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#ifndef RECT_H
#define RECT_H
#include "types.h"
#include <ostream>
template <class T>
class TPoint;
template <class T>
class TSize;
template <class T>
class TRect
inline TRect() : x1(0), y1(0), x2(-1), y2(-1) { }
inline TRect(T x, T y, T width, T height) : x1(x), y1(y), x2(x+width-1), y2(y+height-1) { }
inline TRect(const TPoint<T>& topLeft, const TPoint<T>& bottomRight) : x1(topLeft.x), y1(topLeft.y), x2(bottomRight.x), y2(bottomRight.y) { }
inline TRect(const TRect<T>& other) : x1(other.x1), y1(other.y1), x2(other.x2), y2(other.y2) { }
inline TRect(T x, T y, const TSize<T>& size) : x1(x), y1(y), x2(x+size.width()-1), y2(y+size.height()-1) { }
inline TRect(const TPoint<T>& topLeft, const TSize<T>& size) : x1(topLeft.x), y1(topLeft.y), x2(x1+size.width()-1), y2(y1+size.height()-1) { }
inline bool isNull() const { return x2 == x1 - 1 && y2 == y1 - 1; }
inline bool isEmpty() const { return x1 > x2 || y1 > y2; }
inline bool isValid() const { return x1 <= x2 && y1 <= y2; }
inline T left() const { return x1; }
inline T top() const { return y1; }
inline T right() const { return x2; }
inline T bottom() const { return y2; }
13 years ago
inline T horizontalCenter() const { return x1 + (x2 - x1)/2; }
inline T verticalCenter() const { return y1 + (y2 - y1)/2; }
inline T x() const { return x1; }
inline T y() const { return y1; }
inline TPoint<T> topLeft() const { return TPoint<T>(x1, y1); }
inline TPoint<T> bottomRight() const { return TPoint<T>(x2, y2); }
inline TPoint<T> topRight() const { return TPoint<T>(x2, y1); }
inline TPoint<T> bottomLeft() const { return TPoint<T>(x1, y2); }
inline TPoint<T> center() const { return TPoint<T>((x1+x2)/2, (y1+y2)/2); }
inline T width() const { return x2 - x1 + 1; }
inline T height() const { return y2 - y1 + 1; }
inline TSize<T> size() const { return TSize<T>(width(), height()); }
inline void reset() { x1 = y1 = 0; x2 = y2 = -1; }
inline void clear() { x2 = x1 - 1; y2 = y1 - 1; }
inline void setLeft(T pos) { x1 = pos; }
inline void setTop(T pos) { y1 = pos; }
inline void setRight(T pos) { x2 = pos; }
inline void setBottom(T pos) { y2 = pos; }
inline void setX(T x) { x1 = x; }
inline void setY(T y) { y1 = y; }
inline void setTopLeft(const TPoint<T> &p) { x1 = p.x; y1 = p.y; }
inline void setBottomRight(const TPoint<T> &p) { x2 = p.x; y2 = p.y; }
inline void setTopRight(const TPoint<T> &p) { x2 = p.x; y1 = p.y; }
inline void setBottomLeft(const TPoint<T> &p) { x1 = p.x; y2 = p.y; }
inline void setWidth(T width) { x2 = x1 + width - 1; }
inline void setHeight(T height) { y2 = y1 + height- 1; }
inline void setSize(T width, T height) { x2 = x1 + width - 1; y2 = y1 + height - 1; }
inline void setSize(const TSize<T>& size) { x2 = x1 + size.width() - 1; y2 = y1 + size.height() - 1; }
inline void setRect(T x, T y, T width, T height) { x1 = x; y1 = y; x2 = (x + width - 1); y2 = (y + height - 1); }
inline void setCoords(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { x1 = left; y1 = top; x2 = right; y2 = bottom; }
inline void addLeft(T add) { x1 -= add; }
inline void addTop(T add) { y1 -= add; }
inline void addRight(T add) { x2 += add; }
inline void addBottom(T add) { y2 += add; }
inline void translate(T x, T y) { x1 += x; y1 += y; x2 += x; y2 += y; }
inline void translate(const TPoint<T> &p) { x1 += p.x; y1 += p.y; x2 += p.x; y2 += p.y; }
inline void moveTo(T x, T y) { x2 += x - x1; y2 += y - y1; x1 = x; y1 = y; }
inline void moveTo(const TPoint<T> &p) { x2 += p.x - x1; y2 += p.y - y1; x1 = p.x; y1 = p.y; }
inline void moveLeft(T pos) { x2 += (pos - x1); x1 = pos; }
inline void moveTop(T pos) { y2 += (pos - y1); y1 = pos; }
inline void moveRight(T pos) { x1 += (pos - x2); x2 = pos; }
inline void moveBottom(T pos) { y1 += (pos - y2); y2 = pos; }
inline void moveTopLeft(const TPoint<T> &p) { moveLeft(p.x); moveTop(p.y); }
inline void moveBottomRight(const TPoint<T> &p) { moveRight(p.x); moveBottom(p.y); }
inline void moveTopRight(const TPoint<T> &p) { moveRight(p.x); moveTop(p.y); }
inline void moveBottomLeft(const TPoint<T> &p) { moveLeft(p.x); moveBottom(p.y); }
inline TRect<T> translated(int x, int y) const { return TRect<T>(TPoint<T>(x1 + x, y1 + y), TPoint<T>(x2 + x, y2 + y)); }
inline TRect<T> translated(const TPoint<T> &p) const { return TRect<T>(TPoint<T>(x1 + p.x, y1 + p.y), TPoint<T>(x2 + p.x, y2 + p.y)); }
inline TRect<T> expanded(T pixels) const { return TRect<T>(TPoint<T>(x1 - pixels, y1 - pixels), TPoint<T>(x2 + pixels, y2 + pixels)); }
13 years ago
inline void moveCenter(const TPoint<T> &p) {
T w = x2 - x1;
T h = y2 - y1;
x1 = p.x - w/2;
y1 = p.y - h/2;
x2 = x1 + w;
y2 = y1 + h;
13 years ago
inline void moveHorizontalCenter(T x) {
T w = x2 - x1;
x1 = x - w/2;
x2 = x1 + w;
inline void moveVerticalCenter(T y) {
T h = y2 - y1;
y1 = y - h/2;
y2 = y1 + h;
inline bool contains(const TPoint<T> &p, bool insideOnly = false) const {
T l, r;
if(x2 < x1 - 1) {
l = x2;
r = x1;
} else {
l = x1;
r = x2;
if(insideOnly) {
if(p.x <= l || p.x >= r)
return false;
} else {
if(p.x < l || p.x > r)
return false;
T t, b;
if(y2 < y1 - 1) {
t = y2;
b = y1;
} else {
t = y1;
b = y2;
if(insideOnly) {
if(p.y <= t || p.y >= b)
return false;
} else {
if(p.y < t || p.y > b)
return false;
return true;
inline bool intersects(const TRect<T> &r) const {
if(isNull() || r.isNull())
return false;
int l1 = x1;
int r1 = x1;
if(x2 - x1 + 1 < 0)
l1 = x2;
r1 = x2;
int l2 = r.x1;
int r2 = r.x1;
if(r.x2 - r.x1 + 1 < 0)
l2 = r.x2;
r2 = r.x2;
if (l1 > r2 || l2 > r1)
return false;
int t1 = y1;
int b1 = y1;
if(y2 - y1 + 1 < 0)
t1 = y2;
b1 = y2;
int t2 = r.y1;
int b2 = r.y1;
if (r.y2 - r.y1 + 1 < 0)
t2 = r.y2;
b2 = r.y2;
if(t1 > b2 || t2 > b1)
return false;
return true;
inline TRect<T> united(const TRect<T> &r) const {
TRect<T> tmp;
tmp.x1 = std::min(x1, r.x1);
tmp.x2 = std::max(x2, r.x2);
tmp.y1 = std::min(y1, r.y1);
tmp.y2 = std::max(y2, r.y2);
return tmp;
inline TRect<T> intersection(const TRect<T> &r) const {
return r;
return *this;
int l1 = x1;
int r1 = x1;
if(x2 - x1 + 1 < 0)
l1 = x2;
r1 = x2;
int l2 = r.x1;
int r2 = r.x1;
if(r.x2 - r.x1 + 1 < 0)
l2 = r.x2;
r2 = r.x2;
int t1 = y1;
int b1 = y1;
if(y2 - y1 + 1 < 0)
t1 = y2;
b1 = y2;
int t2 = r.y1;
int b2 = r.y1;
if(r.y2 - r.y1 + 1 < 0)
t2 = r.y2;
b2 = r.y2;
TRect<T> tmp;
tmp.x1 = std::min(l1, l2);
tmp.x2 = std::max(r1, r2);
tmp.y1 = std::min(t1, t2);
tmp.y2 = std::max(b1, b2);
return tmp;
inline TRect<T>& operator=(const TRect<T>& other) { x1 = other.x1; y1 = other.y1; x2 = other.x2; y2 = other.y2; return *this; }
inline bool operator==(const TRect<T>& other) const { return (x1 == other.x1 && y1 == other.y1 && x2 == other.x2 && y2 == other.y2); }
inline bool operator!=(const TRect<T>& other) const { return (x1 != other.x1 || y1 != other.y1 || x2 != other.x2 || y2 != other.y2); }
inline TRect<T>& operator|=(const TRect<T>& other) { *this = united(other); return *this; }
inline TRect<T>& operator&=(const TRect<T>& other) { *this = intersection(other); return *this; }
T x1, y1, x2, y2;
typedef TRect<int> Rect;
typedef TRect<float> RectF;
template <class T>
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const TRect<T>& rect)
out << "Rect(" << rect.left() << ","
<< << ","
<< rect.width() << ","
<< rect.height() << ")";
return out;
#endif // RECT_H