastian Lohff 56b76706f6 Group selection icons in CliMultiMenu API
4 years ago
Sebastian Lohff 12552d8e5b Use right arrow to select/deselect in CliMultiMenu
4 years ago
Sebastian Lohff d01024d1be Add initial_pos to choose initially selected item
4 years ago
Sebastian Lohff 3e3ea53f5e Remove dead code
4 years ago
Sebastian Lohff c363c187bd Remove unused methods and unused arguments
4 years ago
Sebastian Lohff 94bb03dc07 Don't ignore cursor/style/icon if it is not None
4 years ago
Sebastian Lohff 4ba22a3a33 Make setup.cfg release ready, move to GitHub
4 years ago
Sebastian Lohff 34a3279e2f Improve a tiny bit
4 years ago
Sebastian Lohff f20b5eac89 Add more examples
4 years ago
Sebastian Lohff 9b833db364 Check type of options passed to __init__
4 years ago
Sebastian Lohff c74e3d68d6 Implement multiple selections with CliMultiMenu
4 years ago
Sebastian Lohff 46a863b3cf Remove broken space keyboard binding for accept
4 years ago
Sebastian Lohff a28c76e001 Allow a default theme and cursor to be set
4 years ago
Sebastian Lohff 45d3395642 Rename add_header() to add_text()
4 years ago
Sebastian Lohff a17f7693e9 Renamed CLI_* cursors to ASCII_* cursors
4 years ago

@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
# CLI-Intermission
Tool to easily ask your user questions on the commandline. Interactive! abusing python prompt-toolkit's `Buffer` class.
# Clintermission - Python CLI Intermission Library
`clintermission` is a small Python library designed to quickly get a selection
of a single or multiple items from a user. The menu shown is explicitly not a
fullscreen menu so the user can use information in their console history to
make a selection.
Highly inspired by [go promptui](
The menu is implemented by using `prompt-toolkit`'s `Buffer` class.
Inspired by [go promptui](

@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
# Written by Sebastian Lohff <>
# Licensed under Apache License 2.0
from clintermission.climenu import CliMenu, CliMenuStyle, CliMenuCursor, CliMenuTheme, cli_select_item
from clintermission.climenu import CliMenu, CliMultiMenu, CliMenuStyle, CliSelectionStyle, CliMenuCursor, CliMenuTheme, cli_select_item
__all__ = [

@ -12,20 +12,23 @@ from prompt_toolkit import search
from prompt_toolkit.widgets import SearchToolbar
class CliMenuHeader:
class _CliMenuHeader:
"""Hold a menu header"""
def __init__(self, text, indent=False):
def __init__(self, text, indent=False, style=None):
self.text = text
self.indent = indent = style
self.focusable = False
class CliMenuOption:
class _CliMenuOption:
"""Hold a menu option"""
def __init__(self, text, num, item=None):
def __init__(self, text, num, item=None, style=None, highlighted_style=None):
self.text = text
self.num = num
self.item = item = style
self.highlighted_style = highlighted_style
self.focusable = True
@ -33,9 +36,9 @@ class CliMenuCursor:
"""Collection of cursors pointing at the active menu item"""
CLI_STAR = '*'
CLI_ARROW = '-->'
CLI_CAT = '=^.^='
ASCII_CAT = '=^.^='
CAT = '😸'
ARROW = ''
@ -45,72 +48,100 @@ class CliMenuStyle:
Allows to select header, option and selected option color
def __init__(self, option_style='', highlight_style='', header_style=''):
self.option_style = option_style
self.highlight_style = highlight_style
self.header_style = header_style
# self.option_color = '#aa0000'
# #self.highlight_color = 'fg:ansiblue bg:ansired bold'
# self.highlight_color = 'bold'
# self.cursor = ' --> '
# self.cursor = ' ● '
# self.no_cursor = ' '
# self.header_color = '#aa22cc'
# self.option_indent = 4
# self.header_indent = 4
def __init__(self, option='', highlighted='', text='', selected=None, selected_highlighted=None):
self.option = option
self.highlighted = highlighted
self.text = text
self.selected = selected
self.selected_highlighted = selected_highlighted
class CliSelectionStyle:
SQUARE_BRACKETS = ('[x]', '[ ]')
ROUND_BRACKETS = ('(x)', '( )')
CHECKMARK = ('', '')
THUMBS = ('👍', '👎')
SMILEY = ('🙂', '🙁')
SMILEY_EXTREME = ('😁', '😨')
class CliMenuTheme:
BASIC = CliMenuStyle()
BASIC_BOLD = CliMenuStyle(header_style='bold', highlight_style='bold')
BASIC_BOLD = CliMenuStyle(text='bold', highlighted='bold')
RED = CliMenuStyle('#aa0000', '#ee0000', '#aa0000')
CYAN = CliMenuStyle('cyan', 'lightcyan', 'cyan')
BLUE = CliMenuStyle('ansiblue', 'ansired', 'ansiblue')
ANSI_CYAN = CliMenuStyle('ansicyan', 'ansibrightcyan', 'ansicyan')
BOLD_HIGHLIGHT = CliMenuStyle(header_style='bold', highlight_style='bold fg:black bg:white')
BOLD_HIGHLIGHT = CliMenuStyle(text='bold', highlighted='bold fg:black bg:white')
class _EmptyParameter:
class CliMenu:
default_style = CliMenuTheme.BASIC
default_cursor = CliMenuCursor.TRIANGLE
def set_default_style(cls, style):
cls.default_style = style
def set_default_cursor(cls, cursor):
cls.default_cursor = cursor
def __init__(self, options=None, header=None, cursor=None, style=None,
indent=2, dedent_selection=False):
indent=2, dedent_selection=False, initial_pos=0,
option_prefix=' ', option_suffix='', right_pad_options=False):
self._items = []
self._item_num = 0
self._ran = False
self._success = None
self._pos = 0
self._initial_pos = initial_pos
self._option_prefix = option_prefix
self._option_suffix = option_suffix
self._option_indent = indent
self._header_indent = indent
self._dedent_selection = dedent_selection
self._right_pad_options = right_pad_options
self._cursor = cursor
if not self._cursor:
self._cursor = self.default_cursor
self._style = style
if not self._style:
self._style = self.default_style
self._cursor = cursor if cursor is not None else self.default_cursor
self._style = style if style is not None else self.default_style
if header:
self.add_header(header, indent=False)
self.add_text(header, indent=False)
if options:
for option in options:
if isinstance(option, tuple) and len(option) == 2:
if isinstance(option, tuple):
elif isinstance(option, dict):
elif isinstance(option, str):
self.add_option(option, option)
raise ValueError("Option needs to be either tuple, dict or string, found '{}' of type {}"
.format(option, type(option)))
def add_header(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.add_text(*args, **kwargs)
def add_header(self, title, indent=True):
def add_text(self, title, indent=True, style=None):
for text in title.split('\n'):
self._items.append(CliMenuHeader(text, indent=indent))
self._items.append(_CliMenuHeader(text, indent=indent, style=style))
def add_option(self, text, item=None):
self._items.append(CliMenuOption(text, self._item_num, item=item))
self._item_num += 1
def add_option(self, text, item=_EmptyParameter, disabled=False, style=None, highlighted_style=None):
if disabled:
# this is basically a text option and we just throw the item away
self.add_text(title=text, style=style)
if item == _EmptyParameter:
item = text
opt = _CliMenuOption(text, self._item_num, item=item, style=style, highlighted_style=highlighted_style)
self._item_num += 1
def success(self):
@ -120,7 +151,7 @@ class CliMenu:
return self._success
def get_options(self):
return [_item for _item in self._items if isinstance(_item, CliMenuOption)]
return [_item for _item in self._items if isinstance(_item, _CliMenuOption)]
def num_options(self):
@ -129,7 +160,6 @@ class CliMenu:
def get_selection(self):
if self.success:
item = self._items[self._pos]
return (item.num, item.item)
return (None, None)
@ -140,41 +170,46 @@ class CliMenu:
def get_selection_item(self):
return self.get_selection()[1]
def cursor(self):
return '{} '.format(self._cursor)
def _transform_prefix(self, item, lineno, prefix):
return prefix
def no_cursor(self):
# cursor with spaces minus dedent
return ' ' * (len(self._cursor) + 1 * self._dedent_selection)
def _get_style(self, item, lineno, highlighted):
s = self._style
if item.focusable:
if highlighted:
return item.highlighted_style if item.highlighted_style is not None else s.highlighted
return if is not None else s.option
return if is not None else s.text
def _transform_line(self, ti):
if len(list(ti.fragments)) == 0:
return Transformation(ti.fragments)
style, text = list(ti.fragments)[0]
item = self._items[ti.lineno]
s = self._style
style = self._get_style(item, ti.lineno, ti.lineno == self._pos)
# cursor
indent = ''
prefix = ''
suffix = ''
if item.focusable:
indent += ' ' * self._option_indent
suffix = self._option_suffix
if ti.lineno == self._pos:
prefix += '{} '.format(self._cursor)
style = s.highlight_style
prefix += '{}{}'.format(self._cursor, self._option_prefix)
prefix += ' ' * (len(self._cursor) + 1 + 1 * self._dedent_selection)
style = s.option_style
prefix += ' ' * len(self._cursor) + self._option_prefix + ' ' * self._dedent_selection
if item.indent:
indent += ' ' * (self._header_indent + len(self._cursor) + 1)
style = s.header_style
items = [(s if s else style, t) for s, t in ti.fragments]
prefix = self._transform_prefix(item, ti.lineno, prefix)
return Transformation([('', indent), (style, prefix)] + items)
return Transformation([('', indent), (style, prefix)] + items + [(style, suffix)])
def next_item(self, direction):
if not any(item.focusable for item in self._items):
@ -221,7 +256,32 @@ class CliMenu:
return lines
def _register_extra_kb_cbs(self, kb):
def _preflight(self):
if self._initial_pos < 0 or self._initial_pos >= self._item_num:
raise ValueError("Initial position {} is out of range, needs to be in range of [0, {})"
.format(self._initial_pos, self._item_num))
if self._right_pad_options:
# pad all item labels with spaces to have the same length
max_item_len = max([len(_item.text) for _item in self._items if _item.focusable])
for item in self._items:
if item.focusable:
item.text += " " * (max_item_len - len(item.text))
def _accept(self, event):
self._success = True
def _run(self):
if self._item_num == 0:
self._success = False
class MenuColorizer(Processor):
def apply_transformation(_self, ti):
return self._transform_line(ti)
@ -232,6 +292,7 @@ class CliMenu:
@self._kb.add('q', filter=~is_searching)
def quit(event):
self._success = False
@self._kb.add('down', filter=~is_searching)
@ -246,7 +307,7 @@ class CliMenu:
@self._kb.add('N', filter=~is_searching)
@self._kb.add('n', filter=~is_searching)
def search_inc(event, filter=is_searching):
def search_inc(event):
if not self._bufctrl.search_state.text:
@ -258,10 +319,8 @@ class CliMenu:
@self._kb.add('c-m', filter=~is_searching)
@self._kb.add('right', filter=~is_searching)
@self._kb.add('c-space', filter=~is_searching)
def accept(event):
self._success = True
@self._kb.add('c-m', filter=is_searching)
def accept_search(event):
@ -269,6 +328,8 @@ class CliMenu:
new_line, _ = self._doc.translate_index_to_position(self._buf.cursor_position)
self._searchbar = SearchToolbar(ignore_case=True)
text = '\n'.join(map(lambda _x: _x.text, self._items))
@ -284,7 +345,11 @@ class CliMenu:
# set initial pos
while not self._items[self._pos].focusable:
self._pos += 1
for _ in range(self._initial_pos):
app = Application(layout=Layout(split),
@ -295,6 +360,94 @@ class CliMenu:
self._ran = True
class CliMultiMenu(CliMenu):
default_selection_icons = CliSelectionStyle.SQUARE_BRACKETS
def set_default_selector_icons(cls, selection_icons):
cls.default_selection_icons = selection_icons
def __init__(self, *args, selection_icons=None, min_selection_count=0, **kwargs):
self._multi_selected = []
self._min_selection_count = min_selection_count
self._selection_icons = selection_icons if selection_icons is not None else self.default_selection_icons
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def add_option(self, text, item=_EmptyParameter, selected=False, disabled=False,
style=None, highlighted_style=None, selected_style=None, selected_highlighted_style=None):
super().add_option(text, item, style, highlighted_style=highlighted_style)
if disabled:
self._items[-1].selected_style = selected_style
self._items[-1].selected_highlighted_style = selected_highlighted_style
if selected:
self._multi_selected.append(len(self._items) - 1)
def get_selection(self):
if self.success:
return [(self._items[n].num, self._items[n].item) for n in self._multi_selected]
return None
def get_selection_num(self):
if self.success:
return [self._items[n].num for n in self._multi_selected]
return None
def get_selection_item(self):
if self.success:
return [self._items[n].item for n in self._multi_selected]
return None
def _register_extra_kb_cbs(self, kb):
@kb.add('space', filter=~is_searching)
@kb.add('right', filter=~is_searching)
def mark(event):
if self._pos not in self._multi_selected:
def _transform_prefix(self, item, lineno, prefix):
if item.focusable:
if lineno in self._multi_selected:
icon = self._selection_icons[0]
icon = self._selection_icons[1]
return "{}{} ".format(prefix, icon)
return prefix
def _get_style(self, item, lineno, highlighted):
s = self._style
if item.focusable and lineno in self._multi_selected:
if highlighted:
if item.selected_highlighted_style is not None:
return item.selected_highlighted_style
if s.selected_highlighted is not None:
return s.selected_highlighted
if item.selected_style is not None:
return item.selected_style
if s.selected is not None:
return s.selected
# no style specified or no selected state, call parent
return super()._get_style(item, lineno, highlighted)
def _preflight(self):
if self._min_selection_count > self._item_num:
raise ValueError("A minimum of {} items was requested for successful selection but only {} exist"
.format(self._min_selection_count, self._item_num))
def _accept(self, event):
if len(self._multi_selected) >= self._min_selection_count:
def cli_select_item(options, header=None, abort_exc=ValueError, abort_text="Selection aborted.", style=None,
"""Helper function to quickly get a selection with just a few arguments"""

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from clintermission import CliMenu, CliMenuTheme, CliMenuStyle, CliMenuCursor, cli_select_item
# --- basic menu ---
q = ["Foo", "Bar", "Baz"]
m = CliMenu(q, "Time to choose:\n")
print("You selected", m.get_selection())
# basic menu with an item assigned to each option and detentation of selection
q = [("Foo", 23), ("Bar", 34), ("Baz", 42)]
m = CliMenu(q, "Time to choose:\n", cursor="--->", dedent_selection=True)
print("You selected {} index {} item {}".format(m.get_selection(), m.get_selection_num(), m.get_selection_item()))
# --- themes ---
q = ["Foo", "Bar", "Baz"]
m = CliMenu(q, "Time to choose:\n", style=CliMenuTheme.RED)
print("You selected", m.get_selection())
# --- custom themes ---
style = CliMenuStyle(option='blue', highlighted='cyan', text='green')
q = ["Foo", "Bar", "Baz"]
m = CliMenu(q, "Choose in style:\n", style=style)
print("You selected", m.get_selection())
# --- theme defaults ---
q = ["Foo", "Bar", "Baz"]
m = CliMenu(q, "Time to choose:\n")
print("You selected", m.get_selection())
# --- multiple headers ---
m = CliMenu()
m.add_header("Time to choose:\n", indent=False)
m.add_text("=== Category 1 ===")
m.add_header('', indent=False)
m.add_text("=== Category 2 ===")
m.add_option("Cat 1")
m.add_option("Cat 2")
m.add_option("Cat 3")
print("You selected", m.get_selection())
# --- with shortcut ---
result = cli_select_item(["Foo", "Bar", "Baz"], abort_text="Selection faiiiled!")
print("You selected", result)
except ValueError as e:
# --- with shortcut, shows no menu when only a single option is provided (can be disabled with return_single=False) ---
result = cli_select_item(["Single Foo"])
print("Directly selected for you as it was the only option:", result)
# --- prefix/suffix ---
q = ["Foo", "Bar", "Baz"]
m = CliMenu(q, "Time to choose:\n", option_prefix=' <<<', option_suffix='>>>')
print("You selected", m.get_selection())
# --- colorize everything ---
m = CliMenu()
m.add_text("Time to choose:\n", style="green")
m.add_option("Yellow foo", style="yellow", highlighted_style="black bg:yellow")
m.add_option("Green bar", style="green", highlighted_style="black bg:green")
m.add_option("Blue baz", style="blue", highlighted_style="black bg:blue")
m.add_text("\n...go for it!")
print("You selected", m.get_selection())

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from clintermission import CliMenu, CliMenuTheme
q = ["Foo", "Bar", "Baz baz baz baz baz"]
m = CliMenu(q, "Time to choose:\n", style=CliMenuTheme.BOLD_HIGHLIGHT,
cursor='', option_prefix=' ', option_suffix=' ', right_pad_options=True)
print("You selected", m.get_selection())

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from clintermission import CliMultiMenu, CliSelectionStyle, CliMenuCursor
# --- simple multiselect ---
q = [
"Option 1",
"Option 2",
("Option 3 (preselected for your convenience)", "Option 3", True),
"Option 4"
m = CliMultiMenu(q, "Make your choice (<space> selects, <return> accepts):\n", cursor=CliMenuCursor.ASCII_ARROW,
print("You selected", m.get_selection())
print("You selected num:", m.get_selection_num())
print("You selected item:", m.get_selection_item())

@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
name = clintermission
version = 0.1.0
version = 0.2.0
author = Sebastian Lohff
author-email =
home-page =
description = Non-fullscreen commandline selection menu
license = Apache-2.0
home-page =
description = Non-fullscreen command-line selection menu
long-description = file:
long-description-content-type = text/markdown
platform = any
keywords = cli, menu
classifiers =
@ -15,6 +17,7 @@ classifiers =
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License
