Create a new shared pointer type stdext::shared_object_ptr and stdext::shared_obj
using boost::intrusive_ptr
* half memory usage
* faster and lightweight
* using weak_ptr is not supported anymore
* compiling seems slower
* A lot of changes in lua binder to compile with clang's libc++
* Add more portability to luabinder
* Remove const keyword from bound lua functions
* Deprecate std::bind usage with luabinder replace its usage with registerSingletonClass/bindSingletonFunction for binding singleton classes
* Fix a bug in lua binder where calling functions with bil object would make the client crash
* More fixes to compile with clang
* partially restore vip, battle, healthbar, skills and inventory modules
* more fixes on UIWidgets
* implement UIMiniWindow close/minimize functionality
* allow drag and drop miniwindows beteween game panels