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359 líneas
11 KiB

import io
import os
import pytest
import requests
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import tarfile
import time
import urllib3
# crudly written to learn more about pytest and to have a base for refactoring
if sys.version_info.major >= 3:
from pathlib import Path
connrefused_exc = ConnectionRefusedError
from pathlib2 import Path
connrefused_exc = socket.error
def run_servefile():
instances = []
def _run_servefile(args, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(args, list):
args = [args]
if kwargs.pop('standalone', None):
# directly call
servefile_path = [str(Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'servefile' / '')]
# call servefile as python module
servefile_path = ['-m', 'servefile']
print("running {} with args {}".format(", ".join(servefile_path), args))
p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable] + servefile_path + args, **kwargs)
time.sleep(kwargs.get('timeout', 0.3))
return p
yield _run_servefile
for instance in instances:
except OSError:
def datadir(tmp_path):
def _datadir(data, path=None):
path = path or tmp_path
for k, v in data.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
new_path = path / k
_datadir(v, new_path)
if hasattr(v, 'decode'):
v = v.decode() # python2 compability
(path / k).write_text(v)
return path
return _datadir
def make_request(path='/', host='localhost', port=8080, method='get', protocol='http', **kwargs):
url = '{}://{}:{}{}'.format(protocol, host, port, path)
print('Calling {} on {} with {}'.format(method, url, kwargs))
r = getattr(requests, method)(url, **kwargs)
return r
def check_download(expected_data=None, path='/', fname=None, status_code=200, **kwargs):
if fname is None:
fname = os.path.basename(path)
r = make_request(path, **kwargs)
assert r.status_code == 200
assert r.text == expected_data
assert r.headers.get('Content-Type') == 'application/octet-stream'
if fname:
assert r.headers.get('Content-Disposition') == 'attachment; filename="{}"'.format(fname)
assert r.headers.get('Content-Transfer-Encoding') == 'binary'
return r # for additional tests
def _test_version(run_servefile, standalone):
# we expect the version on stdout (python3.4+) or stderr(python2.6-3.3)
s = run_servefile('--version', standalone=standalone, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
version = s.stdout.readline().decode().strip()
# python2 is deprecated, but we still want our tests to run for it
# CryptographyDeprecationWarnings get in the way for this
if 'CryptographyDeprecationWarning' in version:
s.stdout.readline() # ignore "from x import y" line
version = s.stdout.readline().decode().strip()
# hardcode version as string until servefile is a module
assert version == 'servefile 0.5.0'
def test_version(run_servefile):
_test_version(run_servefile, standalone=False)
def test_version_standalone(run_servefile):
# test if servefile also works by calling directly
_test_version(run_servefile, standalone=True)
def test_correct_headers(run_servefile, datadir):
data = "NOOT NOOT"
p = datadir({'testfile': data}) / 'testfile'
r = make_request()
assert r.status_code == 200
assert r.headers.get('Content-Type') == 'application/octet-stream'
assert r.headers.get('Content-Disposition') == 'attachment; filename="testfile"'
assert r.headers.get('Content-Transfer-Encoding') == 'binary'
def test_redirect_and_download(run_servefile, datadir):
data = "NOOT NOOT"
p = datadir({'testfile': data}) / 'testfile'
# redirect
r = make_request(allow_redirects=False)
assert r.status_code == 302
assert r.headers.get('Location') == '/testfile'
# normal download
check_download(data, fname='testfile')
def test_specify_port(run_servefile, datadir):
data = "NOOT NOOT"
p = datadir({'testfile': data}) / 'testfile'
run_servefile([str(p), '-p', '8081'])
check_download(data, fname='testfile', port=8081)
def test_ipv4_only(run_servefile, datadir):
data = "NOOT NOOT"
p = datadir({'testfile': data}) / 'testfile'
run_servefile([str(p), '-4'])
check_download(data, fname='testfile', host='')
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6)
with pytest.raises(connrefused_exc):
sock.connect(("::1", 8080))
def test_big_download(run_servefile, datadir):
# test with about 10 mb of data
data = "x" * (10 * 1024 ** 2)
p = datadir({'testfile': data}) / 'testfile'
check_download(data, fname='testfile')
def test_authentication(run_servefile, datadir):
data = "NOOT NOOT"
p = datadir({'testfile': data}) / 'testfile'
run_servefile([str(p), '-a', 'user:password'])
for auth in [('foo', 'bar'), ('user', 'wrong'), ('unknown', 'password')]:
r = make_request(auth=auth)
assert '401 - Unauthorized' in r.text
assert r.status_code == 401
check_download(data, fname='testfile', auth=('user', 'password'))
def test_serve_directory(run_servefile, datadir):
d = {
'foo': {'kratzbaum': 'cat', 'I like Cats!': 'kitteh', '&&&&&&&': 'wheee'},
'bar': {'thisisaverylongfilenamefortestingthatthisstillworksproperly': 'jup!'},
'noot': 'still data in here',
'bigfile': 'x' * (10 * 1024 ** 2),
p = datadir(d)
run_servefile([str(p), '-l'])
# check if all files are in directory listing
# (could be made more sophisticated with beautifulsoup)
for path in '/', '/../':
r = make_request(path)
for k in d:
assert k in r.text
for fname, content in d['foo'].items():
check_download(content, '/foo/' + fname)
r = make_request('/unknown')
assert r.status_code == 404
# download
check_download('jup!', '/bar/thisisaverylongfilenamefortestingthatthisstillworksproperly')
def test_serve_relative_directory(run_servefile, datadir):
d = {
'foo': {'kratzbaum': 'cat', 'I like Cats!': 'kitteh', '&&&&&&&': 'wheee'},
'bar': {'thisisaverylongfilenamefortestingthatthisstillworksproperly': 'jup!'},
'noot': 'still data in here',
'bigfile': 'x' * (10 * 1024 ** 2),
p = datadir(d)
run_servefile(['../', '-l'], cwd=os.path.join(str(p), 'foo'))
# check if all files are in directory listing
# (could be made more sophisticated with beautifulsoup)
for path in '/', '/../':
r = make_request(path)
for k in d:
assert k in r.text
for fname, content in d['foo'].items():
check_download(content, '/foo/' + fname)
r = make_request('/unknown')
assert r.status_code == 404
# download
check_download('jup!', '/bar/thisisaverylongfilenamefortestingthatthisstillworksproperly')
def test_upload(run_servefile, tmp_path):
data = ('this is my live now\n'
'uploading strings to servers\n'
'so very joyful')
uploaddir = tmp_path / 'upload'
# check that uploaddir does not exist before servefile is started
assert not uploaddir.is_dir()
run_servefile(['-u', str(uploaddir)])
# check that servefile created the directory
assert uploaddir.is_dir()
# check upload form present
r = make_request()
assert r.status_code == 200
assert 'multipart/form-data' in r.text
# upload file
files = {'file': ('haiku.txt', data)}
r = make_request(method='post', files=files)
assert 'Thanks' in r.text
assert r.status_code == 200
with open(str(uploaddir / 'haiku.txt')) as f:
assert == data
# upload file AGAIN!! (and check it is available unter a different name)
files = {'file': ('haiku.txt', data)}
r = make_request(method='post', files=files)
assert r.status_code == 200
with open(str(uploaddir / 'haiku.txt(1)')) as f:
assert == data
def test_upload_size_limit(run_servefile, tmp_path):
uploaddir = tmp_path / 'upload'
run_servefile(['-s', '2kb', '-u', str(uploaddir)])
# upload file that is too big
files = {'file': ('toobig', "x" * 2049)}
r = make_request(method='post', files=files)
assert 'Your file was too big' in r.text
assert r.status_code == 413
assert not (uploaddir / 'toobig').exists()
# upload file that should fit
# the size has to be smaller than 2kb, as the sent size also includes mime-headers
files = {'file': ('justright', "x" * 1900)}
r = make_request(method='post', files=files)
assert r.status_code == 200
def test_tar_mode(run_servefile, datadir):
d = {
'foo': {
'bar': 'hello testmode my old friend',
'baz': 'you came to test me once again',
p = datadir(d)
run_servefile(['-t', str(p / 'foo')])
# test redirect?
# test contents of tar file
r = make_request()
assert r.status_code == 200
tar =
assert len(tar.getmembers()) == 3
assert tar.getmember('foo').isdir()
for filename, content in d['foo'].items():
info = tar.getmember('foo/{}'.format(filename))
assert info.isfile
assert tar.extractfile(info.path).read().decode() == content
def test_tar_compression(run_servefile, datadir):
d = {'foo': 'blubb'}
p = datadir(d)
run_servefile(['-c', 'gzip', '-t', str(p / 'foo')])
r = make_request()
assert r.status_code == 200
tar =, mode='r:gz')
assert len(tar.getmembers()) == 1
def test_https(run_servefile, datadir):
data = "NOOT NOOT"
p = datadir({'testfile': data}) / 'testfile'
run_servefile(['--ssl', str(p)])
time.sleep(0.2) # time for generating ssl certificates
# fingerprint = None
# while not fingerprint:
# line = s.stdout.readline()
# print(line)
# # if we find this line we went too far...
# assert not line.startswith("Some addresses this file will be available at")
# if line.startswith("SHA1 fingerprint"):
# fingerprint = line.replace("SHA1 fingerprint: ", "").strip()
# break
# assert fingerprint
check_download(data, protocol='https', verify=False)
def test_https_big_download(run_servefile, datadir):
# test with about 10 mb of data
data = "x" * (10 * 1024 ** 2)
p = datadir({'testfile': data}) / 'testfile'
run_servefile(['--ssl', str(p)])
time.sleep(0.2) # time for generating ssl certificates
check_download(data, protocol='https', verify=False)