* Implement walk booster (dash) as an option in settings menu
* Dash is smarter (can pre-animate)
* Implement smart walking (walk in diagonal when holding two arrow keys)
* Implement ping meter for all protocols
* Ping meter uses uses real ping packet for 9.6 and walk for others
* Added mount options to the thing menu.
* Reworked the mounting/dismounting.
* Fixed up some skill module bugs.
* Added alerts to stats like health, mana, capacity, and regeneration time (need to revise this one as it currently has no maximum).
* Added Offline Training information.
* Added Regeneration Time information.
* Added Speed information.
* Added base stats/skills information (will show the players increase in a skill e.g. magic level 43 = 40 + 3 bonus from an item).
* Fixed the game feature constants in const.lua.
* Fixed a market error when logging out.
* Added removeTooltip function.
Create a new shared pointer type stdext::shared_object_ptr and stdext::shared_obj
using boost::intrusive_ptr
* half memory usage
* faster and lightweight
* using weak_ptr is not supported anymore
* compiling seems slower
* Can now filter market items by vocation, level, slot type, and depot items.
* Added new bitwise lib for handling flag operations.
* Can now get/set local player vocation/premium (TODO: spell list).
* Started building the market UI.
* More work on the market functionality.
* Fixes to the market protocol. (Known issue: if I use safeSend method from Market (like so: MarketProtocol.send~) is thinks it is a bot).
* Fixes to the market offer class.
* Outfit window will no longer display the mount box if you are using protocol < 870.
* Added getFeature to playermount module.
* Added isMarketable and getMarketData to the lua binding.
* Added lua casts for MarketData.
* Fixed typo in the module manager.
* Added new 'light flat panel' for more variation (can change later) will require some graphics for market.
* Added new functions to table lib.
* Fixed some styling issues from previous commits.
Lots of chagnes to add multi protocol flexibility, not really
completed yet, still have to rework text messages opcodes and other stuff,
so this still a working in progress feature
* Rework dat reader, the dat reader can now
* dinamically detect dat version
* Split game into gamelib and game_interface
* Lots of other minor changes
* Added new arrow buttons.
* Fixed the vertical separator.
* Added new game_playermount module to handle player mounting.
* Moved the battle icons to /images.
* Outfit window accommodates for mounts, loads addons more efficiently and keeps addons set on update, added new Outfit.randomize function that allows you to randomize your outfit colors, and set up a new layout.
Make otclient's framework flexible enough to run console apps like
servers, so this mean is possible to build otclient versions without
graphical interface and use it's framework to code servers
* Split game module into game and game_interface
* Move core_lib to corelib
* Move miniwindow to corelib
* Introduce init.lua script for initializing the client, giving much more flexibility
* OTClient is no longer Application derived and is much simpler
* A lot of changes in lua binder to compile with clang's libc++
* Add more portability to luabinder
* Remove const keyword from bound lua functions
* Deprecate std::bind usage with luabinder replace its usage with registerSingletonClass/bindSingletonFunction for binding singleton classes
* Fix a bug in lua binder where calling functions with bil object would make the client crash
* More fixes to compile with clang