* Fixed the game_viplist module to work with the latest vip protocols.
* Fixed a referencing error in the game_cooldown module
* Started editing the design of the popupmenu (needs more work).
* Implemented the new client AND protocol version methods.
* Implemented the new speed laws added in cv980 (http://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=2251).
* Added more missing bytea to login packets (client version/type and some unknown bytes).
* Fixed the InputMessage::getDouble method.
* Cleaned up some of the const values.
* Started on the pending state features.
* Pending game state feature.
* Ensure version compatibility hasn't been compromised.
* Fix auto openning channels with id 0 (guild chats)
* Minor fix in print
* Fix use of items behind creatures with classic control
* Fix teleports of 1sqm
Added key 'moveable' to tabbars
(tabbars are ordered with margins now, not with anchors to the previous
If stretching is forbidden by options the mapPanel will now update when
the window is resized
-Added overlay to the default consoleBuffer for highlighting
-Char 127 now is used as spacer (Width 1)
-Supports default font "verdana-11px-antialised"
* Implement walk booster (dash) as an option in settings menu
* Dash is smarter (can pre-animate)
* Implement smart walking (walk in diagonal when holding two arrow keys)
* Implement ping meter for all protocols
* Ping meter uses uses real ping packet for 9.6 and walk for others
* Added UICreatureButton class for handling/replacing "battle buttons" (can now be used in other modules).
* Added the ability to use items on creatures via the battle window.
* Some minor cosmetics.
* Fix to market constraints.
* Fixed bug with skill percent not rounding.
* Dereference textEdit variable properly.
* Fix to the outfit window regarding mounts.
* Added enableResize to UIMiniWindow.
* Some minor edits.
* Added Offline Training information.
* Added Regeneration Time information.
* Added Speed information.
* Added base stats/skills information (will show the players increase in a skill e.g. magic level 43 = 40 + 3 bonus from an item).
* Fixed the game feature constants in const.lua.
* Fixed a market error when logging out.
* Added removeTooltip function.
* Added some market offer constraints: offer creation exhaustion and now checks balance to validate sell offers.
* Fixed the depot updating issue (no longer requires updateDepotItemCount function)
* Can now silence the MarketProtocol messages.
* Few minor market fixes.