* Fixed the "options" module hotkey (changed boost walker to Ctrl+Shift+D).
* Fixed a small issue with UIMiniWindow:setup() function (was setting parent before its pos).
* Pic signature has changed for cipsoft client.
* Fixed 'client type' byte position in the login packet.
* Changed the ping function to execute every 4 seconds rather than 2.
* Changed some protocolgame for pv973 support.
* Added a new module for exiting the client (client_exit).
* Added tab spacing to the UITabBar class.
* Added tab popup menus for things like channel tabs.
* Impelemented channel tab popup menus (still need to be finished).
* Fixed UITabBar tab draging (will now change after dragged half way over the
next tab, not 2 pixels).
* Fixes to the client_options module.
* Edited some UI settings.
* Changed game_cooldown and game_spelllist menu button icons.
* Fixed some typos.
* Finished off the walking control optimization! (Should be smooth controlling now).
* Fixed issue #151
* Fixed an issue with the character list.
* Fixed a bug in the g_keyboard.isKeySetPressed function.
* Updated the walking(mouse/keys) control to be a lot more responsive/smooth!
* Updated creature diagonal steps to animate faster (due to demand).
* Added a warning popup for boost walker option in cipsoft servers.
* Added KeyUp event controls in the g_keyboard class.
* Fixed an issue with the minimap not reconfiguring.
* Fixed a bug with creature lights drawing properly.
* Fixed refreshContainer method.
* Some layout edits.
* Some minor typo fixes.
* Add walk event stack.
* Test new walking edits extensively.
* Finish pending state feature.
* Fixed the game_viplist module to work with the latest vip protocols.
* Fixed a referencing error in the game_cooldown module
* Started editing the design of the popupmenu (needs more work).
* Implemented the new client AND protocol version methods.
* Implemented the new speed laws added in cv980 (http://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=2251).
* Added more missing bytea to login packets (client version/type and some unknown bytes).
* Fixed the InputMessage::getDouble method.
* Cleaned up some of the const values.
* Started on the pending state features.
* Pending game state feature.
* Ensure version compatibility hasn't been compromised.
Need to finish:
* Pending login state
* New creature speed changes
* Vip state displays
* Creature light
* Missing lua constants
If someone can finish this off that would be good,
I will be busy for a while :)
* Fix auto openning channels with id 0 (guild chats)
* Minor fix in print
* Fix use of items behind creatures with classic control
* Fix teleports of 1sqm
* Will now load the dat values for creature lights (ed if you know a more conventional way for this please let me know).
* No need to draw light for the outfit the creature draw will handle it.
Note: not sure if the from8bit method should limit at 256 or not, but tibia dat contains colors 216+.
* Draw lights beneath holes
* Improve light particle
* Light intensityvaries inversely with the square of the distance
* Local player always have a minimum light in complete darkness
* Creature names are behind lights now
Now otclient have lights! This code was originally made
by @Tarjei400, I have improved it and merged into otclient
master. Many thanks for tarjei for the contribution.
Warning, this still experimental, fixes may come in the next days.
OTC now supports showing and answering modal dialogs.
addDialog(modaldialog, dialogId, cid, callback)
-find out what the "popup" value does.. (Maybe someone knows)
Now server can call:
doPlayerAddMapMark(cid, pos, icon, description)
and it will be parsed.
Adding map icons by rightclick on minimap menu.
Removing icons.
Needs to be tested when switching between different versions.
Added key 'moveable' to tabbars
(tabbars are ordered with margins now, not with anchors to the previous
If stretching is forbidden by options the mapPanel will now update when
the window is resized
- Multiline npc messages with curly braces will now display correctly
- Curly braces are no longer shown in screen
- Removed some tabs in spellsystem :S My bad ..
TODO: Hightlight text in screen area not only in console?