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Adding function who changing item attribute (ThingAttrNotPathable).
Allows to walk on not pathable items (ThingAttrNotPathable -> true) like parcels, fire fields etc. and vice versa.
Modifying item attribute without editing items sources files. Temporary action for the duration of the client session.
print(g_things.getThingType(3504):isNotPathable()) -> true
print(g_things.getThingType(3504):isNotPathable()) -> false
Helpful for highter levels players to ignoring "avoiding" fire/energy/poison fields etc. when using map click.
Changed it so when you save a log file, the log file name includes the
server name and the characters name, in the file name.
This is to improve organization, to separate logs based off the server
you are on, and the character you are logged in.
Method Map::addThing uses two times function onAppear for object Missile.
First used in line 119, but then used again the same function in line 165.
Without first function onAppear method Map::addThing work the same.
Extending the possibilities of "UICreatureButton" widget.
Adding possibility sending trade request in battle list (game_battle module) and other modules who use widget "UICreatureButton".