* Added UICreatureButton class for handling/replacing "battle buttons" (can now be used in other modules).
* Added the ability to use items on creatures via the battle window.
* Some minor cosmetics.
* Fix to market constraints.
* Fixed bug with skill percent not rounding.
* Dereference textEdit variable properly.
* Fix to the outfit window regarding mounts.
* Added enableResize to UIMiniWindow.
* Some minor edits.
* Added Offline Training information.
* Added Regeneration Time information.
* Added Speed information.
* Added base stats/skills information (will show the players increase in a skill e.g. magic level 43 = 40 + 3 bonus from an item).
* Fixed the game feature constants in const.lua.
* Fixed a market error when logging out.
* Added removeTooltip function.
* Added some market offer constraints: offer creation exhaustion and now checks balance to validate sell offers.
* Fixed the depot updating issue (no longer requires updateDepotItemCount function)
* Can now silence the MarketProtocol messages.
* Few minor market fixes.
* Can now filter market items by vocation, level, slot type, and depot items.
* Added new bitwise lib for handling flag operations.
* Can now get/set local player vocation/premium (TODO: spell list).
* Tables can now have headers (the layouts will require some more work before read to be used formally).
* Finished Market offers display, Item details display, and Item statistics display.
* Added getSelectedWidget to UIRadioGroup class.
Market TODO:
* Create buy/sell offer.
* Purchase sale offer or accept purchase offer.
* More item filtering features (weapons, types, depot only, vocation, etc).
* Item searching feature.
* View your offers (history/current).
* UI touch ups and optimizations.
* Started building the market UI.
* More work on the market functionality.
* Fixes to the market protocol. (Known issue: if I use safeSend method from Market (like so: MarketProtocol.send~) is thinks it is a bot).
* Fixes to the market offer class.
* Outfit window will no longer display the mount box if you are using protocol < 870.
* Added getFeature to playermount module.
* Added isMarketable and getMarketData to the lua binding.
* Added lua casts for MarketData.
* Fixed typo in the module manager.
* Added new 'light flat panel' for more variation (can change later) will require some graphics for market.
* Added new functions to table lib.
* Fixed some styling issues from previous commits.
Sandboxing makes module scripts run inside an isolated lua environments,
making more easier and secure to script
Move and rework TextMessage using the new sandbox system