* Fixed the "options" module hotkey (changed boost walker to Ctrl+Shift+D).
* Fixed a small issue with UIMiniWindow:setup() function (was setting parent before its pos).
* Pic signature has changed for cipsoft client.
* Fixed 'client type' byte position in the login packet.
* Changed the ping function to execute every 4 seconds rather than 2.
* Changed some protocolgame for pv973 support.
* Implemented the new client AND protocol version methods.
* Implemented the new speed laws added in cv980 (http://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=2251).
* Added more missing bytea to login packets (client version/type and some unknown bytes).
* Fixed the InputMessage::getDouble method.
* Cleaned up some of the const values.
* Started on the pending state features.
* Pending game state feature.
* Ensure version compatibility hasn't been compromised.
Lots of chagnes to add multi protocol flexibility, not really
completed yet, still have to rework text messages opcodes and other stuff,
so this still a working in progress feature
* Rework dat reader, the dat reader can now
* dinamically detect dat version
* Split game into gamelib and game_interface
* Lots of other minor changes