* Finished off the walking control optimization! (Should be smooth controlling now).
* Fixed issue #151
* Fixed an issue with the character list.
* Fixed a bug in the g_keyboard.isKeySetPressed function.
* Updated the walking(mouse/keys) control to be a lot more responsive/smooth!
* Updated creature diagonal steps to animate faster (due to demand).
* Added a warning popup for boost walker option in cipsoft servers.
* Added KeyUp event controls in the g_keyboard class.
* Fixed an issue with the minimap not reconfiguring.
* Fixed a bug with creature lights drawing properly.
* Fixed refreshContainer method.
* Some layout edits.
* Some minor typo fixes.
* Add walk event stack.
* Test new walking edits extensively.
* Finish pending state feature.
* Fixed the game_viplist module to work with the latest vip protocols.
* Fixed a referencing error in the game_cooldown module
* Started editing the design of the popupmenu (needs more work).
Added key 'moveable' to tabbars
(tabbars are ordered with margins now, not with anchors to the previous
If stretching is forbidden by options the mapPanel will now update when
the window is resized
* Implement walk booster (dash) as an option in settings menu
* Dash is smarter (can pre-animate)
* Implement smart walking (walk in diagonal when holding two arrow keys)
* Implement ping meter for all protocols
* Ping meter uses uses real ping packet for 9.6 and walk for others
* Added UICreatureButton class for handling/replacing "battle buttons" (can now be used in other modules).
* Added the ability to use items on creatures via the battle window.
* Some minor cosmetics.
* Mount options will no longer display in unsupported protocols.
* Fixed a bug with opening outfit window while its already open.
* Fixed base speed stat when using unsupported protocol.
* Added mount options to the thing menu.
* Reworked the mounting/dismounting.
* Fixed up some skill module bugs.
* Added alerts to stats like health, mana, capacity, and regeneration time (need to revise this one as it currently has no maximum).
Create a new shared pointer type stdext::shared_object_ptr and stdext::shared_obj
using boost::intrusive_ptr
* half memory usage
* faster and lightweight
* using weak_ptr is not supported anymore
* compiling seems slower
* Added new arrow buttons.
* Fixed the vertical separator.
* Added new game_playermount module to handle player mounting.
* Moved the battle icons to /images.
* Outfit window accommodates for mounts, loads addons more efficiently and keeps addons set on update, added new Outfit.randomize function that allows you to randomize your outfit colors, and set up a new layout.
* Renamed game_textbooks to game_textwindow.
* Fixed text window from opening multiple times, and is destroyed correctly.
* Added new game_playerdeath module (moved death message and window here).
* Hotkey window will hide on game end.
* Logout/Exit/Stackable Items/Questlog/Hotkeys windows will now close on game end.
* Changed minimap navigation to hold right click.
* Added MAX_FLOOR_UP and MAX_FLOOR_DOWN for floor changing in the minimap.
* Fixed issues with exit window, logout window and count window to stop multiple instances of the window.
* Added new left and right game button panels.
* Relocated main game toggle buttons to the right side of the screen to make it easier to toggle miniwindows.
* Added table.empty(t) function to table lib.
* Renamed module game_healthbar to game_healthinfo.
* Combat controls now save per character (e.g. Fight mode, chase mode, safe fight mode)
* Last channels open now save per character.
* Fixed typo in containers.lua.
* Added logout prompting window message when you logout via the logout button.
* Added exit promting window message when you attempt to exit the client.
* Repositioned some minimap buttons.
* Fixed so when creatures health percent is < 1 it will not draw the creature information.
Known Issues:
* If you move a container widget into the map rect if you move an item onto itself it will allow this to execute still dropping the item on the ground.
* The server is calling to open channels after onGameStart is executed causing it to focus the last tab opened. Fix: Don't save channels to the settings that are opened by the server.
* Split game module into game and game_interface
* Move core_lib to corelib
* Move miniwindow to corelib
* Introduce init.lua script for initializing the client, giving much more flexibility
* OTClient is no longer Application derived and is much simpler