* IMPORTANT: dat/spr should now be placed in /data/things/
* Rename game_tibiafiles to game_things
* Make battle list algorithm much faster
* Split UITabBar into UITabBar and UIMoveableTabBar
* Fix other minor issues
* All modules are sandboxed now
* All images,sounds,fonts,translations and styles were moved to "data" folder
* Reorganize image files folders
* Remove unmaintained modules: client_particles, client_shaders
* Implement new automatic way to load styles and fonts
* Add hide/show offline option in VipList
* Add invite/exclude to/from private channel in players menus
* Many other minor changes
* Fixed miniwindow cancelling (sorry Summ! :D)
* Fixed pathFind to check floor change tiles
* Fixed buying/selling stackable items in pv < 860
* Added force walk to the first step of auto walking for open tibia
* There was a bug in OTML saving hotkeys per player because of the way they are storing children and not a straight value. Perhaps you want to look at it ed.
Note: Your hotkeys will reset in this revision.
* Fixed a small issue in the ignore module (also please remember to use 2 spaces for tabulation and not tabs)
* Changed the order of count window buttons
* Added new player functions.
* Fix issues in item use
* Stack animated texts values
* Add utility functions for changing creature color and jumping
* Add some new extended functionality
* Improve map shader API
* IMPORTANT: A new dependency is required, boost_locale, comes with boost 1.50.0 or later
* Copying and pasting special characters should now work
* Running otclient from filepaths with special characters should work now too
* Fixed a bug with client_exit module button appearing on full reload.
* Fixed the battle window to work properly now (left click: attack, right click: menu).
* Added auto walk checker for more accurate aut walking:
- It will always find the path now, except in rare occasions gets stuck running back and forward
- Re-calculates path every 10 steps and also when you hit an object that cancels your step.
- Right now this is just a temporary method.
- Cancels the checker when you move or press escape (has to be done client-side).
* Added a new setting to UIComboBox class 'mouse-scroll' to enable/disable mouse wheel scrolling.
* Added support for no ping in cooldowns.
* Added missing PlayerStates (hungry and bleeding).
* Fixed an issue with the cooldown timing.
* Fixed issue with 'right click' using items under players.
* Some changes to the minimap control (ctrl + mouse wheel to
change floors and tweaked the zoom/move speeds).
* Fixed some bugs in the trade module.
* Added new Spells table for spell related functions
(Also added getSpellByName and getSpellByWords).
* Fixed an issue with follow/attack cancelling (wasn't calling
onFollowChanged for updates in battle, etc).
* Changed the scrollbar style to look a bit nicer.
* Fixed a typo in the EventDispatcher class.
* Added PlayerStates to player.lua.
* Minor tweak to console tab spacing.
* Add unbinding key 'Ctrl+Shift+D' in the options.