
294 lines
9.8 KiB

from django import forms
from django.db.models import Case, When, IntegerField
from .models import Maintainer, Contact, InetNum, ASBlock, ASNumber
from .validators import HandleValidatorWithSuffix, IP46CIDRValidator
import ipaddress
class WhoisObjectFormMixin(object):
def __init__(self, user, *args, **kwargs):
super(WhoisObjectFormMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._user = user
instance = getattr(self, 'instance', None)
if instance and instance.pk:
self._create = False
#self.fields['handle'].disabled = True
self._create = True
self.fields['handle'].help_text = "Handle for this object in uppercase with a suffix of -%s" % instance.handleSuffix
# only show users contacts and already present contacts
mnts = self._user.maintainer_set.all()
if 'admin_c' in self.fields:
self.fields['admin_c'].queryset = Contact.getMntQueryset(mnts, self.instance, "admin_c")
def clean_handle(self):
return self.cleaned_data['handle']
def clean(self):
cleaned_data = super(WhoisObjectFormMixin, self).clean()
if cleaned_data.get("handle") == "AUTO" and not self.errors:
name = cleaned_data.get("name")
if name is None:
name = self._user.username
cleaned_data['handle'] = self._meta.model.genGenericHandle(name)
return cleaned_data
class MntFormMixin(object):
protectedFields = []
def __init__(self, lower=False, *args, **kwargs):
super(MntFormMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._editLower = lower
if self._editLower:
for key in self.protectedFields:
self.fields[key].disabled = True
#self.fields["mnt_by"].widget.attrs["data-role"] = "tagsinput"
instance = getattr(self, "instance", None)
mntWhens = [When(auth=self._user, then=2)]
if instance and instance.pk:
mntWhens.append(When(handle__in=instance.mnt_by.all().values_list("handle"), then=1))
mntQs = Maintainer.objects.annotate(card=Case(*mntWhens, default=0, output_field=IntegerField())).order_by("-card")
self.fields["mnt_by"].queryset = mntQs
if "mnt_lower" in self.fields:
self.fields["mnt_lower"].queryset = mntQs
class MntForm(WhoisObjectFormMixin, forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Maintainer
fields = ['handle', 'description', 'admin_c']
class MntInitialForm(MntForm):
class Meta:
model = Maintainer
fields = ['handle', 'description']
class ContactForm(WhoisObjectFormMixin, forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Contact
fields = ['handle', 'name', 'mnt_by']
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ContactForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if "mnt_by" in self.fields:
self.fields['mnt_by'].queryset = Maintainer.objects.filter(auth=self._user).distinct()
class ContactInitialForm(ContactForm):
class Meta:
model = Contact
fields = ['handle', 'name']
class InetNumForm(MntFormMixin, WhoisObjectFormMixin, forms.ModelForm):
prefix = forms.CharField()
protectedFields = ['protocol', 'parent_range', 'mnt_by', 'prefix']
class Meta:
model = InetNum
fields = ['handle', 'protocol', 'parent_range', 'prefix', 'name', 'description', 'mnt_by', 'mnt_lower', 'admin_c']
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(InetNumForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self._editLower:
for key in self.protectedFields:
self.fields[key].disabled = True
mnts = self._user.maintainer_set.all()
#self.fields['parent_range'].queryset = InetNum.objects.filter(Q(mnt_by__in=mnts) | Q(mnt_lower__in=mnts))
#if not self._create:
# self.fields['parent_range'].queryset |= InetNum.objects.filter(pk=self.instance.pk)
#self.fields['parent_range'].queryset = self.fields['parent_range'].queryset.distinct()
self.fields['parent_range'].queryset = InetNum.getMntQueryset(mnts, self.instance, "parent_range")
def clean_prefix(self):
# make sure this is a subnet we're getting
net = self.cleaned_data['prefix'].lower()
net = ipaddress.ip_network(net)
except ValueError as e:
raise forms.ValidationError(str(e))
return net
def clean_parent_range(self):
parent_range = self.cleaned_data.get('parent_range', None)
# allow parent range to be unset for already present objects
if not parent_range and (self._create or not self._create and self.instance.parent_range):
raise forms.ValidationError("Parent range must be set")
if not self._create and parent_range:
# make sure we don't have circular dependencies
obj = parent_range
while obj.parent_range:
if obj.pk == self.instance.pk:
raise forms.ValidationError("No circular dependencies allowed")
obj = obj.parent_range
return parent_range
def clean(self):
cleaned_data = super(InetNumForm, self).clean()
if not self._editLower:
if not self.errors:
prefix = cleaned_data['prefix']
parent = cleaned_data['parent_range']
if parent:
parentNet = parent.getNetwork()
if cleaned_data['protocol'] != parent.protocol:
raise forms.ValidationError("Protocol type for prefix must be same as parent network")
# check if in parent block
if prefix.network_address not in parentNet or prefix.prefixlen < parentNet.prefixlen:
raise forms.ValidationError("Prefix must be inside parent network range")
# check if parent block has net that overlaps with us
for otherNet in parent.inetnum_set.all():
if self.instance and self.instance.pk == otherNet.pk:
if otherNet.getNetwork().overlaps(prefix):
raise forms.ValidationError("The given prefix overlaps with network %s" % otherNet.handle)
self.instance.address = str(prefix.network_address)
self.instance.netmask = prefix.prefixlen
return cleaned_data
class ASBlockForm(MntFormMixin, WhoisObjectFormMixin, forms.ModelForm):
protectedFields = ['parent_block', 'asBegin', 'asEnd', 'mnt_by']
# FIXME: Filter blocks
class Meta:
model = ASBlock
fields = ['handle', 'parent_block', 'asBegin', 'asEnd', 'name', 'description', 'mnt_by', 'mnt_lower', 'admin_c']
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ASBlockForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if not self.instance or self.instance and self.instance and self.instance.parent_block:
self.fields["parent_block"].required = True
if self.instance and self.instance.pk:
self.fields["parent_block"].disabled = True
mnts = self._user.maintainer_set.all()
self.fields['parent_block'].queryset = ASBlock.getMntQueryset(mnts, self.instance, "parent_block")
def clean_parent_block(self):
parent_block = self.cleaned_data.get('parent_block', None)
# allow parent range to be unset for already present objects
if not parent_block and (self._create or not self._create and self.instance.parent_block):
raise forms.ValidationError("Parent block must be set")
if not self._create and parent_block:
# make sure we don't have circular dependencies
obj = parent_block
while obj.parent_block:
if obj.pk == self.instance.pk:
raise forms.ValidationError("No circular dependencies allowed")
obj = obj.parent_block
return parent_block
def clean(self):
cleaned_data = super(ASBlockForm, self).clean()
if not self.errors:
asBegin = cleaned_data['asBegin']
asEnd = cleaned_data['asEnd']
parent = cleaned_data['parent_block']
# check if somebody is already using this block
# check if in range
if asBegin > asEnd:
raise forms.ValidationError("AS beginning must be smaller or equal to AS end")
if parent:
if parent.asnumber_set.count() > 0:
raise forms.ValidationError("The parent AS block is already references by following AS number objects: %s" % (", ".join(map(lambda _x: _x.handle, parent.asnumber_set.all())),))
# check if same range
if not (asBegin >= parent.asBegin and asEnd <= parent.asEnd):
raise forms.ValidationError("AS beginning and end must be inside the range of the parent AS block")
if parent.asBegin == asBegin and parent.asEnd == asEnd:
raise forms.ValidationError("The range of this block cannot be the same range AS the parent AS block")
# check for overlap with other asblocks
for block in parent.asblock_set.all():
if self.instance and self.instance.pk and block.pk == self.instance.pk:
if block.asBegin <= asBegin <= block.asEnd or block.asBegin <= asEnd <= block.asEnd or \
asBegin <= block.asBegin <= asEnd or asBegin <= block.asEnd <= asEnd:
raise forms.ValidationError("Block overlaps with block %s" % block.handle)
return cleaned_data
class ASNumberForm(MntFormMixin, WhoisObjectFormMixin, forms.ModelForm):
protectedFields = ['asblock', 'number', 'mnt_by']
class Meta:
model = ASNumber
fields = ['handle', 'asblock', 'number', 'volatile', 'name', 'description', 'mnt_by', 'mnt_lower', 'admin_c']
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ASNumberForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if not (self.instance and self.instance.pk):
self.fields["asblock"].required = True
self.fields["asblock"].disabled = True
mnts = self._user.maintainer_set.all()
self.fields['asblock'].queryset = ASBlock.getMntQueryset(mnts, self.instance, "asblock")
def clean(self):
cleaned_data = super(ASNumberForm, self).clean()
if not self.errors:
number = cleaned_data['number']
block = cleaned_data['asblock']
# belongs to asblock?
if number < block.asBegin or number > block.asEnd:
raise forms.ValidationError("AS number is not inside AS block")
# does an entry already exist?
otherAS = ASNumber.objects.get(number=number)
if not (self.instance and self.instance.pk and self.instance.pk == otherAS.pk):
raise forms.ValidationError("This AS number is already represented by %s" % otherAS.handle)
except ASNumber.DoesNotExist:
# has already other asblock?
if block.asblock_set.count() > 0:
raise forms.ValidationError("The given AS block is already references by following sub AS blocks: %s" % (", ".join(map(lambda _x: _x.handle, block.asblock_set.all())),))